looong update

Dec 19, 2011 14:09

mcwonthelottery: toooooooooony
pocky_slash: toooooooonyyy! I saw an ANGEL Tony!
Castiel is like, standing at the end of the bed, blinking.
mcwonthelottery: HAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAH
pocky_slash: Merry Christmas.


Hi, folks.

Wow. I genuinely can't remember the last time I made a real life update. About a zillion years ago, I'd wager.

Well. I'm doing okay. Let's see. Went home for Thanksgiving. Saw parents + boy child + family. All is well. Ish. Came back here. Did stuff for work. Wrote a lot of words. Stressed myself out an unholy amount. Et cetera.

Immediately after the stress of the big bang, I started having a lot of stress about this conference I was planning for work. I won't go into too many details except to say that I'm glad it's over and it went really well, apparently. I stress cried just about every night, and had a total meltdown the night before, but at the end of the day we all still have our jobs and that's what matters. It was compounded, the day before, by my computer not working for about six hours. Oh god, I was going to jump out a window, I was so upset.

But, over and done with. Now I'm just trying to get caught up with everything else in life. I'm pretty much on top of secret_mutant (modding wise, not writing wise) and work related stuff, now. I've still got one present to buy, but I can do that tomorrow, I suppose. I need to finish baking cookies tonight, because work Christmas is tomorrow.

There's another work-related thing going on, but that might get it's own ~*locked entry*~ because...it's that good/weird/ridic.



I saw Arthur Christmas a few weekends ago and I kept meaning to post about it and never did. It was adorable. I went to see it with littledust and her roommate entirely because of James McAvoy. When we were in New York a few weekends ago, Arthur Darvill posted that he hoped it was a movie about how he spent Christmas, so the two of us decided that a movie about Arthur Darvill playing with his cat and wearing an ugly Christmas sweater, narrated by James McAvoy, would be the best thing ever. The actual movie was NOT that and, like I said, our main draw was McAvoy but OH MY GOD.


I love Christmas movies. Well done Christmas movies, at least. I have a regular rotation of movies I watch at Christmastime, and I guarantee this one is going into the rotation. It was adorable and amazingly sweet without being over the top. It was fun and funny and entertaining and not at all condescending. All of the performances were top notch.

I wrote a little bit about it on Tumblr, but I'll repost that here:

Okay, guys, legit? This movie was so cute. I can’t even articulate it. We went for McAvoy, obviously, but you should go see it even if you don’t care about him (or any of the other twenty British actors, because everyone is in it). It was sweet and funny and fun and heart-warming in a kind of understated way?

What I mean is, what I really don’t like about a lot of animated movies coming out these days is their desperation to put in jokes for the parents and teens and whoever else. The way the movies are peppered with pop-cultural references that will be irrelevant in five years. It’s like they think the only way to get a smile out of the mom and dad stuck watching with their kids is to do some kind of visual gag or pun about Lady Gaga and American Idol or some long, drawn-out sequence that doesn’t further the plot, but shows off some animation technique that will seem ancient by the time the movie comes out on DVD.

Arthur Christmas doesn’t do any of that. It’s very clearly a movie that takes place today, but in a way that places it in time, not a way that dates it, if that makes any sense. The story runs smoothly without any interruptions, and it manages to be sweet and funny and engaging without resorting to the tactics I mentioned above. We laughed consistently and probably more than the kids did, but the humor was all based on the story. It was fun and sweet and there was a clear message, but it wasn’t preachy. It doesn’t try to show off in order to be relevent-it’s just a very simple, timeless sort of story told in a very straightforward fashion. It’s that kind of storytelling that makes for an enduring movie. This is something that can easily become a classic.

Plus, it involved McAvoy fervently shouting, “Every child is important!” several times, which made my heart grow three sizes.

Anyway, in conclusion, if you like Christmas, kids’ movies, sweet stories, or any of the twenty British actors, you should go see this.

So, go see it. Definitely.


The next day, littledust came over and we watched Gnomeo and Juliet because it's on instant and we both have a James McAvoy Problem.

It was 84 minutes of our lives we'll never get back. It was a TRAVESTY. It took a part of my soul and I feel like a lesser person because of it.

And that's all I'll say about that.

But afterwards, chicleeblair came by and the three of us drove to Northampton to see Dar play. The band that opened for her was local--Hannah and Maggie--and they were very sweet. They managed to be a cute girls-with-guitars-duo while also having a very unique sound. I DLed a couple of their songs when I got home and not just because they worked really well on my Charles/Erik fanmix.

Anyway, here's the set list:
The Easy Way
Spring Street
If I Wrote You
Calling the Moon
I Have Been Around the World (new)
This Earth (new)
After All
Mercy of the Fallen
As Cool As I Am
The One Who Knows

Sooooo many feelings about this set list. First off, she played the same two songs from the new album that she played at the last show and confirmed that it is, indeed, a Greek mythology concept album because Dar is THE MOST AMAZING. Also, "After All" is one of those songs that makes me cry every time and we all know how many associations I have with "Iowa." Iowa was extra cute because she called Hannah and Maggie back on stage to sing back-up and you can tell they were so thrilled and that was just super adorable.

"As Cool As I Am" makes me happy in my heart every time and I love that it turns into a sing along and everyone gets all empowered and teary eyed and connected. It happens every time and it never gets old.

I have all these thoughts about "If I Wrote You" because there's a Charles/Erik epic in my head that wants to be written about it, so that was a timely choice. It's still percolating in there. We'll have to see if I ever get the time to put it down.

And, okay, "Mercy of the Fallen." I have a lot of feelings about this one too. She always tells the story about how it's about all the world-wise musicians and people on the road who are, perhaps, not the most obvious role-models, who have been through shit and been in shitty situations and made bad choices, but who are still nuturing, insightful guides on our journey through life. And I love the idea of these flawed shephards helping us on our personal journeys, people who aren't perfect, but who genuinely want to help us. And it makes me think of my own life and of fandom and how we look to each other to lead the way, how we're a community of nerds and outcasts who are generally eager to help and encourage. And none of us are perfect, and even if we have our shitty jobs and shitty lives IRL, we're always willing to band together and do what we can to help each other out.

Other thoughts go through my head, too. Thoughts about found families and creating a community and what's important to pass on. The people who choose to surround yourself with versus the people society says you should surround yourself with, and how you relate to them and how much of your life is spent learning.

I don't know. I have a lot of feelings about that song, guys. A LOT OF THEM. That barely scratches the surface.

ANYWAY. It was a great show, and I'm glad we made the trip out to Northampton to see it.


Last weekend brilligspoons came over and watched Chris Evans movies with mcwonthelottery while I caught up on fic reading and internet surfing. Sunday I just chilled because I was still in big bang mode and was trying to destress.

This weekend littledust and metonymy came over for my Fancy Party, which was less of a party and more just two people at our house, but whatever. I made mac and cheese and brie and apples and Naomi brought salsa and a cake and we had a good time watching James McAvoy movies in our fancy outfits. Bollywood Queen was about as ridiculous as I predicted, but McAvoy was super pretty. Also, I loved that he clearly was confused by the fact that he was in a musical. I giggled every time. Penelope was adorable and his accent was ridiculous. The accent was slightly better in Wanted, but not even how very pretty he looked could make up for how hilariously bad that movie was. Oh my god.

Sunday I was struck by cramps and could not Bake All The Things like I intended, so mostly I read fic and wrote a little while curled up on the couch watching Christmas movies. I got my equilibrium back in the evening and did about half the baking I intended to do. I'll have a lot to do tonight, but all is not lost. I'll get it done.

Also, at some point on Friday, Daycare 'verse and Bandroids 'verse crossed over into a ridiculous thing where Steve is at the daycare and Charles is seconds away from calling APS. Mostly, it involves Becca and I going, "Tony! Toooonnnnyyyy!" at each other constantly and cracking up.

God, it's funny being us.


That brings us to today. Where I am doing some general work things, writing ficlets, betaing fic for people, and cursing people who can't follow survey directions. Tonight there will be baking a present wrapping. It will be awesome.

AND THAT'S BEEN MY LIFE FOR THE PAST FEW WEEKS. I go home on Thursday night! I'm sure I'll post a trillion times between now and then since I can stop feeling guilty about being so behind on LJ.

(On WRITING in my LJ. I still read my flist constantly, every day, but, as you can see, I've been busy, thus the lack of commenting. SORRY GUYS. I'll get better at that, I swear!)

So how are all of you today?

tony stark and the bandroids, work: office girl, movies, concerts, dar williams, friends, quotes, cardigan central, christmas, set list, daycare verse, kelsey gets a tag now

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