why is LJ a peacock?

Jul 29, 2010 13:42

I don't mind it--I never understand why people get all bent out of shape about LJ's header changing, especially when everyone creams themselves everytime Google does it--but I don't entirely understand. Is it Peacock O'Clock? National Peacock Awareness Month ( Read more... )

work: bn, boy child, burton guster i love you, white collar, sherlock, fic: awards, solstice wrote another fic, psych

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Comments 16

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pocky_slash July 30 2010, 05:25:40 UTC
I KNOW, RIGHT? Ugggggh my love for it CANNOT BE CONTAINED IN WORDS. I wanted to knit Watson A MILLION MORE SWEATERS. And Sherlock covering for Watsom omggggg. "I'm in shock. Look! I have a blanket." And at the end they're just like, "Whatevs, murder scene, let's get some chow and swap friendship bracelets." I WANT A MILLION EPISODES. I am not content with just three.


speccygeekgrrl July 29 2010, 18:25:53 UTC
Sherlock is my new favorite thing ever. Watson is the best. I think this might be the first adaptation where I love the Watson more than the Holmes, even! Although I totally do love Sherlock, high-functioning sociopath that he is. And I really like this Lestrade, too. ♥

The next episode is loosely based on The Adventure of the Dancing Men, so it should be more complicated than this one was. Nothing as easy as "the cabbie did it", anyways.


pocky_slash July 30 2010, 05:33:09 UTC
Like, I feel like, knowledge of the original novel aside, it was almost stupid in its obviousness. "WHO HUNTS IN CROWDED PLACES? LOOK AT ALL THESE CLOSE-UP SHOTS OF CABS ON THE STREET. GOD, THEY'RE PROBABLY TOTALLY UNRELATED."

I am consoling myself by deciding that they chose to spend most of the episode establishing characters/world and purposely made the mystery a bit weak.

Aside from the RDJ movie and The Great Mouse Detective (and the GDL one, if that can even be COUNTED), pretty much all my exposure to Holmes is through the stories. I think I might have seen some of one of the older series on Masterpiece Theatre as a kid, but not enough of it to make a lasting impression, obvs. So this adaptation really doesn't have a lot of competition to being my favorite ever. (Though I do love me some Great Mouse Detective.)


bookblather July 29 2010, 19:23:02 UTC
Regarding Sherlock: I lol'd deeply when I realized that now he has Watson's text number, so his codepedence will only become worse.

"Watson, I'm bored."
"Watson, entertain me."
"Really, Watson, there's no need for that kind of language."


brienze July 29 2010, 20:06:50 UTC
I thought Moffat said something on his twitter about it being 6 episodes? I will sadface if there are only two left. :(


pocky_slash July 30 2010, 20:59:12 UTC
Right now it looks like there are two more 90 minute episodes waiting, but according to Moffat and the kid who plays Holmes, the BBC is really eager to do another series based solely on the numbers from the premiere. So yay! :D


brienze July 30 2010, 21:10:55 UTC
That IS good news, but boo to there only being two more eps at the moment.

British shows need the kind of budget, and British actors the kind of work ethic, that lets Hollywood produce 24-episode seasons. WANT MOAR WATSON.


han_corrupted August 8 2010, 12:51:50 UTC
British shows need the kind of budget, and British actors the kind of work ethic, that lets Hollywood produce 24-episode seasons.

Drive-by comment by random person to say: YESYESYESYESYESYESYES! Goodness me, YES!


kel_reiley July 29 2010, 23:14:23 UTC
i never even notice when lj changes its header! peacock feathers are pretty (when they aren't attached to the peacock chasing you down the pathways at cedar point)


pocky_slash July 30 2010, 21:00:57 UTC
I sort of vaguely acknowledge it, then roll my eyes when people start bitching about how they CAN'T BELIEVE that LJ changed their header AGAIN and I just scratch my head because... why do you even care?

Two peacocks totally chased our car down the street in New Mexico. I pulled into a dead end to do a k-turn and they like, bolted towards our car. It was hilarious! Karl wanted to capture them and bring them with us to the rehearsal dinner.


kel_reiley July 31 2010, 01:41:23 UTC
heh, i change my lj layout like every 3 months - PPL LIKE TO REDECORATE!


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