why is LJ a peacock?

Jul 29, 2010 13:42

I don't mind it--I never understand why people get all bent out of shape about LJ's header changing, especially when everyone creams themselves everytime Google does it--but I don't entirely understand. Is it Peacock O'Clock? National Peacock Awareness Month?

I like the colors.


FIRST OFF! I'd like to thank whoever nominated "Overflow" for the Children of Time Awards. It was unexpected, seeing as how only like, twelve people read it. I hope you nominated it because you love it and not because you were tired of hearing me bitch about how only twelve people read it on Twitter and thought this would be a good way of getting me to shut up about it.

Which... it totally is. So. You know. Good on you, either way.

eta: dremiel suggested I provide a link to the story! So here it is:
Overflow - pg13 - post-EW gen


ANYWAY, HOW ARE YOU, INTERNET? I'm serious. I really care about how you are, because you are my only social interaction.

I am... okay. Thanks for all the comments on my last entry--I feel a bit too foolish to respond to them all personally, but it helped me stop freaking out. I have been anxiety attack free for three or four days unless you count the shouting and then crying at work during the re-lay, but you don't, because I know you guys and you're cool like that.

My life has mostly consisted of work, which is awful and merits its own LJ Entry That No One Will Read. Boy Child had his first shift at The Bookstore yesterday, and it was only slightly awkward pants.

It has also consisted of AWESOME SECRET PROJECT WITH solsticezero, which is definitely AWESOME, but not really a SECRET, but adding the word "secret" to anything makes it like, fifty times more awesome. Think about it. You know I'm right.

It has also consisted of packing, which is boring.

BUT. It has also consisted on teevee.



Okay, I kind of knew going in that I was going to love this more than candy. I love Moffat, I love mysteries, I have a casual-fan-fondness for Holmes stories, and I love Martin Freeman. Except, going into it I didn't know Martin Freeman was Watson. In fact, I almost didn't recognize him in that first dream-sequence-blog scene, and then did a double-take once he was in a scene with better lighting.

But. omg guys, I LOVE HIS WATSON. Last week, I established that I have a very distinct character type, after reading HP Remus-centric fic, TW Ianto-centric fic, and a nice Lyall scene in Changeless all in the same afternoon. Watson clearly also fits into that archetype and he has always been my favorite, but Martin Freeman brings my love to new levels. I want to bake him pies and knit him scarves. I don't know how to knit, but mcwonthelottery said she'd teach me.

Watson aside, the kid playing Holmes was spot on. I think the most endearing thing about him was the bit where Lestrade came in and was like, "Please please please come!" and Holmes was like, "::sigh:: Okay, whatever." When he started jumping up and down and cheering like a little kid when Lestrade left, he totes endeared himself to me. That's probably a creepy thing to find endearing, but I don't care XD

I love Lestrade. One of my favorite parts of the whole thing was his and Watson's heart-to-heart about Holmes. The "He's a great man, and I hope one day he'll be a good one." I love the idea that Lestrade is more than a bumbling cop, that he relies on Holmes' expertise, but also has a few tricks up his own sleeve and gets Holmes more than he lets on.

I loved the texting. Oh man. And I know a lot of people are complaining about the Moriarty reveal, but in a three-episode-mini-series, I don't feel like the first episode is a bad place for it. The Mycroft thing was hilarious, as was Watson flirting with Mycroft's assistant.

I thought the mystery could have been better. I'll let it slide, this time, because it was the first episode, but I hope the next two aren't that easy. I mean, even without the background of A Study in Scarlet, it was super obvious. But I mostly didn't care, because I was so enamored with being introduced to the world.

Aside from that, I did love the writing. I know Moffat is controversial in fandom (who ISN'T controversial in fandom?), but I love his work on Who and I loved Jekyll, and I loved this. The dialogue was great and I laughed a lot, when I wasn't too busy making heart-hands at the screen and flailing. I AM LOOKING FORWARD TO SUNDAY, THAT'S FOR SURE.


White Collar

I didn't love this episode as much as last week's (which I don't think I ever got around to babbling about how much I loved), but it was still awesome. Neal's face when he realized he was being copycatted and studied was ADORABLE. Mozzie was awesome. Peter was AWESOME. omg, I laughed myself silly when he was pretending to be a mobster, and that last bit of, "I wear a badge. He wears a tracking anklet" had me flailing SO hard. ilu, Peter ♥

I'm so sad about the lack of Elizabeth in the front end of this season. I really hope Tiffani is all baby-recovered by the time they start filming the back half, because it is not the same without her. I do love that we're getting more of Diana, who is my new favorite EVERYTHING, but we still need more Jones.

I was always kind of meh on Alex, so I'm not sad to see her go. I kind of hope she stays gone, at least for a little while.




Well, okay. That might not entirely be true. I still love "Scary Sherry" and "Tuesday the 17th," but it's definitely up there. I laughed so hard and so continually. Gus standing up to Shawn! Ear-flicking! EVERY SCENE FREDDIE PRINZE JUNIOR WAS IN OH MY GOD. Every scene! He was so hilarious and I was so sad when @psychwrites said there are no plans to bring his character back, because that was AMAZING.

I loved the two of them making fun of Shawn's "I've got a clue!" face. I also loved Gus' attempts to be "manly" in front of FPJ's wife. "Steaks." "Cigars." And the "hit that" joke. And, okay, yeah, pretty much every scene FPJ was in. COMIC GOLD ALL OF IT. I'm so glad this show is still going strong after five years, guys.


Now I have to shower and go to work. LESS THAN A WEEK AND A HALF LEFT OMG.

work: bn, boy child, burton guster i love you, white collar, sherlock, fic: awards, solstice wrote another fic, psych

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