feels like freedom but it tastes like death

Jun 22, 2009 12:20

DATE: Day 81
CHARACTER(S): Jan Valentine, Lucy/Nyu, anyone that wants to hang out with a vampire on a rampage?
STATUS: Closed until the Jan-and-Lucy/Nyu thread is done, THEN OPEN LIKE A MOTHERFUCKER.
SUMMARY: The best way to snap out of a funk is with -- you guessed it! Mass homicide!
LOCATION: Cafeteria

and i missed you since the place got wrecked and i just don't care what happens next )

†tim drake, kamura reiri, †lucy, †jan valentine, †integral hellsing, ††asato tsuzuki

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okay COME PLAY WITH MEEEE :DD bitchin_beanie June 23 2009, 03:57:13 UTC
Jan took a second or two after he'd stood up from Nyu's body. A second to breathe, a second to collect himself, hell, a second to digest. And then he was ready. A grin spread out across his face, he took a moment to pull the communicators they'd been given out of a pocket. A quick message fired off -- after all, he did wanna eventually blow this goddamn popsicle stand -- and then it was off to work.

He darted forward, snatch a hand out toward the nearest bystander. A woman that had just risen from her seat, looking alarmed and apparently moving to check on the health of Nyu. Good luck with that one ( ... )


sugaranddeath June 24 2009, 22:49:29 UTC
A wretched look crossed Tsuzuki's face. The rest are going to kill him, and honestly, after what Jan had done, he couldn't blame them. Cabin fever, that's all. But... the shinigami looked around and squeezed his eyes shut at all the lives that had been lost.

"They are going to kill you, you know."


bitchin_beanie June 24 2009, 22:55:53 UTC
"Counting on it." A mirthless smile twisted Jan's lips, but he still couldn't bring himself to actually look at his roommate. "How the fuck else was I supposed to get out?"

And goddamn Jan wished he was out of this cage. He'd intended to go down fighting, not as a fish in a fucking barrel. Not much he could do about that one, though.


ms_hellsing June 24 2009, 22:58:16 UTC
Integral snorted as she listened to them. As if anyone could believe a word out of the murdering psychopath's mouth.

"Consider this justice," she murmured, not caring if Tsuzuki heard it or not. After this was done, once Jan was cold and dead at her feet she would tell Tsuzuki all that he'd done.

She leaned back slightly toward Reiri. "Can you blind him with shadow? Even just for a moment," she whispered.


vampire_medic June 24 2009, 23:08:05 UTC
Reiri didn't even bother pretending to breathe right now. Her thoughts were on the question Integral posed. The vampire had an inkling that she could do that possibly. The real problem was that Jan was created by Alucard. Running through his veins is the same bloodline as her.

"Not sure. Jan and I are somewhat siblings after all. The same bloodline flows through both of us," explained the medic. "However, I'm significantly more experienced than Jan is. I'll give it a 50% chance of success."


sugaranddeath June 24 2009, 23:31:12 UTC
The shinigami raised his hands and paused, his shoulders trembling. If he released the barrier, those people behind him would kill Jan in a heartbeat. He could keep both his roommate and everybody else on the ship safe if he maintained it but spells couldn't last forever.

Besides, it wasn't what Jan would have wanted either.

"It shouldn't have to end this way...!!"


redxrobin June 24 2009, 23:39:09 UTC
Tim's eyebrows arched up just a bit at hearing Reiri's response. 'That's why I didn't feel any body heat from her that day we met...!' he thought, understanding why Reiri trusted him with information as vital as this. The medic might be singled out because, like the guy they were facing...she was a vampire.

"50% is better than 0 anyday."

Tim didn't want things to end this way either, having taken a vow never to kill...but since he was a vampire, didn't that change the whole situation drastically?


bitchin_beanie June 24 2009, 23:45:40 UTC
Jan glanced back, over Tsuzuki's shoulder toward the others. The fuckers were planning something back there, weren't they? Which was exactly what Jan wanted, yeah, but he hadn't planned on being locked down!

He gritted his teeth, stepped in closer to Tsuzuki -- even if there was a wall between them. "Lemme out," he murmured. "Parting gift, or some shit. I won't kill them."

Not even, Jan had to admit to himself, the Hellbitch herself. He'd had his fun killing, now his only goal was not to go down without a fight.


ms_hellsing June 24 2009, 23:46:46 UTC
Integral nodded in agreement with Tim. Later he could take all the notice in the world of the fact that Integral was completely unsurprised by most of this.

"Agreed. Do it!" She had the feeling that barrier wasn't going to stop Jan for long. "When the barrier drops, we'll have a few seconds. We need to pierce his heart and take his head."


sugaranddeath June 24 2009, 23:51:24 UTC
Taking a deep breath, Tsuzuki nodded. "I trust you," he whispered back and remove the barrier, collapsing on his knees heavily.

Things never changed, did he? I still can't save anyone, he thought as he raised his hands to cup them over his ears, blocking out the sounds of the execution that was sure to come.


bitchin_beanie June 24 2009, 23:54:40 UTC
Jan was almost surprised. Not just that the barrier had actually been removed, but -- trust...?

But he had bigger things to think about. His reaction was almost immediate. He darted forward, one hand brushing briefly over the top of Tsuzuki's head as he passed him. A form of quiet thanks or just carelessness, Jan didn't care which way he took it. Grin firmly back in place, he flung himself for the group that had collected behind Tsuzuki, mouth gaping open and fangs ready.


mockingarcher June 25 2009, 00:03:22 UTC
Kate definitely was in over her head. She saw Jan's horrid post on the messageboard and ran to the labs to get some more arrows. For some reason, the head medic left a note in the labs about preparing silver weapons to deal with Mr. Valentine. Kate decided not to question things since she was used to dealing with weirdness on a whole different level.

She grabbed the silver arrows and made a beeline to the cafeteria. What she saw when she arrived was Jan rushing towards Integral, Tim, and Reiri. Not wanting to kill Jan, since she doesn't know about the vampire thing, the archer shot a silver arrow at his leg.

Wasting no time, Kate called out to Integral. "Sorry I'm late. What's the plan?"


ms_hellsing June 26 2009, 02:19:12 UTC
Arrows! For a split second as the projectiles rushed by, Integral thought Jan might have an ally. Luckily, Kate's call put that fear to rest. Having a ranged weapon was a benefit. Arrows, even better. Integral couldn't predict what abilities Jan possessed as a true vampire. She hoped staking and beheading would be a enough to end him. Or at least enough to keep him incapacitated until they could dump him out of the ship.

"Aim for his heart!" She called back to the other woman.


vampire_medic June 26 2009, 02:40:50 UTC
Reiri was getting annoyed by Jan's presumptuous attack. She was a high class vampire aristocrat and he attacks her straight on? She was not some pathetic mutt who lashes out in a fight. The girl is a tactician and a calculating fighter.

If Jan wanted to fight with Reiri, he will have to do it by her rules. First rule is head-on attacks are met by shadows. She shot her shadow around his head and she teleported. Second rule is that stupid beasts must be neutered. The vampire appeared beside her somewhat sibling and purred at him, "Rapid dogs like you need to remember who their betters are. Time for you to learn who that is."

Reiri did something she expected Jan to feel even as a vampire; she grabbed his favorite body part and teleported away. If sound could be heard in the vacuum of space, someone would be hearing the medic giggling as she watch Jan's private section drift off into space.


redxrobin June 26 2009, 05:30:05 UTC
Tim, also a fighter who was quite agile & calculative in his own way, wasn't about to be deterred by a head-on attack. Extending the staff that Reiri had given him, he waited until the vampire had initiated her own attack on Jan before swinging his weapon forward in an arc; it might not accurately pierce his heart, but it was aimed for his chest nonetheless!


ms_hellsing June 26 2009, 05:43:54 UTC
It was the perfect moment. Even a second of hesitation or surprise was enough to turn the tides. Integral charged along side, sword in hand. Her gaze continually flicked between Jan and Tim, gauging distance, speeds, and possibly movements. Just after Tim's thrust, the woman swung her sword in a sweeping arc, effectively severing Jan's head from his neck. The satisfaction of beheading that bastard was enough for her to tolerate the spray of blood splatters across her.


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