feels like freedom but it tastes like death

Jun 22, 2009 12:20

DATE: Day 81
CHARACTER(S): Jan Valentine, Lucy/Nyu, anyone that wants to hang out with a vampire on a rampage?
STATUS: Closed until the Jan-and-Lucy/Nyu thread is done, THEN OPEN LIKE A MOTHERFUCKER.
SUMMARY: The best way to snap out of a funk is with -- you guessed it! Mass homicide!
LOCATION: Cafeteria

and i missed you since the place got wrecked and i just don't care what happens next )

†tim drake, kamura reiri, †lucy, †jan valentine, †integral hellsing, ††asato tsuzuki

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okay COME PLAY WITH MEEEE :DD bitchin_beanie June 23 2009, 03:57:13 UTC
Jan took a second or two after he'd stood up from Nyu's body. A second to breathe, a second to collect himself, hell, a second to digest. And then he was ready. A grin spread out across his face, he took a moment to pull the communicators they'd been given out of a pocket. A quick message fired off -- after all, he did wanna eventually blow this goddamn popsicle stand -- and then it was off to work.

He darted forward, snatch a hand out toward the nearest bystander. A woman that had just risen from her seat, looking alarmed and apparently moving to check on the health of Nyu. Good luck with that one ( ... )


bitchin_beanie June 23 2009, 07:55:31 UTC
So maybe it was a rabid dog with a few pearls of wisdom to share. Jan glanced back once to check on Tsuzuki's progress -- this would game would be a little more annoying with someone like him around -- and was pleased to catch the falter. He whirled around again, this time to deliver a kick to his midsection. Might be enough to keep him down long enough for Jan to play.

And, whether or not it was successful, Jan spun again to take off after a fleeing crew member about 20 feet off. The fucker's haircut was pissing Jan off. He was going down.


sugaranddeath June 23 2009, 08:17:52 UTC
Tsuzuki felt himself thrown a good distance away with the kick, cringing. It was not the time to worry about his minor injury though. Closing his eyes, Tsuzuki put his hands together and then paused. No, he shouldn't summon a shikigami here. Most of them would cause more damage to the ship than was healthy or necessary.

Getting up, Tsuzuki reached into his pocket for more fuda spells (he would need to draw more of them soon) and tossed them out with the plan of casting a barrier around Jan this time.

If he couldn't protect all these people from the vampire, he would just have to keep the vampire away from the people.


redxrobin June 23 2009, 15:27:33 UTC
Tim ran. After hearing the comments over the open line as well as the screaming, he didn't even wait to hear the answer; he just ran for the cafeteria.

How many lives had been lost because he hadn't bothered to make the rounds...? Commissioner Gordon did this sort of thing all the time with his own officers!

Whoever this person is, they're NOT going to take another life! Tim thought angrily while entering the cafeteria and taking a moment to stare at the carnage...before pulling out his staff.

Not on MY watch!


Time for another vampire to get involved vampire_medic June 23 2009, 21:50:48 UTC
Reiri was pissed beyond belief. Jan did the one thing she would not tolerate ever: taking human life without a reason. Being a vampire herself, the medic is far from innocent. The difference really was academic; she took lives for the greater good ( ... )


ms_hellsing June 24 2009, 01:05:20 UTC
Reinforcements were appreciated. Now that Jan wasn't some fast-food instant, Integral wasn't sure what abilities he'd inherited. Many of Alucard's had been perfected if not wholly manufactured by Hellsing during his confinement. How many of those, she wondered, did Jan get?

Integral never took her eyes off Jan as the others arrived. Her gaze flicked quickly to Tsuzuki, then back to the enemy before them. "That barrier, put it around him! We must immobilize this beast!"


redxrobin June 24 2009, 01:27:56 UTC
Tim hadn't expected Reiri's appearance, much less being criticized by her for trying to help! On a somewhat positive note, he was used to teleporters, so there was no need to worry about a coronary anytime soon.

"'What am I doing?' I'm trying to help the people who haven't been killed without remorse-!" Tim quickly shut up however, at hearing the majority of the explanation the medic gave him. He made sure to pay close attention to what she said, as Reiri reminded him of Cassandra. To a point.

"First, I'm really used to staying in the shadows." Tim quickly, and quietly, explained back to the medic while putting his staff away and accepting the one she gave him without hesitation. "Second, we're not dealing with the normal run-of-the-mill villain I'd be more used to...even though I'm used to the more psychotic types, anyway!"

At seeing Reiri's smirk, Tim's eyes widened just a bit before he gave her a smirk of his own. "Third, if I didn't trust you with my life...would I have let you treat me the day we met?"


vampire_medic June 24 2009, 01:45:18 UTC
Reiri expected the heroic outburst from Tim. He definitely would be a top notch blood warrior if he came from her world. The fact that he barely flinched when she appeared was a good sign.

"I have an idea of what we're dealing with. I don't know the full extent but that can easily be deduced by testing Jan. You better get over to Captain Hellsing and see what she has planned. I'll meet you over by her after I do something," stated the girl.

"Oh," the vampire added, "I think I can trust you to keep what you're about to see to yourself." Reiri shadow warped away from Tim and recovered the dead bodies in the cafeteria.


bitchin_beanie June 24 2009, 06:44:24 UTC
There were the fuckers Jan was looking for. A little late, but the cavalry had arrived! He'd have loosed another maniac laugh, but it was at about that moment that he ran into what seemed pretty close to an invisible wall.

Much one the one that had been in front of Tsuzuki.

Jan scowled, but didn't waste time trying to break through it. He spun instead, dashing off in another direction -- only to find a wall there too. One more dash convinced him that this time it wasn't just a wall, it was a cage.

He snarled, spinning around to face those that had pinned him in.

"Cockwads!" he shouted, body tensed and crouching. "Lemme out! I got some fuckers to be dining on, if you hadn't noticed!"


sugaranddeath June 24 2009, 08:56:44 UTC
Tsuzuki didn't quite care for anybody being called a 'beast'. Nevertheless, the barrier was set up and maintained. It would take another skillful spell caster to break it, or somebody who could teleport to take Jan out of there.

"Why, Jan?" The shinigami asked, distraught. "What started this- this massacre?"


ms_hellsing June 24 2009, 21:07:42 UTC
A smile curled up one side of Integral's mouth. Anything to make Jan uncomfortable pleased her. He slaughtered her soldiers to a man, delivered them to a fate far worse than death. Jan corrupted them. That was unforgivable.

She shot a look over to Tsuzuki before turning her focus back to Jan. "This is his true nature," she droned just as calm as ever despite the gleam of fire in her eyes. "We need to finish this!" She bellowed to the others in proximity.


bitchin_beanie June 24 2009, 21:15:38 UTC
A grin fought its way through Jan's anger, and he aimed it at Tsuzuki to hear his question. He hunched down further, as if poised to spring at a moment's notice -- an illusion shattered if one remembered those goddamn walls in place.

"Bitch's right," he announced, jerking a thumb over at Integra without actually looking at her. "Also a pretty damn good shortcut outta here, huh?"


redxrobin June 24 2009, 21:54:03 UTC
Tim took a moment to stare in surprise as Reiri seemed to vanish in front of him before melting into the shadows and making his way over toward Captain Hellsing; good thing she had a loud, strong voice so he'd be able to hear what she said. It didn't take that long for the Boy Wonder to appear near Integral at all, silver staff in hand.

"If we're dealing with what I think we're dealing with, the usual techniques might not work against a guy like him. Still...silver is our friend."


vampire_medic June 24 2009, 22:35:51 UTC
Reiri went on an undercover mission to recover the dead bodies of Jan's current victims. 'These poor souls deserved better than this,' thought the vampire. She was mostly intangible and within the shadows while she moved the bodies so no one will notice her. After completing that job, Reiri emerged behind the trust-worthy police captain and the Boy Wonder.

"We're dealing with an animal that lost his mind. We need to take him down quickly before things get too messy around here. Do you have any ideas how to do that, Sir Hellsing?" Reiri could just fight Jan straight-on but the collateral damage would be severe. She definitely didn't want to destroy the ship just to stop Jan.


sugaranddeath June 24 2009, 22:40:38 UTC
Tsuzuki, on the other hand, ignored the rest for now and made his way up to Jan, leaning his forehead on the invisible barrier.

"Is this why you're doing this? Just to get out here?" He asked quietly.


bitchin_beanie June 24 2009, 22:45:27 UTC
Jan's tension grew as Tsuzuki neared, ready to leap if the barrier showed any sign of falling. But when his roommate made a distinctly not violent move instead of what Jan had been expecting, surprise eased his tensed body.

"...Yeah," he finally said, speaking just as quietly and glancing away. He wasn't gonna be remembered as a pussy, but... he had a feeling a guy like this wouldn't go spreading Jan's truth around.


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