feels like freedom but it tastes like death

Jun 22, 2009 12:20

DATE: Day 81
CHARACTER(S): Jan Valentine, Lucy/Nyu, anyone that wants to hang out with a vampire on a rampage?
STATUS: Closed until the Jan-and-Lucy/Nyu thread is done, THEN OPEN LIKE A MOTHERFUCKER.
SUMMARY: The best way to snap out of a funk is with -- you guessed it! Mass homicide!
LOCATION: Cafeteria

and i missed you since the place got wrecked and i just don't care what happens next )

†tim drake, kamura reiri, †lucy, †jan valentine, †integral hellsing, ††asato tsuzuki

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Comments 62

PRE-SLAUGHTER SHENANIGANS darwins_theory June 22 2009, 20:07:24 UTC
"Hi!" Nyu replied in her usual cheery tone. The girl was happy to see Jan, despite being completely oblivious of his current state.

"There isn't much up with Nyuuuuu~," She added, before unhooking her heals from one another and kicking out the chair in front of her. "What is up with Jan?"


bitchin_beanie June 22 2009, 20:34:09 UTC
Jan sprawled into the seat across from Nyu, arranging himself in a casual, relaxed slump as if he'd been there for an hour already. What was up? Too much shit swirled around in Jan's head, all of it dark and twisting around on itself, and he was pretty sure if he tried to pick just one answer it'd all funnel down and fall out of his mouth and then they'd fucking be there forever.

The obvious solution, then, was to pretend that no question had been asked at all.

"You find any cake? I'm fuckin' hungry."


darwins_theory June 22 2009, 23:39:55 UTC
Nyu watched as Jan sat down and simply ignored her question. It was obvious he had heard it, considering the cafeteria wasn't that loud, but the she figured there was a reason he glided over it, and decided not to press any further.

Before Jan even finished his statement Nyu had already pulled the cake out of her bag, and onto the table. "Nyu did! Nyu made it herself." She grinned, beginning to cut the cake into two pieces; one for her, and one for Jan.


bitchin_beanie June 23 2009, 00:49:15 UTC
"Hell yeah." A pleased grin, even if a vaguely tired one, and Jan reached out to claim his piece.

He didn't eat it, though. Not only because it didn't quite have the same taste anymore since he'd started preferring people, but because... it wasn't really a cake day, was it?

He stared down at the thing for a while, slid one finger through the frosting to stick in his mouth, then glanced up at Nyu again.

"You ever get tired of this place?"


okay COME PLAY WITH MEEEE :DD bitchin_beanie June 23 2009, 03:57:13 UTC
Jan took a second or two after he'd stood up from Nyu's body. A second to breathe, a second to collect himself, hell, a second to digest. And then he was ready. A grin spread out across his face, he took a moment to pull the communicators they'd been given out of a pocket. A quick message fired off -- after all, he did wanna eventually blow this goddamn popsicle stand -- and then it was off to work.

He darted forward, snatch a hand out toward the nearest bystander. A woman that had just risen from her seat, looking alarmed and apparently moving to check on the health of Nyu. Good luck with that one ( ... )


Re: okay COME PLAY WITH MEEEE :DD ms_hellsing June 23 2009, 04:06:08 UTC
There was a great disturbance in the Force. Or rather, Integral happened to be watching the security cameras from the police squad's HQ, her favourite pass-time. By the time she suited up with her weapons and made the run to the cafeteria, it was two late for Jan's first victims. A pang of guilt surged through her. Jan was Alucard's. That made him her responsibility. Well, that simply meant she would have to be the one to put him down.



bitchin_beanie June 23 2009, 04:19:00 UTC
Jan knew that voice. Jan knew that voice. He craned his head slowly around, blood-stained mouth already in a grin. He'd been rather enjoying ripping out his current meal's intestines, but those could wait.

Integra fucking Hellsing. Come to play with him.

Fucking finally.

Practically howling with laughter, Jan bounded forward -- not toward her, but rather after a young man that'd been trying to escape. A kick and a bite and the man was down, blood rushing out of his throat. "Oops!" Jan called toward Integra, laughing madly, "Too slow! Lost another one!"


ms_hellsing June 23 2009, 04:32:56 UTC
Rage bubbled up, boiling just beneath her skin. What had Alucard been thinking making a vampire of a creature with no respect for human life? Jan wasn't good enough, he didn't deserve the life Alucard had given to him. The gun was in her hand before she'd even thought of a plan of action, shots firing. Her aim was at his chest, his head, and this throat. Bleed him out, momentarily immobilize hims, stop him for even just a second. It would be enough.


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