feels like freedom but it tastes like death

Jun 22, 2009 12:20

DATE: Day 81
CHARACTER(S): Jan Valentine, Lucy/Nyu, anyone that wants to hang out with a vampire on a rampage?
STATUS: Closed until the Jan-and-Lucy/Nyu thread is done, THEN OPEN LIKE A MOTHERFUCKER.
SUMMARY: The best way to snap out of a funk is with -- you guessed it! Mass homicide!
LOCATION: Cafeteria

and i missed you since the place got wrecked and i just don't care what happens next )

†tim drake, kamura reiri, †lucy, †jan valentine, †integral hellsing, ††asato tsuzuki

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okay COME PLAY WITH MEEEE :DD bitchin_beanie June 23 2009, 03:57:13 UTC
Jan took a second or two after he'd stood up from Nyu's body. A second to breathe, a second to collect himself, hell, a second to digest. And then he was ready. A grin spread out across his face, he took a moment to pull the communicators they'd been given out of a pocket. A quick message fired off -- after all, he did wanna eventually blow this goddamn popsicle stand -- and then it was off to work.

He darted forward, snatch a hand out toward the nearest bystander. A woman that had just risen from her seat, looking alarmed and apparently moving to check on the health of Nyu. Good luck with that one ( ... )


Re: okay COME PLAY WITH MEEEE :DD ms_hellsing June 23 2009, 04:06:08 UTC
There was a great disturbance in the Force. Or rather, Integral happened to be watching the security cameras from the police squad's HQ, her favourite pass-time. By the time she suited up with her weapons and made the run to the cafeteria, it was two late for Jan's first victims. A pang of guilt surged through her. Jan was Alucard's. That made him her responsibility. Well, that simply meant she would have to be the one to put him down.



bitchin_beanie June 23 2009, 04:19:00 UTC
Jan knew that voice. Jan knew that voice. He craned his head slowly around, blood-stained mouth already in a grin. He'd been rather enjoying ripping out his current meal's intestines, but those could wait.

Integra fucking Hellsing. Come to play with him.

Fucking finally.

Practically howling with laughter, Jan bounded forward -- not toward her, but rather after a young man that'd been trying to escape. A kick and a bite and the man was down, blood rushing out of his throat. "Oops!" Jan called toward Integra, laughing madly, "Too slow! Lost another one!"


ms_hellsing June 23 2009, 04:32:56 UTC
Rage bubbled up, boiling just beneath her skin. What had Alucard been thinking making a vampire of a creature with no respect for human life? Jan wasn't good enough, he didn't deserve the life Alucard had given to him. The gun was in her hand before she'd even thought of a plan of action, shots firing. Her aim was at his chest, his head, and this throat. Bleed him out, momentarily immobilize hims, stop him for even just a second. It would be enough.


bitchin_beanie June 23 2009, 04:57:14 UTC
Jan was fast. Alucard had made him faster. He dodge the shots easily, wondering mildly if he did whether it'd even hurt or not to get hit. That thing with the multiplying of everyone's powers a bit ago, that'd shown him that he didn't really have to be totally substantial all the time. Couldn't he just... reform around the bullet?

But he'd deal with that when and if the bitch actually managed to hit him. Still cackling, he darted after another unlucky cafeteria-goer. The woman went down like a felled horse, Jan's teeth around her neck from behind.

God this all felt so fucking good!


let me know if thread hijacks are not welcome and I'll just toddle off. sugaranddeath June 23 2009, 06:42:35 UTC
It's been a long day in the garden. But a productive day, however. Feeling good about himself, Tsuzuki decided that he ought to make his way down to the cafeteria for a generous lunch, perhaps even with pudding. What flavors would they have today? He wondered, humming to himself and then paused.

Amethyst eyes widened in shock as his enhanced senses picked up a smell that he knew too well. Blood.

If Muraki was at it again... Tsuzuki ran down the hallway that led him to the cafeteria, witnessing his roommate indulging in a feeding of a completely different sort.



No, perfectly fine! <33 bitchin_beanie June 23 2009, 06:59:21 UTC
From the woman, Jan looked up and around to find a new target -- and gold eyes immediately landed on his new roommate. The fucker that'd moved in practically the same hour his last one had died. A grin spread across his face, feral, toothy, and bloody.

"Sup?!" He stood from her corpse, still for only a moment before launching himself again, this time at Tsuzuki. Teeth bared, hands reaching to grab the man and bring him into range -- the only thing missing were Jan's dearly missed P90s. "I was gonna tell you 'bout all this sooner or later, haha!"


yaay. sugaranddeath June 23 2009, 07:03:57 UTC
It hadn't been long since he first got onto this ship and for once, Tsuzuki was glad that old habits died hard and that he still kept some fuda in his pockets (well, partly because he was too lazy to clear them out in the first place).

Feeling the old battle adrenaline kicking into gear, Tsuzuki took a step back and pulled a fuda out, holding it out before him to form a barrier around himself, repelling the other man.

What the hell was going on?!


bitchin_beanie June 23 2009, 07:09:13 UTC
It was a little less than pleasing when Jan suddenly found himself up against a barrier. He snarled, an impressive sight with a mouthful of teeth like his, and experimentally gave the blockade a kick.

Probably not breaking through to Tsuzuki any time soon. But that was fine! Jan's grin regrew in an instant, he reeled back a few paces and shoved his hands into his pockets.

When he spoke again his voice had been lowered a few notches, intended just for his roommate. "Won't have to put up with my ass too much longer. Be real nice I bet, maybe they'll even move in a normal fucker for you!"

And then he was gone again, dashing off after another unfortunate victim that hadn't managed to clear the room yet.


sugaranddeath June 23 2009, 07:15:51 UTC
Hell no if he was going to let him do that. Removing the barrier immediately, Tsuzuki made a mad dash for his roommate. His words had disturbed him. The man had been abrasive since Tsuzuki first got here, but he had never harmed anyone. To do so now, in public, sounding as if he was prepared for whatever punishment that would be dished out at him--

The shinigami made a grab for the other man's shoulders, planning to stop him from hurting more people and hopefully to get an explanation out of him at the same time. "Jan! What are you-"


bitchin_beanie June 23 2009, 07:22:51 UTC
So new little buddy was willing to creep out of his hole and make Jan's job easier? Well, Jan wasn't about to object! As soon as he felt the grip on his shoulder he spun around, teeth again bared, and lunged for whatever part of Tsuzuki was within range.

The kid hadn't done anything wrong, not really. Just had the misfortune of being assigned to the wrong room at the wrong time. But hey, shit sucked, as Jan well knew.


sugaranddeath June 23 2009, 07:26:54 UTC
"Ugh...!!" Blood flooded into his throat when Jan's fangs connected. Fuck his life, how many times did he have to deal with vampires in one lifetime? Tsuzuki wrapped his fingers around the other man's arm, holding him in a mock imitation of a lover's embrace, refusing to let him go. His shinigami powers would make sure he regenerate soon enough, he wouldn't die. Even if it did hurt, as long as he could stop Jan from hurting others, it would be alright.


bitchin_beanie June 23 2009, 07:33:01 UTC
Shouldn't Tsuzuki be pulling away, or some shit? Momentary confusion gave Jan a pause, and he was even more startled to see the flesh that he'd just torn already beginning to knit itself together.

Ah. Ah. So the good old roommie was one of those. Took a fuckload of fun out of it, but at least now Jan knew not to waste his time on someone that wasn't planning on dying any time soon.

"Keep that shit t'yourself," he muttered, voice again low and meant only for Tsuzuki. "The fucks around here see it? You're done."

And, warning delivered, Jan pushed against Tsuzuki in an attempt to free himself and resume his amusing rampage.


sugaranddeath June 23 2009, 07:34:55 UTC
This was all too confusing. Why the hell would Jan offer him advice when he was trying to kill him just moments ago? Tsuzuki kept his grip firm, knowing that this was possibly the only chance he had to talk to the man properly.

"Why the hell are you doing this?!"


bitchin_beanie June 23 2009, 07:39:17 UTC
A flash of irritation, another snarl from Jan. Was it really so much ask to be let go so he could go rip apart some fuckers? They were getting away!

"The fuck do you care?! Don't ask why a rapid dog's rapid, you just put the fucker down!"

And he jerked to be away again, this time putting vampiric strength into it. The fucker could heal, sure, but Jan doubted he could win an arm wrestling match with a vampire!


sugaranddeath June 23 2009, 07:47:07 UTC
"A rabid dog won't give me warnings!" Tsuzuki growled when Jan pulled away. He had to do something. He couldn't let anybody die before him anymore!

He took a step forward and swayed on his feet a little. Damn it. His body was not done replenishing the blood that he had lost earlier. He squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head, trying to clear his vision before going after Jan again. He was going to stop him no matter what.


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