*has thought about this for a long time*
*has finally plucked up the courage*
If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?
Tolerance. There is far too much intolerance in the world, and far too many people ostracised or tortured for who or what they are. Religion has a lot to answer for, it makes irrational bigots out of so many people. As far as I see it we are all human, and it is our differences that make us exciting. In an ideal world everyone would be free to be who they want to be without fear of ridicule, discrimination or open hostility.
*steps down from soapbox*
What makes a person respectable?
A sense of dignity and self-worth.. The ability to communicate fluently and a presentable appearance. A sense of responsibility to yourself and your family. A willingness to work hard to achieve your goals. Pride in one’s appearance - being a dirty slob would indicate a lack of self-respect, which is therefore not likely to engender respect from others. Trustworthiness and dependability - it is difficult to respect someone who shows little respect for others.
What do you look for in a friend?
Someone with a similar outlook in life to myself. Someone who sees things as I do so that we can laugh at/be angry at/ be sad at things together. Someone who is confident and intelligent, with a wicked sense of humour. Someone who is sensitive to others and above all trustworthy. Someone who has similar interests to me so that we have things in common to talk about. Someone reliable and loyal. Demanding? Me?!
What are your hobbies?
Not sure that I have time for hobbies, with a full-time job and two children under five! It’s certainly not hoovering or ironing, which seem to be the things that take up most of my so-called ‘spare’ time. I love reading, and will devour books avidly. I am allergic to exercise, so love to watch sport on TV (especially football and motorsport) but do not participate myself. I love to cook, and thoroughly enjoy trying out new recipes and cooking for friends. I live in a sadly backward home that is only equipped with a PSOne, and before the advent of child no 2 I have vague recollections of enjoyable hours spent fragging dinosaurs and zombies. Having only discovering the fandom I have become a keen slasher, and enjoy reading fanfic - and have even dabbled at writing myself. Oh, but most of all I love to sleep. Sadly, I don’t get nearly enough chance to do that!
Have or would you give time and money to a charity?
Erm, that’s one of the things I always intend to do, but there always seems to be better ways in which to spend what little money the kids leave me every month! However, I am not a completely cruel-hearted wench, and alleviate my conscience by the fundraising I do at work. Each year we raise £1000+ for a nominated charity, and I work very hard to organise different events to get this money in. (although I’m not sure if this technically counts…)
What is the one thing you would most like to accomplish?
Hmm, that varies! When I was younger I desperately wanted to be a bass player in a rock band, striding rangily and nonchalantly across the stage, bass slung low about my hips, holding the band together while exuding a huge ‘Fuck Off’ attitude. Alas, I soon realised that I would never be rangy or nonchalant enough. Then I went through a phase of wanting to accomplish Being Mika Hakkinen’s Gorgeous Trophy Wife, but again, honesty forced me to admit that I would never be gorgeous enough. At this moment I’d love to be able to write fics that make people go, ‘Whoa!’ and take notice. Something to open people’s eyes, make then think, make them feel something.
Constant throughout all this though is the desire to be able to sing. I’d love to have a singing voice that really makes people stop to listen rather than stop to insert earplugs/protect glassware/cry. Y’know, like Ann Wilson or someone?
Who is your role model?
This is going to sound extremely bigheaded, but I’m not sure I’ve got one! In my work life I suppose it would be my predecessor. I am a nursery manager, with 30+ staff under me, and I was promoted as my then manager was herself promoted. When I have to make tricky decisions I do find myself thinking ‘What would Jackie do in this situation?’, so I would say that I do try and model myself on her in my professional environment. At home though, and in my private life, I just try to be me. I can’t be anyone else, and modelling myself on someone else is both difficult and untrue. I’m just me! I just try to do what’s right, and look after my family to the best of my ability.
What trait most annoys you about other people?
Inefficiency and ineffectiveness. I am bright and quick and pick things up fairly easily, and am immensely irritated by people who do not do the same. People who need to have things explained to them several times, or ask lots of daft questions irritate the hell out of me. People who dither and cannot make decisions, people who are vague and wishy-washy also drive me up the wall.
What do you want to do for a living?
Well, given that rock star and trophy wife barely got a look in (see above) my options are more mundane. In a perfect world I wouldn’t actually do anything for a living (I’m so cut out for the life of luxury, lazing around my gorgeous house, directing my housekeeper, reclining on the sofa eating chocolate and pondering!) - what I’d really like to do is return to University. I have a BA in History, and wish I could do a PhD. Just the thought of spending hours poring over dusty old books in the University library and learning all sorts of fascinating stuff makes me go all wistful.
If being unpaid was not an option, then I’d like to be a curator at the Victoria and Albert Museum (costume department if poss). Looking after precious artifacts, researching new acquisitions, that wouldn’t be work, it’d be fun than paid! I also did a brief palaeography course in the Sixth Form which I also found fascinating - so some kind of archivist would be another rewarding, paying hobby.
*is now depressed having realised how far what I want to do is from what I do do…*
If your friend was attacked (by a person, animal, or (in the magic world) beast), what would you do?
I’d like to think that I’d pile in on my friend’s behalf and ask questions later, but I think my instincts of self-preservation (who said ‘cowardice’? *glares*) may be too powerful to resist. I have a sneaking suspicion that I might run away. To get help, of course. Or I may just stand there flapping and hopping from foot to foot
*does not like the way this prodding of psyche is going*
OK, I think I’d probably hop/flap for a bit whilst assessing the situation. If I thought I could get away with it I’d pile in shrieking, but if the odds were against me I’d seek help quick smart. No point in getting us both killed. In all honesty, I don’t know - it’s not a situation I’ve ever been in (hurrah!) and adrenaline can do strange things. I think I may be a bit of a scaredy-cat though…
Would you ever use an Unforgivable Curse for any reason?
Yes, I think I probably would. Only under extreme circumstances of course, but, for example, if one of my kids was under a real threat of harm from someone, I don’t think I’d hesitate to Crucio them. It’s not like I’d go round using the curses indiscriminately, but one thing parenthood has taught me is that your priorities and values change immensely . I would do anything to protect my children - and so I could not write off the Unforgivables completely. I guess what I’m trying to say is that sometimes the motivation for an action can justify that action, regardless of how people may think of them in the abstract. (I hope that makes sense!)
What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?
I am a bright woman. I love to learn, and pick things up like no-one’s business. I have a broad general knowledge, and often surprise people with the trivia that I can remember. I love to learn, and only need to have things explained to me once before I grasp them. I have a high IQ and a constant need to know stuff.
I can multi-task with ease, and always get the job done on time. Reports submitted way before the deadline, children’s lunches made the night before, washing laundered and ironed the same day - in all areas I am prompt, efficient and effective.
I will always help to support my friends and family. If I give my word I will keep it, and I am always there for people. I am open and trustworthy, and can be completely depended upon.
I have a great enthusiasm, and will give 100% to everything that I try. I like to learn and develop myself, and will always work hard to achieve the goals I set myself.
I have an extensive vocabulary and am not afraid to use it. I have an excellent grasp of the important tenets of grammar, and communicate fluently and coherently on all levels.
What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?
I’m terrible at waiting. If something needs doing, it needs to be done NOW. If I think of , for example, a way to rearrange the furniture at 11.15pm, it has to be done then, it will not wait until the morning! I hate waiting around for visitors to arrive - I just hate waiting! My husband thinks it hilarious that my daughter seems to have inherited this from me.
Do not cope with stress
I like to think that I’m good under pressure, but in reality I’m not. I get very stressed and my fuse becomes even shorter than usual. I will snap at people and respond in a wholly inappropriate way.
I am extremely fussy and particular. Everything has to be just so - from the way the spelling and grammar aspect of things (that DRIVES ME MAD! I frequently correct people, whether it’s my place to or not. ’Eats, Shoots and Leaves’ is my Bible), to the way the dishes get stacked in the dishwasher. No-one lives up to my standards, so I invariably end up doing things myself, with a huge, martyred, huffy sigh. Which leads me nicely on to:
I like people to know how hard I work/how clever I am and never miss an opportunity to play the martyr. I do work long hours, and I am bright, but that’s not really an excuse to ram it down everyone’s throats at every available opportunity. I tend to purposely use big words to disorientate people and make them feel inferior, and if, for example, I don’t get a lunch break at work, my God do my staff know how much I suffer!
I can be aggressive and argumentative - particularly when I am feeling defensive. I often let irritations build up and build up until some trivial slight will push me over the edge and I totally fly off the handle - and look completely unbalanced and irrational in the process!
Define in your own words the following key traits:
Courage: To have the ability to stand up for that in which you believe, regardless of what others may think of your views. To do what you think is right, no matter how hard that may be. However, courage isn’t just about rushing gung-ho into perilous situations - I think courage is also having the common sense to know when to stand and fight and when to retreat until the odds are more auspicious.
Loyalty: To be someone on whom your friends and family can always rely. To remain steadfast through good times and bad. However, I do not necessarily feel that blind support no matter what constitutes loyalty - I think if someone is truly loyal they will always act in their friend’s best interests, even if the friend may not initially see it that way. For example, if a friend was with an abusive partner I would not consider it loyalty to simply hug her and sympathise with her when she got beaten. In my opinion a truly loyal person would try to help this friend understand why her relationship is destructive and encourage and help her to find a way out.
Intelligence: Ah, intelligence. Some have it, some don’t. It’s not just about knowing stuff - if it was, with a greater or lesser degree of education anyone could have it. I think it is more about responding and reacting to what you know or learn. It’s the ability to figure out the important stuff from all the information with which we are bombarded on a day-to-day basis and the ability to prioritise and respond accordingly
Ambition: Ambition is more than simply trampling over people in an attempt to raise further up the career ladder - I see it as the desire to better or improve oneself. It sometimes gets a bad press because people can see it as a selfish trait, but as far as I see it self-development can never be a bad thing. Surely everyone must have something to aspire to to make their life worthwhile? Robert Browning put it far more eloquently in Andrea del Sarto:
‘Ah, but man’s reach must exceed his grasp,
Or what’s a heaven for?’
Or, as whatsername in South Pacific put it,
‘You got to have a dream
If you don’t have a dream
How you gonna have a dream come true?’
What house do you think DOESN'T fit you? (This question is optional for those who feel they just DO NOT fit in a house. Please explain WHY.)
Ooh, at the risk of sounding snobby or pushy, I'd be quite disappointed if I was placed in Hufflepuff. They just seem a bit too nice for me. I don't mean to be rude, but that's just how I see it.
Where did you find out about us?From an f-list of an f-list of someone on my f-list - I’m afraid I cannot remember exactly who (and yeah, I really am that nosy!)
ETA Coding now fixed. Sorry!