If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be? Honestly? The complete and utter amount of ignorance that is present in the human race, and the hate that follows. You won't catch cooties if you open your mind a little...
What makes a person respectable? A person is respectable if they stand up for themselves and what they believe in. Who has a very strong sense of self and opinions, but aren't afraid of new ideas and concepts. Also, when they know they must earn respect rather than demand it, and gives respect to those they want it from.
What do you look for in a friend? Right, lame answer, but someone who can make me laugh and share my immature sense of humor. I have a tendency to tease the hell out of my friends, and sometimes I can get downright mean without knowing it. So, I love it when friends/potential friends don't have a problem calling me out or doing the same thing in return.
What are your hobbies? Sleep. Is sleep a hobby? It should be. o_o I love graphic/web design, writing, reading, and music. For whatever twisted reason I think I can play the guitar (I can't, trust me) and sing. I want to be a rock star...but, lack the talent needed. I like to eat, especially horrible amounts of junk food that are likely raising my blood pressure and destroying whatever sort of figure I may have ever had. Which isn't saying much.
Have or would you give time and money to a charity? I usually don't give a whole lot to charity, at least not at once, and I'm very choosy concerning who I donate to. Mostly at convenience stores/grocery stores when they have the little collection buckets, I'll drop some of my money in. If people come right out and ask me to donate and I'm all for their cause, I'll happily dig into my pockets. I usually donate to things like the Red Cross, and an astounding amount of my money to local animals shelters.
What is the one thing you would most like to accomplish? To become famous and have loads of adoring fans. I mean, that'd be sweet. I wouldn't be able to go anywhere, but I would be mobbed by people that love me like whoa. But seeing as this will NEVER happen, I suppose I want to accomplish complete independence. I want to be able to get a good job and support myself entirely without help. I like it when I can pay for my own things and not have to worry about paying anyone back for anything.
Who is your role model? Gerard Way, totally. For those of you that don't know, Gerard Way is the lead singer of My Chemical Romance. He was able to set his mind to something that he really, really wanted, and got it almost way to easily. He's a fantastic song writer and performer, and the way he's overcome his alcoholism/drug addiction is pretty damn impressive. Also, the things he says on stage and his desire to save people with his music. It's pretty damn wild.
What trait most annoys you about other people? Ignorance. And just general asshattery. People thinking they're someone just because they have money or looks, and that have always gotten what they wanted, so they expect you to make exceptions for them. I don't work in retail, no, not at all.
What do you want to do for a living? Be a rockstar/actress/president/queen of the world. But if I have to go with something realistic, I suppose something that could make a difference, and no I'm not really sure what that something could be.
If your friend was attacked (by a person, animal, or (in the magic world) beast), what would you do? Well, before this would happen, I would boast about how awesome and superheroish I would have been, and would have been there to save my friend from whatever was attacking. In reality I would probably be off somewhere sitting on my ass and watching horrible Canadian teen drama shows. If they survived I'd probably go and visit them in the hospital loads. (But not before I use the situation to miss school/work. XD) If it was a person, I would totally hunt them down. Leading to the answer to my next question...
Would you ever use an Unforgivable Curse for any reason? Yes. In the situation above. If someone hurt my friends/family, I would find this someone and destroy them, even if it takes years to hunt them down and get my revenge on them.
What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities? I can be a very caring and supportive person, which makes me think I would one day make a good parent (If I wanted to spawn that is. o_o I would likely have demon child.) I have an incredibly strong sense of right and wrong, but I also know that right and wrong can be subjective to whatever situation. I can't see things in simply black and white. I'm very open minded, also...though I don't really know if that's an ability or quality. To me, I think being open minded is basic respect toward other people.
What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities? I am crazy manipulative. If there's something I want, I will get it. I'm a giant procrastinator, and very lazy. While I can see the consequences of my actions, they tend not to influence me to do otherwise. I live very much in the moment, which gets me into some stupid situations and often times in debt. Also, I am the worst driver, ever, and my pride/ego is still healing from when I wrecked my car back in May.
Define in your own words the following key traits:
Courage: To me, courage is different from bravery. Courage is knowing exactly what situation you may be putting yourself into, but doing it anyway because you know it's something you have to do. Bravery is a bit more shortsighted, and being driven to do it because of a sense of duty.
Loyalty: Loyalty is telling off people when they say things about your best friend, even when they're true, and then getting revenge on the bitches for hurting said best friend.
Intelligence: A level of understanding. Not only academically, but socially and mentally, and also the desire to achieve a higher level.
Ambition: Wanting something and doing anything in your power to get it, even if it means stabbing your best friend in the back. Sometimes things are more important then your best friend.
Name: Amanda
Age: 18
What house do you think DOESN'T fit you? Since this is optional, I'm not going to answer. I have no idea what house I belong in, or what house I don't belong in, for that matter.
Where did you find out about us?Randomly on LJ...to be honest, I can't really recall exactly. o_o