
Nov 20, 2014 12:06

Hey everyone!

It's an exciting time in my life! I've been accepted into the Peace Corps and I'll be moving to Africa this June. I can't move my collection with me, so it's time to give it right back into this wonderful community :)

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lombre, charmeleon, tyranitar, shuppet, cobalion, skitty, regigigas, ludicolo, samurott, oddish, skarmory, muk, exeggutor, zubat, drilbur, jynx, girafarig, volcarona, hariyama, unfezant, raikou, scizor, fennekin, stantler, emboar, corphish, porygon, lucario, hypno, lotad, gothita, vigoroth, breloom, tangela, dodrio, pinsir, doduo, meditite, qwilfish, clefairy, igglybuff, phanpy, minccino, rhydon, gastrodon, machoke, sandshrew, ampharos, tauros, articuno, suicune, mr. mime, tepig, golduck, geodude, raticate, venonat, reshiram, walrein, buneary, diglett, gengar, kingler, sunflora, pidgeot, purugly, glalie, wartortle, budew, blastoise, masquerain, yanma, ariados, manaphy, primeape, tyrogue, banette, wurmple, cyndaquil, terrakion, pineco, medicham, torchic, torkoal, poliwrath, registeel, dragonair, onix, wailord, celebi, victreebel, kakuna, murkrow, kyurem, seadra, buizel, trapinch, caterpie, misdreavus, seel, baltoy, typhlosion, mesprit, cleffa, magmar, larvitar, chespin, taillow, staryu, glaceon, vulpix, farfetch'd, magcargo, bonsly, pidove, clefable, butterfree, machamp, vespiquen, steelix, persian, gloom, chikorita, pidgey, haunter, paras, sharpedo, nidoqueen, kyogre, growlithe, pidgeotto, kecleon, nidorina, leafeon, alakazam, kabutops, grotle, shellos, exeggcute, jirachi, chimchar, cloyster, slakoth, gastly, weepinbell, magikarp, fearow, mankey, venomoth, kangaskhan, clamperl, meowth, squirtle, moltres, sandslash, abra, piloswine, bayleef, gorebyss, raichu, gogoat, seaking, bulbasaur, surskit, chansey, latias, roselia, umbreon, gyarados, golem, mareep, swablu, pignite, slowbro, snorunt, shuckle, dewgong, mew, sawsbuck, bellsprout, shaymin, gligar, tentacool, dratini, porygon2, metagross, psyduck, woobat, uxie, omastar, spinda, espeon, poliwhirl, pachirisu, cascoon, beedrill, lanturn, golbat, granbull, zapdos, larvesta, nidoking, vileplume, totodile, sylveon, electrode, tranquill, weedle, gothorita, forretress, charizard, krabby, virizion, rapidash, rattata, kabuto, happiny, ursaring, arcanine, parasect, horsea, koffing, azumarill, rampardos, gulpin, magnemite, metapod, minun, numel, flareon, eevee, volbeat, dewott, ekans, scyther, turtwig, dugtrio, altaria, lugia, regice, spearow, dragonite, huntail, rhyhorn, shedinja, prinplup, cubone, cherrim, omanyte, hitmonlee, mightyena, treecko, jumpluff, azelf, serperior, froakie, deerling, jigglypuff, beautifly, sentret, mudkip, croagunk, goldeen, vaporeon, entei, bagon, jolteon, piplup, swellow, whiscash, arceus, lapras, dunsparce, ledyba, carvanha, cradily, spheal, crobat, drowzee, chatot, relicanth, skiploom, lickitung, groudon, grimer, shinx, wigglytuff, mewtwo, gothitelle, ivysaur, nidorino, sceptile, ponyta, slowpoke, metang, glameow, whismur, shroomish, tentacruel, snivy, quilava, sudowoodo, ninetales, poliwag, aerodactyl, snorlax, feebas, lileep, manectric, chinchou, marowak, whimsicott, starmie, heracross, oshawott, luvdisc, durant, plusle, meganium, sealeo, natu, shellder, machop, arbok, weezing, venusaur, camerupt, aipom, voltorb, charmander, magby, octillery, hitmonchan, servine, kadabra

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Comments 14

kittay752 November 20 2014, 20:17:13 UTC
Hi there! Which one of the posts am I allowed to comment on if I'd like to get some stuff? :3


liekri November 20 2014, 20:25:22 UTC
On the sales post of the items you want, please :)


kittay752 November 20 2014, 20:54:41 UTC
Oh darn... the one I wanted was already taken. Good luck with your sales though! :3


liekri November 20 2014, 21:02:26 UTC
Thanks! And double check to see if I don't have more than one. I have two Glaceons, two sets of the legendary dogs, etc. I liked repetition in my collections ;)


nicolarbear November 20 2014, 20:52:13 UTC
Congratulations on getting accepted into the Peace Corps!! I was really interested in doing it during college but a lot of people kept trying to talk me out of it and I felt so demotivated. I think it's really great that you pushed for it :D Keep us updated on your adventures!


liekri November 20 2014, 21:01:09 UTC
Thank you so much! I know how you felt with people trying to talk you out of it. I can't tell you how unexcited people have been when I told them the news, especially when I say it's Africa. Too many people ask "why?" and it just feels like people only support me because it's the polite thing to do. But I'm in. I'm doing it. No one will stop me :D <3


kuro_kage_kun November 21 2014, 01:43:09 UTC
☆*・゜゚・*\(^O^)/*・゜゚・*☆Congratulations ☆*・
It's such a great honor and organization to be apart of.


liekri November 21 2014, 02:08:42 UTC
☆Thank you so much ☆ :D

I'm really proud and happy to be a part of it <3


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liekri November 21 2014, 05:57:07 UTC
Thanks so much! I'm really excited to both be doing something I love and to help out the world, even if it's invisible on the global scale. I'll be teaching English to middle-schoolers :D


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liekri November 21 2014, 18:27:41 UTC
Thanks. It really means a lot :) Both of those are great paths and I wish you a bunch of luck and happiness <3


violet_sometime December 6 2014, 03:07:12 UTC
Hello can I please have the porygon figure?
Thank you :)


liekri December 6 2014, 04:44:52 UTC
Sure, but I need a zip code or country to give you a proper price :)


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