(no subject)

Nov 20, 2014 12:06

Hey everyone!

It's an exciting time in my life! I've been accepted into the Peace Corps and I'll be moving to Africa this June. I can't move my collection with me, so it's time to give it right back into this wonderful community :)

There are tons of plush, figures, and way too many stickers. I split up my sales into two posts which you can find by clicking on the banners. (Please comment on the post containing the items you want :))

Pokemon has been with me since I was a little girl. I grew up with it and it will always hold a special place in my heart. There's no way I could quit cold turkey. So here are the winners of the huge moving sale. They will stay with me and be adorable always <3

Also. If you happen to read this far. I wouldn't mind filling in a few holes in the winners collection (^_^;)
If you have a manectric kid or clear east shellos, clear west and east gastrodon kids... I would love to get my hands on them!

lombre, charmeleon, tyranitar, shuppet, cobalion, skitty, regigigas, ludicolo, samurott, oddish, skarmory, muk, exeggutor, zubat, drilbur, jynx, girafarig, volcarona, hariyama, unfezant, raikou, scizor, fennekin, stantler, emboar, corphish, porygon, lucario, hypno, lotad, gothita, vigoroth, breloom, tangela, dodrio, pinsir, doduo, meditite, qwilfish, clefairy, igglybuff, phanpy, minccino, rhydon, gastrodon, machoke, sandshrew, ampharos, tauros, articuno, suicune, mr. mime, tepig, golduck, geodude, raticate, venonat, reshiram, walrein, buneary, diglett, gengar, kingler, sunflora, pidgeot, purugly, glalie, wartortle, budew, blastoise, masquerain, yanma, ariados, manaphy, primeape, tyrogue, banette, wurmple, cyndaquil, terrakion, pineco, medicham, torchic, torkoal, poliwrath, registeel, dragonair, onix, wailord, celebi, victreebel, kakuna, murkrow, kyurem, seadra, buizel, trapinch, caterpie, misdreavus, seel, baltoy, typhlosion, mesprit, cleffa, magmar, larvitar, chespin, taillow, staryu, glaceon, vulpix, farfetch'd, magcargo, bonsly, pidove, clefable, butterfree, machamp, vespiquen, steelix, persian, gloom, chikorita, pidgey, haunter, paras, sharpedo, nidoqueen, kyogre, growlithe, pidgeotto, kecleon, nidorina, leafeon, alakazam, kabutops, grotle, shellos, exeggcute, jirachi, chimchar, cloyster, slakoth, gastly, weepinbell, magikarp, fearow, mankey, venomoth, kangaskhan, clamperl, meowth, squirtle, moltres, sandslash, abra, piloswine, bayleef, gorebyss, raichu, gogoat, seaking, bulbasaur, surskit, chansey, latias, roselia, umbreon, gyarados, golem, mareep, swablu, pignite, slowbro, snorunt, shuckle, dewgong, mew, sawsbuck, bellsprout, shaymin, gligar, tentacool, dratini, porygon2, metagross, psyduck, woobat, uxie, omastar, spinda, espeon, poliwhirl, pachirisu, cascoon, beedrill, lanturn, golbat, granbull, zapdos, larvesta, nidoking, vileplume, totodile, sylveon, electrode, tranquill, weedle, gothorita, forretress, charizard, krabby, virizion, rapidash, rattata, kabuto, happiny, ursaring, arcanine, parasect, horsea, koffing, azumarill, rampardos, gulpin, magnemite, metapod, minun, numel, flareon, eevee, volbeat, dewott, ekans, scyther, turtwig, dugtrio, altaria, lugia, regice, spearow, dragonite, huntail, rhyhorn, shedinja, prinplup, cubone, cherrim, omanyte, hitmonlee, mightyena, treecko, jumpluff, azelf, serperior, froakie, deerling, jigglypuff, beautifly, sentret, mudkip, croagunk, goldeen, vaporeon, entei, bagon, jolteon, piplup, swellow, whiscash, arceus, lapras, dunsparce, ledyba, carvanha, cradily, spheal, crobat, drowzee, chatot, relicanth, skiploom, lickitung, groudon, grimer, shinx, wigglytuff, mewtwo, gothitelle, ivysaur, nidorino, sceptile, ponyta, slowpoke, metang, glameow, whismur, shroomish, tentacruel, snivy, quilava, sudowoodo, ninetales, poliwag, aerodactyl, snorlax, feebas, lileep, manectric, chinchou, marowak, whimsicott, starmie, heracross, oshawott, luvdisc, durant, plusle, meganium, sealeo, natu, shellder, machop, arbok, weezing, venusaur, camerupt, aipom, voltorb, charmander, magby, octillery, hitmonchan, servine, kadabra

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