Wanted to post a few items I've been having a difficult time finding! If you have any of these for sale or happen across them online I'd appreciate being contacted <3
I am looking for a shiny Ponyta/Rapidash Zukan. If you are willing to sell any, drop me a message and name a price! Thank you very much for your time and attention! Cheers!
Hello everyone! 2018 is almost over. It’s been an unusually happy, long year for me, sunshine, ice cream, pizzas... Anyway new zukans! DS Studios Rapidash zukan sets with the original:
I found my camera, so I figured I'd go ahead and make a post with the pieces of my collection I've found so far! Some of these are new pieces, some of them are faces you guys have seen before. I'll try to document the process of uncovering my collection as it happens, so expect some updates when I start getting into more unpacking
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Hello Everyone. I updated my sales post with my Doduo/Dodrio collection. This includes small 151 pins, movie 2000 pins, and some strange bottlecaps. I also added a few random things. Please feel free to haggle with me :> I'm really trying to get rid of stuff to save for my wedding as well as have more space for a new life XD Samples: