I found my camera, so I figured I'd go ahead and make a post with the pieces of my collection I've found so far! Some of these are new pieces, some of them are faces you guys have seen before. I'll try to document the process of uncovering my collection as it happens, so expect some updates when I start getting into more unpacking.
I have completely re-worked my collections. I've switched around my mains and sides, and I added an "inactive" collection. I'm putting my main focus on my mains, and I'm going to be pickier about the pieces I add to my collections. If it isn't a piece I really like, then I will not add it to my collection. My collection will be less "complete", but I feel like I will enjoy collecting much more without the feeling of needing to "complete" it.
I am working on my collection site in tandem with this project. I completely gutted the site, re-worked the layout and now I'm slowly working on putting everything back together. Link: https://bluesden.weebly.com/