Oct 01, 2014 22:19

If I don't get involved in some sort of interactive writing challenge community, I'm never going to write again.  And there you have it.

Somebody help me.

In other, better news, I have two new animals.  They bring me joy.  :D

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Comments 11

leviosa8 October 3 2014, 14:20:36 UTC
Lilah is for real or a collectible, animal card? I want one too. : )

This morning I read people self-publish kindle prOn fiction in Amazon and get a fanbase there. You might try? They said people write around 3000 words, and the book cost around 2,99? It's like AO3 but with the chance of winning money. Communities are nice, but then they always dismantle, burnt in the flames lighted by their own members.


pixxers October 4 2014, 22:08:40 UTC
Hee, Lilah is a real, live, hissing, popping hedgehog. I've been working with her every day to get her accustomed to me. It's a slow process, but it's worth the time. She's a neat little creature. <3

3000 words???? I've considered Amazon in the past, but there's not one thing I've written that I feel is worth paying for. I really need to get back in the groove, though.

You're so right about some communities. I'm really not interested in a fandom-type community, but I used to write for bb-shousetsu and the prompts via artwork were really motivating. I'm really interested in a writing group, I guess. Someplace to talk about writing, motivate and encourage others, etc. You know - real idea sharing, versus fandom fapping, lol.


leviosa8 October 5 2014, 07:42:22 UTC
I wish I could have one, but for now I'll settle on watching pics and gifs of other people's hedgehogs ( ... )


pixxers October 6 2014, 04:34:48 UTC
She's really cute. And very prickly. XD I'd never buy one of these because I'd feel guilty. Some animals shouldn't be pets - they're not domesticated and it just feels wrong. But she was a rescue situation and since she's already been kept, I couldn't turn her down. I'm committed to making her comfortable and trusting. As evidenced by my willingness to feed her live worms (which also makes me feel bad ( ... )


reposoir October 3 2014, 19:33:19 UTC
The new critters are adorable.

Any particular type of writing challenge community you are hoping for? Perhaps you have the writing blargh? ;)


pixxers October 6 2014, 04:39:19 UTC
Okay, I commented on this yesterday and now...nothing. -_-

My days are filled with animals. It keeps me sane.

I definitely have the blargh. Sometimes I'll get the inspiration and then it will just be gone, somehow. I can't get into the groove that I used to be able to find. When it was working, it was because I didn't have the time and now - days blend one into the other and I'm always saying to myself 'tomorrow. I'll do it tomorrow.' And I never do.

I guess I just miss the support, motivation and direction. We used to do that so well for one another. Now all I want to do is play video games and nap. I'm regressing into a teenage boy. I'm too old for this shit.


reposoir October 14 2014, 20:39:23 UTC
So I thought about your post all last week (at work, because the deepest thoughts happen at 3am in a factory) and I think you should reach out to your flist. There seem to be a number of people still lurking on lj who would love to help and love to offer you any support you might need.

You could consider, once a week (like on a Monday) posting for word prompts. One or two word prompts. Any fandom. And then try to write 500 words by Sunday evening, based on that one or two word. It was a thought anyway. And there was an excellent word last week that I thought would be perfect: azoth. Which apparently means a universal remedy. It might be fitting for your writing funk.


danbi October 6 2014, 02:23:44 UTC
Those animals are cute. ♥ That one on the right is wonder-ful. (Ohoho.)

I've tried looking for writing communities a few times - fannish and non - but nothing's caught my eye. There are many groups I've seen that focus on things like publishing tips but not really the fun of writing, which I miss. I absolutely hate thinking of writing as a business, it kills the sense of freedom in expressing whatever the fuck comes to mind. I feel like I fucked up by listening to stupid people in my life (my dad being the main) and trying to get "serious" about writing instead of just dicking around as I pleased which would have been a hell of a lot more fulfilling, in hindsight. Anyway I'm just venting because I miss it and feel frustrated but I hope you or someone else finds a community that gives you what you're looking for. I'm still a fan of your writing! So.


pixxers October 6 2014, 04:48:10 UTC
Daisy is my sweetest companion. I miss her when I have to go out, lol. It's pathetic. I was really lucky to have found her ( ... )


danbi October 6 2014, 06:20:44 UTC
She has adorable eyes ( ... )


analineblue October 16 2014, 22:25:51 UTC
If I don't get involved in some sort of interactive writing challenge community, I'm never going to write again. And there you have it.

THIS. I have been feeling this way for...months and months now. Sadly I don't even really have a fandom atm or an OTP or, you know, any inspiration or motivation or anything? XD;; But I want to write again, I really do.

If you find a magical challenge thing that sparks your interest, please go let me know so that I can go there too. *_*

And your animals are adorable, as always. <3


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