Oct 01, 2014 22:19

If I don't get involved in some sort of interactive writing challenge community, I'm never going to write again.  And there you have it.

Somebody help me.

In other, better news, I have two new animals.  They bring me joy.  :D

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pixxers October 6 2014, 04:48:10 UTC
Daisy is my sweetest companion. I miss her when I have to go out, lol. It's pathetic. I was really lucky to have found her. ♥

Yeah exactly, Bri. I'm not looking for publishing connections or advice (yet). I just want to fucking finish something. I've written stuff in the past few years and some of it I rather like, but it never goes anywhere. Usually because I'm a procrastinating commitment-phobe. It's been a really long time since I started writing something and felt that crazy, almost-electric current of inspiration and creativity.

Writing as a business is what drove me away from my website. Once it's a job, it's not fun anymore. I can't write on command and when I do, it shows. I think that if you're writing and enjoying it, it will take you someplace and (potentially) leave you with something with enough substance and creativity that you might be able to get published without having to focus on 'getting serious'. I totally get what you're saying. I feel exactly the same way you do.

Maybe we should start a community that focuses on discussion and challenges/prompts for those that need it. I just need a kickstart. If I could write something that I really like and feels genuine, I may be able to find the motivation to keep going on my own.

Thank you. *hugs*


danbi October 6 2014, 06:20:44 UTC
She has adorable eyes. :)

Ahhh, exactly! To everything you've said. I want that excited frenzy back.

We as in you and I? I'd be up for it, anyway. My main aim right now is to un-serious the whole process so I'd want to spend some time thinking about what used to make it fun and low-key because I think that's what helped make it exciting. It's not like there aren't already prompt or writing communities out there, it's just that they feel a little cardboard to me and not very engaging; so I'd want to think about what's missing in order not to create more virtual cardboard. :\

Now that I've sat here pondering it for a while, I think having readers and writers to talk to is important. I'm actually really passionate about writing but I think I need that connection to other like-minded individuals or I kind of dry up some creatively. One of my friends is an avid reader and I tend to feel more alive about writing after talking to her. Another friend's writing an autobiography and just chatting about the different ideas we had got me going for a bit (before she moved). Maybe you and I aren't the types who can write in complete seclusion? I know fandom used to be such an ongoing conversation and provided a community feeling for me of both readers and writers and I think I probably subconsciously took that for granted. I can't relate that much to professional bloggers and whatever-the-hell, I just want a fun writing community where I can be vulgar sometimes.

Apologies if any of the sentences above don't make sense, I am falling asleep on a little. Also, LJ isn't letting me pick icons what the fuck is this shit.


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