stagesoflove: Ashes to Ashes: Alex/Gene; Theme: Smell

Jun 27, 2008 23:49

Title: Scent of Her
Author/Artist: Pixie
Theme: Smell
Rating: R
Author's Note: Getting this one in under the wire. Very much unbetaed, so blame me for any mistakes. Read the first stage, Sight: Sight Unseen; second stage, Hearing: Sound Focus; third stage, Touch: Untouchable


Gene and Alex made their way into the apartment, she having taken his hand and leading the way to the bedroom. He couldn't deny that he was greatly anticipating what was to come, but he also wanted to relish it, not rush it.

She stopped suddenly once they were in the bedroom, pulling him to her. He was a bit surprised at first as her lips descended on his. She kissed him hard and with a lot of passion, her hands working on removing his clothes, and Gene was starting to feel distinctly that he was losing control of more than just the situation.

He slowly started to walk them backwards, his own hands pulling out her blouse from her jeans, starting to unbutton the top. Once they reached the bed, they fell unceremoniously onto the bed, causing Alex to giggle. Gene rolled off and lay beside her, chuckling.

She rolled onto her side, gazing at him lustfully. He let out a long, slow breath, trying to calm his body, but not succeeding very well. She grinned cheekily, seeming pleased with what she was doing to him. Hell, it wasn't like she didn't do this regularly to him; there were far too many nights of him having to get off just thinking about her in her too-short skirts and knee-high boots.

He twitched as her hand slid across his trouser zipper, teasing him. He was probably mad, but he grabbed that exploring hand from where it was wandering and turned them over before she could stop him, he straddling her and holding her arms above her head. She bucked slightly beneath him, as if to fight him off, which caused his cock to harden more. But by the hungry look in her eyes, he could tell that she didn't have any problem with their new positions.

Gene leaned down, making like he was going to kiss her ear, but instead he began a leisurely investigation of her body, starting with the scents of Alex.

He nuzzled her hair: fresh with a touch of the ever-present hair spray that every woman used these days. He moved on to the base of her neck, his nose tracing the path. He felt her shudder slightly below him and this made him smile. There was the scent of the leather jacket she wore, and a bit of sweat, but she still smelled fresh, like she was not long from a bath. His body reacted and he moaned as a delicious image popped into his head: her naked, lounging in a tub with water that barely covered her pert breasts, her feet dangling over the edge. He heard her chuckle and looked up into her eyes.

"Find something funny?" he growled playfully.

"If I said yes, what would you do?" she taunted, licking her lips in seeming anticipation.

He leaned toward her ear again and whispered, "Go slower."

He heard her breath catch as she muttered, "Bastard." He chuckled in response before returning to his exploration.

Gene went back to her neck, moving between her partially unbuttoned blouse. He slid his hands down her leather-covered arms as he nudged at the top with his nose, breathing in a distinctly floral scent between her breasts, stopping just above her bra. It reminded him of his mum's garden back home...he immediately shoved that thought out of his mind: a mood-killer if there ever was one.

He went to move lower, suddenly realizing that he'd have to let go of her arms. He decided to chance her staying put and not trying to take advantage of the situation; she had so far.

He released her arms from his grip, affording only a quick glance at her. She kept her arms where they lay and her eyes appeared to be willing him to continue. He wasn't going to disappoint.

Gene slid further down her body, stopping at the top of her jeans. He inhaled the intoxicating smell of pure, unadulterated sex: hidden from view but oh-so-tantalizingly close.

His body ached, so much so that he was very close to abandoning this slow seduction, but he knew it would be worth it if he kept to it.

He decided that he should move on to the next step in the seduction process: taste.

End of stage four

alex/gene, stages of love, fic, ashes to ashes

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