stagesoflove: Ashes to Ashes: Alex/Gene; Theme: Sight

Jun 05, 2008 20:06

Title: Sight Unseen
Author/Artist: Pixie
Theme: Sight
Rating: G
Author's Note: Very much unbetaed, unless you count me tearing one whole paragraph apart a beta. LOL! Thanks to sjhw_tolerance for some help with my early draft. :)


It was another day on the job in 1981. Alex Drake leaned against Gene Hunt's car, pondering the DCI as he talked to a nervous informant a few feet away.

To look at him from a distance, you wouldn't think much of him. Sure he didn't dress too badly, for the times, although his choice in footwear was questionable. He had a rather decent paunch, and certainly he was tall, but that didn't always do it for all women.

No, from afar he may not capture your fancy, she pondered, but the second he turned his stunning blue eyes on you, you might just change your mind and see him in a more positive light.

Admittedly those who had been on the end of his piercing gaze across the interview room table would not agree. Those eyes could cut right through you and see all the secrets you tried so desperately to hide. It was unnerving, and Alex had been on the receiving end of a sharp look during an argument, of which there were many, but she had given back as good as she got.

Despite this, Alex was finding that she was beginning to soften more and more every day toward Gene. He had given her brief glimpses of a rarely seen side of himself. His eyes sometimes betrayed something deeper to him, someone full of tenderness and vulnerability. Any woman would find him hard to resist.

Alex shook herself out of her thoughts when Gene turned back to her, walking away from the informant. He gave her an odd look, and she wondered if her mushy meanderings were showing on her face. She schooled her expression as he approached.

"Problems, Bols?" he queried. His tone was a bit perturbed, but she had a feeling that it wasn't due to her.

She tried to steer the conversation away from herself. "No, no problems. Get anything from him?" she questioned, nodding in the direction of the quickly departing informant.

He grunted. "Not worth the fiver he was looking for."

She nodded in understanding, pushing herself off the car and standing a little closer to Gene. "So what now?"

His features changed from vaguely annoyed to slightly flirtatious. "Well, there's a few things I could come up with."

Alex rolled her eyes. "I bet you could."

He stood there smiling cheekily at her, his eyes dancing merrily, taunting her. She couldn't stop a small smile in return before she quashed it. Don't want to encourage him too much too soon, she thought.

"C'mon, let's get a drink and figure out what our next move will be," she commented, moving away from him to the passenger side door.

Alex glanced back at him and she saw that Gene's grin had widened. She realized how her words could be interpreted differently from what she had intended. She sighed, shaking her head. "About the case, smart ass."

He chuckled, giving her a wink before heading to the driver's side. "Of course, Bolly. What else could I possibly be thinking about?"

She purposefully didn't answer him, preferring to keep her mouth firmly shut. She opened the door and slid into her seat, keeping her gaze out the window, giving him nothing further to work with during the whole drive to Luigi's.

End of first stage

alex/gene, stages of love, fic, ashes to ashes

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