stagesoflove: Ashes to Ashes: Alex/Gene; Theme: Touch

Jun 20, 2008 11:12

Title: Untouchable
Author/Artist: Pixie
Theme: Touch
Rating: G
Author's Note: Amazing how the muses come out when you're home sick. Very much unbetaed, so blame me for any mistakes. Read the first stage, Sight: Sight Unseen; second stage, Hearing: Sound Focus


Alex waited for Gene's answer to her flirtatious proposition. He was uncharacteristically thoughtful, appearing to ponder what he was going to say. Normally he would rhyme off something lewd, crude or rude, but this time, he seemed uncertain. His eyes searched hers, looking for she didn't know what.

She watched him as his mouth opened slightly, as if he was about to say something, but no words were coming. It seemed like he was actually nervous, which touched her.

Instinctively she moved her left hand to cover his in an attempt to ease his anxiety. He reacted unexpectedly, his hand jumping back from her touch.

This caused Alex to frown. Maybe she was reading this all wrong. Maybe she should just go to bed and sleep this all off. And then pretend the next day like none of this awkwardness had happened.

Her decision made, she stood and said, "Goodnight, Gene." She quickly turned and walked to the door, not giving him a chance to respond.


Gene felt incredibly stupid, and this angered him. Her none-too subtle invite had thrown him off - normally he was the one to throw around the innuendo - and he'd more than likely appeared like a right twat not being able to respond. But it wasn't for lack of desire; his body had reacted positively to her offer, and when she'd touched him, her skin skimming his felt like fire, so he'd pulled back from it.

Not surprisingly she appeared to have interpreted all this as disinterest, and now she was walking away. This fully broke him out of his spell of immobility; he wasn't going to miss out on this opportunity, it may never come again. He stood, pulling out a few bills to pay for what they'd eaten and drunk, then followed after Alex.

Once he got to the front door of Luigi's, she was already up the stairs to the street and headed for the stairs to her apartment. He made his way up as quickly as he could without tripping and falling on the rain dampened ground.

He finally caught up with her as she reached her front door, he slightly out of breath. She turned to look at him, her expression surprised. She said nothing as he stopped before her, standing close but not touching. Heat radiated off her body, warming him in more ways than one. It was intoxicating.

"Was that an honest offer?" he queried, his tone low.

Gene didn't miss the hitch in Alex's breathing and dilating of her pupils.

With only a moment's hesitation, she responded, "Yes."

End of stage three

alex/gene, stages of love, fic, ashes to ashes

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