Harry Potter Fic: Loss of All

Jun 22, 2013 17:43

Title: Loss of All
Prompt: Harsh Angles and “You have to laugh at yourself once in a while, because you’d cry your eyes out if you didn’t” (The Indigo Girls)
Bonus? Yes
Word Count: 651
Rating: PG-13
Original/Fandom: Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairings (if any):
Warnings (Non-Con/Dub-Con etc):
Summary: Ginny Potter visits her mother in the Geriatric ward at St. Mungos and reflects on the past.
A/N: I don't own Ginny nor Molly :( I'm just using them in this story. WARNING: mentions of character death!

The sun shining on her profile created harsh angles which made her mother look even worse, Ginny thought to herself. She walked through the aging population that inhabited the Geriatric ward at St. Mungo's. She couldn't quite believe the bad turn that things had taken. After the war, Molly Weasley had struggled to get over Fred's death, but with the arrival of Victoire and the other grandchildren a couple of years later, she bounced back to her old self.

Then the year that Lily turned fifteen, disaster struck the family hard. Arthur died peacefully in his sleep unexpectedly. It was devastating for the entire family, but especially Molly. They had been happily married for over 70 years and she had spent that time devoting herself to him and the rest of the family. Arthur was her life.

For the first couple of years, Molly had put on a brave face and the rest of the family rallied around her. But then everything came crashing down on the family once more.

It started with Molly misplacing things that she commonly used. It continued with her calling out for the twins to stop their noise and getting very upset when George tried to explain that it was only him now and they weren't making any noise. It was scary and most of the family put it down to Molly not feeling well. But then she started forgetting grandchildren's names and starting confusing Fred Junior calling him George and asking him to go and call Fred for supper. It got so bad that the boys and Ginny called a meeting and decided to have her examined.

What the healers found at St. Mungos was shocking because very few wizards got ill with this disease--they found out that Molly had Alzheimer's. The family was shocked to say the least because Alzheimer's was a muggle illness, not a wizarding one. But nonetheless, the family gathered around her to look after her. It wasn't easy at all but they soldiered on until the time came when heartbroken they made the decision to put her in the Geriatric ward in St. Mungo's because they couldn't look after her any longer. Molly had been getting increasingly aggressive and needing more and more help doing daily tasks.

Ginny hurried over to her mother.

"Hello, Mum." She called out as she reached Molly's sunbathed chair. "How are you doing?"

"Ginny, my girl! How are you? I can't believe that your brothers let you come here by yourself? Once I get a hold of them there will be hell to pay because little girls shouldn't be allowed to be on their own!" Molly exclaimed as she let her daughter kiss her on the cheek.

"They're on their way," Ginny quietly said, grasping Molly's hand tightly.

"Oh good good!" Molly continued to say, her eyes looking around trying to locate a person who wasn't there.

"Your father is around here somewhere, he will come over to say hello I'm sure. Busy with his muggle contraptions! Why, I always tell him, Arthur, you're a wizard and you don't need to mess with muggle things! But he never listens to me!"

Ginny spent the next hour with her mom, listening to her talk about her dad, brothers, and herself as if they were all much younger (and still alive in her father and Fred's case). Afterwards, she got up and kissed her mother goodbye.

On the way out of the ward and hospital, Ginny was overcome with laughter. She laughed her head off as she headed to the apparition station, drawing weird looks her way. But she knew that it was better to laugh at herself and the whole sad situation because otherwise she would find herself crying her eyes out.

This entry was originally posted at http://pinkphoenix1985.dreamwidth.org/947615.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

fic: loss of all

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