Story for Glam_Bingo: Sun Burnt Revelation

Dec 23, 2010 08:20

Title:  Sun Burnt Revelation

Prompt:  Other:  Sunburn

Pairing:  Adam/Tommy

Rating:  R/NC 17

Warnings:  language and m/m loving

Disclaimer:  I do not own the boys or any other characters.  This story is purely fictional and for entertainment purposes only.

Summary:  Sunburn leads to a revelation.

Word Count:  1969

Author’s Notes:  This story was written for glam_bingo.  I hope you enjoy it.  Thanks for reading.  Feedback is always welcome.

“Tommy, are you okay?”  Adam called as he entered the hotel room.  “Monte said I should check on you, but he wouldn’t say why.”

The band had had the day off while Adam did interviews.  They were supposed to spend the day at the beach.  Adam imagined that Tommy had probably drunk too much.

Adam walked further into the room and switched on the light.  He heard a groan from the bed.  He saw Tommy sprawled out on his stomach.  He was completely naked and red all over.

“What the hell happened to you, Tommy Joe?”  Adam asked as he stepped closer to the bed to get a better look.

“Fucking Taylor and Isaac…little fuckers.  I feel asleep on the beach.  They thought that it’d be funny to leave me there with no sunscreen or anything.”  Tommy explained moving as little as possible.

“They’re dicks.”  Adam agreed as he sat down on the bed beside Tommy.  “Your ass is red.  How exactly did that happen?”

“At some point, someone thought it would be fucking hilarious to pull my shorts down.”  Tommy grumbled.

“Should I fire them or just kick their asses?”  Adam questioned with a laugh.

“I think that they deserve to be tortured…slowly.”  Tommy stated bitterly.

“I’ll see what I can do about that.  Can I do anything for you?”  Adam asked.

“No.  I’ll be okay.  It’s not as bad as it could have been.  Luckily, Monte and Cam showed up and put an end to the madness.”  Tommy enlightened.

Just then there was a knock on the door.  Tommy moaned at the thought of getting out of bed to answer it.  Before he could move, Adam was out of the bed and over at the door.  He looked out the peephole and then opened the door a crack.

“Adam!”  Taylor squeaked when he saw Adam with an angry face.

“Taylor…Isaac.”  Adam said sternly.  Tommy smiled to himself.  He knew that Adam could be quite intimidating when he was angry.

“We’re really sorry.”  Isaac told him.

“Yeah.  It was stupid.”  Taylor added.

“You’re right.  It was stupid.”  Adam agreed not letting his angry face drop even the slightest.

“Is he okay?”  Taylor inquired in a small voice.

“He’ll be fine.”  Adam replied curtly.

“We brought him some aloe gel, a few bottles of water, and some tacos.”  Isaac said as he held out the bags to Adam.

“Thanks.”  Adam responded taking the bags from him.

“Tell him we’re sorry and we’ll never do anything like that again.”  Taylor told him.  The words were for Adam just as much as they were for Tommy.  Taylor knew that Adam was mad at them.  He was very protective of all his friends, but especially Tommy.

“I will tell him.”  Adam replied as he shut the door.

“Fuck…I think Taylor was practically crying.  You must have been shooting daggers at him with your eyes.”  Tommy laughed as Adam came back over to the bed.

“I was only trying to scare them a little bit.  They deserve it after what they did to you.”  Adam declared.

“The tacos smell good.”  Tommy stated as his stomach growled.

“Can you sit up?”  Adam asked as he placed the bags on the bed.

“Yeah, I should be fine.  It only stings a little.”  Tommy answered as he started to move.

“Okay…You eat and drink some water so you don’t get dehydrated.”  Adam commanded.

“Yes, mom.”  Tommy replied with a laugh as he got up.  He winced slightly.

“I’m gonna go to my room and change.  I’ll be right back and then I’ll put some aloe on you.”  Adam told him as he headed for the door.

“Okay.”  Tommy responded as he began opening one of the tacos.  “I can’t promise that I’ll save you any tacos.”

“Don’t worry about it.  I already ate.  Besides, I don’t think that I could eat those disgusting things that you call tacos.”  Adam stated as he opened the door.

“They’re delicious.”  Tommy replied with a mouth full of taco.

When Adam returned ten minutes later, Tommy was done eating and on his second bottle of water.  Adam had changed into pajama pants and a t-shirt.  Tommy had slipped a pair of underwear on.

“Let me put some of this aloe on you and then we can watch a movie.”  Adam spoke as he sat on the bed with Tommy.

“It’s really not that bad anymore.”  Tommy told him.

“We should still use the aloe.  It will take away the rest of the sting and it will help hydrate your skin and prevent peeling.”  Adam responded as he opened the bottle.

Tommy shook his head in agreement.  He knew that Adam wasn’t going to let this go.  He placed his water on the night stand and lay down on his stomach.  He felt the bed shift as Adam moved closer to him.

“It’s gonna be cold.”  Adam stated.

Tommy knew that, but he still hissed a little at the first touch of Adam’s hand.  Adam started at Tommy’s neck and worked his way down.  He covered his shoulders and back.  Tommy knew that all of this was meant to be a friendly gesture, but somehow it was erotic.  Tommy could feel himself getting turned on.  He didn’t think that Adam had any idea of the effect that he was having on him.

Tommy moaned and lifted his hips up a little.  His butt came in contact with Adam who had straddled him to be able to reach his back easier.  Tommy could tell that Adam wasn’t hard yet, but he knew that he could get him aroused if he kept moving his hips like that.  Tommy moved his hips a few more times before he felt Adam’s cock twitch in his pants.  Adam stopped applying the aloe to him.  Tommy moved his hips a few more times and felt Adam twitch again.  He moaned.  He was about to roll his hips again when he felt Adam’s hands on his hips holding him still.

“Please, Adam.  I want this.  It’s been too long.  Please.”  Tommy pleaded.

“But your sunburn.”  Adam said with a shaking breath.

“It’s really not that bad.  I’ll be fine.”  Tommy responded as he tried to move his hips again.  Adam was still holding him down.

“God, Tommy, I want you too, but I thought we agreed that we weren’t going to do this anymore.”  Adam replied trying to be the voice of reason.  He released Tommy’s hips and moved away from him.

“We agreed to just be friends and not sleep together anymore because I wasn’t ready for anything else.  I wasn’t ready to be Adam Lambert’s boyfriend, but I am now.”  Tommy told him as he rolled over and moved closer to Adam.

“You’re just saying that, so you get laid.”  Adam whispered sadly.

“Adam, I would never lie to you.  I love you.  I been in love with you since I met you, but I was just so unsure of myself.  I felt so unworthy of your love.”  Tommy stated as he gently touched Adam’s cheek.

“Tommy, you were never unworthy of anything.”  Adam replied as tears formed in his eyes.

“I know that now.  You’re the one who helped me to see that.  You helped me to be comfortable with who I am.”  Tommy explained as he moved closer and lightly kissed Adam on the corner of the mouth.

“Tommy.”  Adam breathed as he closed his eyes.

Tommy smiled and pressed his lips fully to Adam’s lips.  Adam sighed and opened his mouth to the kiss.  He tangled one of his hands in Tommy’s hair as they deepened the kiss.  Tommy moved so that he was straddling Adam.

As they continued to make-out, Tommy began to pull Adam’s shirt up.  When it was up as far as it could go, Adam broke the kiss and lifted his arms over his head.  Tommy pulled the shirt completely off.  Their lips found each other’s again.  The urgency was starting to build and their kisses were sloppy.

Tommy ran his hand down Adam’s chest and slipped it into his pajama pants.  He gripped him firmly and started to stroke.  Adam moaned and tightened his hold on Tommy’s hair.  He could tell that Adam was still holding back.

“Let go, baby.”  Tommy whispered in his ear.

Adam grunted and quickly flipped them over.  He pushed Tommy into the bed and he kissed him.  He reached between them and pushed at his pajama pants.  He got them down to his knees before he reached to tug Tommy’s underwear off.  After a few moments of maneuvering, both men were naked.

Adam moved against Tommy’s naked body and groaned.  He had really missed this.  He wanted Tommy more than he ever had.

“Baby, please tell me that you have condoms somewhere.”  Adam whispered in his ear.

“I don’t.  I haven’t been with anyone since the last time we were together.  I didn’t want to be with anyone else.”  Tommy explained.

“I haven’t been with anyone since then either.  Is it okay if we bareback?”  Adam asked looking into Tommy’s eyes.

“Yeah.”  Tommy whispered falling in love with Adam a little more.

Adam leaned down and kissed him hungrily.

“Please tell me that you at least have some lube.”  Adam stated.

“In the drawer.”  Tommy responded as he jerked his head toward the night stand.

Adam smiled and reached over to retrieve the bottle.  Once he had the bottle, Adam applied a generous amount to his fingers.  He leaned down and kissed Tommy deeply as he slid one finger into him.

Tommy was very responsive.  He moaned and allowed his legs to fall open.  In no time at all, Adam was using three fingers to open him up.

“I’m ready, Adam.  I need you.”  Tommy declared desperately.

Adam removed his fingers and quickly lubed himself up.  In the next instant, he was inside Tommy completely.  They both moaned as Adam moved slowly.

“I’ve missed this so much, baby.  I love you.”  Tommy stated as he looked directly into Adam’s eyes.

“I love you too.”  Adam replied breathlessly before capturing Tommy’s lips in a kiss.

Even though Adam kept a slow rhythm, it didn’t take him long to reach his climax.  It had been far too long since he’d been with anyone…with Tommy.  He could tell that Tommy was close, so he pulled out and slid down his body.  Quickly, he took him into his mouth.  Within moments, he felt Tommy release in his mouth.

Both men were breathing heavily as Adam crawled back up to lay beside Tommy.  They shared a lazy kiss before settling in each other’s arms and trying to return to normal breathing.

“How’s your sunburn?”  Adam asked when he had calmed down.

“Not bad.  I think I’ll be fine.”  Tommy answered.

“I’m glad, but I think that I’m still going to try to intimidate Taylor and Isaac a little more.  I don’t want them to think that they can get away with this kind of thing again.”  Adam told him.

“That’s my baby.”  Tommy replied sleepily.

“You’re sure about all of this?”  Adam asked.

“About you intimidating Taylor and Isaac…Yeah, I’m sure.”  Tommy responded as he snuggled closer.

“Not about them…About us.  You’re sure that you want there to be an us.  You want to be my boyfriend.”  Adam replied.

“Of course, I’m sure about us.  I want to be your boyfriend, but only if you want to be mine.”  Tommy stated as he opened his eyes and looked at Adam.

“I wanna keep you forever, Tommy Joe.”  Adam whispered.

“Sounds like a plan to me.”  Tommy declared as he cuddled back up to Adam.

Tommy laid his head on Adam’s chest.  Adam wrapped an arm around him and held him tight.  Soon both boys drifted off to sleep.

glam_bingo, adam/tommy, fanfic, adam lambert, tommy ratliff, adommy

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