Story for Glam_Bingo: Nothin On You

Dec 23, 2010 08:12

Title:  Nothin’ On You

Prompt:  WILD CARD

Pairing:  Adam/Tommy

Rating:  G

Warnings:  none

Disclaimer:  I do not own the boys.  This story is purely fictional and for entertainment purposes only.

Summary:  Adam is drunk and feeling sorry for himself.

Word Count:  1175

Author’s Notes.  This story was written for glam_bingo.  This story was inspired by Nothin’ on You by B.o.B. and Bruno Mars.  I hope you enjoy it.  Thanks for reading.  Feedback is always welcome.

Beautiful girls all over the world

I could be chasing

But my time would be wasted

They got nothin’ on you.

--Nothin’ on You by B.o.B. and Bruno Mars

Tommy helped Adam into his house and up the stairs to his bedroom.  They had been out with a group of friends, the band, and the dancers.  They were celebrating the end of the tour.  They were supposed to be having a good time.

Adam rarely got drunk.  At least he rarely got drunk enough to require assistance home.  To make matters even worse, he was feeling sorry for himself.  His career was really taking off.  He was finally getting everything he had ever dreamed of.  He should be happy and normally he was, but tonight something was different.

“Why do you like me?”  Adam asked morosely as he sat down on the bed.

“Adam, what are you talking about?”  Tommy inquired as he turned the lamp on.

“I’m a mess.  Why do you like me?”  Adam inquired again.

“You’re just drunk…And there are plenty of reasons why I like you.”  Tommy replied as he kneeled on the floor to remove Adam’s shoes.

“I’m drunk, but I am serious.  Why do you like me?  You could have any girl you want.”  Adam stated.

“Is this about the girl at the club?  I was just saying hi.”  Tommy told him as he got one boot off.

“She was beautiful.”  Adam declared.

“I guess so.  What’s going on, Adam?  Did somebody say something to you?”  Tommy quizzed as he worked to get the other boot off.

“Neil said that he just couldn’t understand how you got all the hot girls throwing themselves at you and you weren’t even interested.”  Adam responded.

“No offense, but your brother is an idiot.”  Tommy stated.

“But why aren’t you interested in them?  I mean you were straight before you met me.  I screwed you all up.  I forced you into things and…”  Adam started to say.

“First of all, you didn’t force me into anything.  I followed you willingly into this.”  Tommy told him as he held his face with his hands.    “You didn’t screw me up.  Trust me I was screwed up long before I met you.  As for being straight until I met you, I wouldn’t say that is entirely true.  Yeah, I’d only been with girls, but I had found boys attractive before.”

“You were curious.  That didn’t give me the right to shove my tongue down your throat every night on stage…to push you until you broke.”  Adam replied as he pulled back from Tommy’s grasp.

“Adam, I gave you the right.  I want to be with you.  I’m not just curious anymore.  I know what I want.”  Tommy declared as he grabbed Adam’s hands.

“How could you want me?  I’m just some big gay idiot who ruined your life.  You should be with those girls.”  Adam told him.

“Adam, those girls have nothing on you.  You are so amazing and beautiful and talented.  I want you because of everything you are, everything you were, and everything you want to be.  My life is not ruined.  It is so much better with you in it.”  Tommy explained as he placed his hand on Adam’s cheek.

“I’m sorry.  I’m drunk and feeling like shit.”  Adam responded as he flopped down on the bed.

“It’s okay, baby.  But you should get up and get that make-up off.  You’ll regret it in the morning if you sleep in it.”  Tommy told him as he grabbed his hand and pulled him up again.

Tommy helped Adam into the bathroom.  He made him sit on the lid of the toilet as he wet a wash cloth.  When it was wet, Tommy gently scrubbed the cloth over Adam’s face.  Slowly, he revealed more and more of Adam’s freckled skin.  Tommy rinsed the wash cloth and wiped some more make-up off.

“Adam, baby, I don’t want you to ever doubt that I want to be with you…that I am choosing to be with you.  I love you.”  Tommy spoke before leaning down and dropping kisses all over Adam’s freshly washed skin.

Adam closed his eyes and sighed.  After Tommy had kissed all over his face, he placed his lips on Adam’s lips.  He kissed him gently and ran his tongue along Adam’s lips.  With another sigh, Adam opened his mouth to Tommy.  Tommy slid his tongue inside.  They kissed for a few moments before Tommy pulled away.

“Look at me.”  Tommy commanded softly.

Adam hesitated a moment before he opened his eyes.

“I love you and I want to be with you.  Those girls have nothing I want.  No other guy has anything I want either.  Do you believe me?”  Tommy questioned as he looked directly into Adam’s eyes.

“Yeah.”  Adam breathed after a moment.

“Good.”  Tommy declared before kissing him again.

When they broke the kiss, Adam wrapped his arms around Tommy in a big hug.  Tommy smiled and returned the hug.

“I love you.”  Adam whispered in his ear.

“I love you too.  I think you should get to bed.  Can you make it on your own?”  Tommy asked as he helped him stand up.

“I think so.”  Adam responded.

“Okay…Go get in bed and I’ll bring you some Tylenol and a big glass of water.  It’ll help with the hangover.”  Tommy told him before leaning up on his tiptoes and kissing Adam’s cheek.

“You are so good to me, baby.”  Adam mumbled as he stumbled off to the bedroom.

Tommy quickly washed his make-up off.  As he made his way out of the bathroom, he discovered a trail of Adam’s clothes leading to the bed.  Adam was laying there and looked like he was already asleep.  Tommy sat down and gently shook him.

“Adam, baby, wake up for just a minute.”  Tommy told him quietly.

Adam opened his eyes and moaned.  Tommy helped him sit up and handed him the pills.  Adam popped them in his mouth and took the offered glass of water from Tommy.  He downed half of the water and the pills before handing the glass back to Tommy.  Adam flopped back down and was asleep again.  Tommy striped off his clothes, turned off the lights, and climbed into bed with him.  Adam sighed in his sleep and cuddled up to Tommy.  Tommy wrapped his arm around him and dropped a kiss on the top of his head.  Adam settled his head on Tommy’s chest and started lightly snoring.  Tommy smiled and settled into the bed further.  While he waited for sleep to come, Tommy thought about what he had just talked to Adam about.  He made a decision to start to show Adam how much he loved him on a daily basis.  He knew the first step of that was for them to finally come clean about their relationship.  Only a few close friends and family members knew that they were an item.  Tommy wanted to tell the whole world.  He didn’t want Adam to feel like he was a secret anymore or that Tommy really wanted to be with any of those girls that he talked to.  Tommy fell asleep with a smile on his face.

glam_bingo, adam/tommy, fanfic, adam lambert, tommy ratliff, adommy

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