Story for Glam_Bingo: Duct Tape

Dec 23, 2010 08:06

Title:  Duct Tape

Prompt:  Other:  Jealousy

Pairing:  Adam/Tommy

Rating:  PG 13/R

Warnings:  language

Disclaimer:  I do not own the boys.  This story is purely fictional and for entertainment purposes only.

Summary:  Adam and Tommy are both jealous of something for no reason.

Word Count:  920

Author’s Notes:  This story was written for glam_bingo.    This story was inspired by Tommy’s NO H8 picture.  I hope you enjoy it.  Thanks for reading.  Feedback is always welcome.

Adam Lambert was jealous of a piece of duct tape.  It was covering Tommy Joe’s perfect lips and he wasn’t.  Of course, it was only an inanimate object and he got to kiss Tommy onstage every night, but he was still jealous.  Pretty soon, they wouldn’t be onstage every night.  He’d still see Tommy, but he’d have no excuse to kiss him.

Even though he was jealous of the tape, Adam had to admit that Tommy looked sexy as hell in the picture.  His hair and make-up were perfect.  The pose with his hands behind his head was like an invitation.  He loved being able to see some of his tattoos.  Even though most of them were of murderous movie villains, Adam thought that they were totally hot.  He was proud of Tommy for posing for the picture and giving his time to a cause that was so important.  He was still jealous of the duct tape though.

“What do you think?”  Tommy inquired as he indicated the photo.  Adam was staring.

Adam broke out of his thoughts.  He looked from the picture to the real version.  Tommy was smiling at him.

“You look absolutely fucking gorgeous, glitterbaby!”  Adam enthused with a big smile.

“Thanks, babyboy.”  Tommy replied as his smile increased.

Tommy had just finished the photo shoot a little while ago.  Adam was the first person to see the picture other than Tommy, the photographer, and few people working at the shoot.  He had begged the photographer for a copy to show Adam.  He had no idea why, but he had to know what Adam thought about it.

Adam stared at Tommy.  He still had some of the make-up on.  The NO H8 was gone.  He could see a faint redness around his mouth and on his lips from the tape.  Adam wanted to kiss him.  Tommy knew that Adam was staring at him and he liked it.

When Adam couldn’t take it any longer, he leaned in and pressed his lips to Tommy’s lips.  Tommy followed Adam’s lead just like he did onstage.  Adam licked across Tommy’s lips a few times before he finally opened his mouth.  Adam slid his tongue into Tommy’s mouth and moaned.  He allowed himself to get lost in the kiss like he never did onstage.  Adam’s lips were the only thing touching Tommy.  He wanted to reach out and touch him, but he was afraid it would make the moment all too real and Tommy would pull away.  Adam was surprised when he felt Tommy’s hands on him…one in his hair tugging and pressing them closer and the other gripping the front of his shirt.  Adam kissed him harder and moved his hands to his hips.  He pulled Tommy closer.

When Adam tried to break the kiss, Tommy wouldn’t let him.  He held him tighter and pressed their lips back together.  Every time they had kissed onstage, Tommy had wanted to keep going.  He never wanted to stop, but he knew that they had a show to do.  Sometimes, Tommy was jealous of the audience.  They got more of Adam’s attention than he did.  He knew that was how it was supposed to be, but he still wanted to demand more of him sometimes.

When breathing became necessary, Tommy allowed the kiss to end, but he kept his hold on Adam.  He didn’t want him getting away now that he had him right where he wanted him.

“I’ve wanted to do that for a long time.”  Tommy told him as they rested their foreheads together.

“Me too.”  Adam whispered as he leaned in to take Tommy’s lips again.

Adam didn’t kiss him though.  He stopped just short of his lips.  Tommy whined and leaned in to capture Adam’s lips instead.  Adam smirked at their lips touched again.  This time he allowed Tommy to control the kiss…to slip his tongue into his mouth.

“Do I have your attention now?”  Tommy inquired when the kiss ended.

“Baby, you’ve always had my attention.”  Adam answered.

“It didn’t always feel like it.  I got jealous having to share you with the audience sometimes.”  Tommy admitted.  Adam chuckled a little.

“I would have loved nothing more that to give all my attention to you kiss you onstage like we just kissed, but I have to interact with the audience and sing…it’s kinda my job.”  Adam told him.

“I know that and I can live with that now, if you promise that we can keep doing this when we aren’t onstage.”  Tommy replied.

“We definitely can.”  Adam responded as he began to pepper kisses on Tommy’s face where it was red from the tape.  “We can do a whole lot more too.”  Tommy moaned.  “Do you want to know something?”  Adam kissed the corner of his mouth.  “I was jealous of the duct tape when I first saw the picture…jealous that it was covering your mouth and I wasn’t”

“You can cover my mouth anytime you want.”  Tommy declared with a smirk.

“I am going to take you up on that offer right now.”  Adam stated before taking his lips once again.

For a long time, Adam and Tommy made out.  It felt good to finally be able to let go and do whatever they wanted.  No one was watching them…expecting something or fearing how far they might go.  There was no need for either of them to be jealous any longer either.  They could have each other’s lips and attention any time they wanted it.

glam_bingo, adam/tommy, fanfic, adam lambert, tommy ratliff, adommy

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