Story for Glam_Bingo: Trust

Dec 23, 2010 11:43

Title:  Trust

Prompt:  Cliché:  The quote Jail Bait Wait

Pairing:  Adam/Tommy

Rating:   R/NC 17

Warnings:  language and m/m loving

Disclaimer:  I do not own the boys.  This story is purely fictional and for entertainment purposes only.

Summary:  Tommy comes out to Adam, but they have to wait.

Word Count:  1992

Author’s Notes:  This story was written for glam_bingo.  It takes place in an AU where Tommy is younger than Adam. I hope you enjoy it.  Thanks for reading.  Feedback is always welcome.

“Why does he have to be so fucking perfect?”  Adam asked Brad as they watched Tommy practice with his bass guitar on the stage.  They were sitting up in the balcony.

“Just remember that his perfect little ass is only seventeen.”  Brad reminded him.

“Only for another month.”  Adam responded with a smile.

“Is he even into boys?”  Brad inquired.

“I have no idea, but as soon as he’s eighteen I intend to find out.”  Adam said with a lusty look in Tommy’s direction.

Just before twenty-four year old, Adam Lambert had started his tour, his bass guitarist had quit.  His friend, lead guitarist, and musical director, Monte had suggested Tommy.  He was a musical prodigy who could play just about any instrument.  Even though he was only seventeen, his parents agreed to let him go on tour.  His mother had to go with him though.

Adam had been a little apprehensive about hiring Tommy at first.  He was a teenager and having his mother tag along all the time seemed like it would put a damper on things.  However, the first time Adam heard him play he was hooked.  Tommy was gifted.  It didn’t hurt that he was attractive and totally Adam’s type.

“Adam, can I talk to you?”  Tommy asked him a few weeks later after knocking on the door to his hotel room.

“Of course.  Come in.”  Adam replied smiling at him.

Tommy came in and wiped his palms on his jeans.  He was nervous.  Adam shut the door and observed Tommy for a moment.

“My mom is taking a nap back in our room.”  Tommy told him without being asked.

“Okay…So what did you want to talk about?”  Adam asked as they sat down on the couch.

“I…I…um…”  Tommy stammered.

“Tommy, you can tell me anything.”  Adam spoke as he reached over and placed his hand over Tommy’s hand on his knee.

“I’m gay.”  Tommy blurted out.  He sighed in relief.  “I’ve never told anyone that before.  I’ve never said it out loud.”

Adam wasn’t sure what to say.  He was honored that Tommy had trusted him enough to tell him.  He remembered how hard it was to come out and be afraid of people’s reactions.

“I’m glad that you told me.  I mean I’m glad that you felt comfortable enough to tell me.”  Adam told him with a reassuring smile.

“I’ve known for awhile.  I guess since I was about twelve or thirteen.  All the other boys were starting to like girls and I was starting to like the other boys.  I tried to deny it…pretend that it was just a phase I was going through.  I think I’ve been doing that ever since, but when I met you I realized that it was nothing to hide from and be ashamed of.  It’s just a part of who I am.  I’m still a little scared to tell people especially my mom.”  Tommy rambled as he clutched Adam’s hand.  Adam just let him talk.  He knew that’s what he needed.

“It’s okay to be scared.  I’m not going to lie to you.  Some people aren’t going to understand.  They are going to say cruel things.  Call you terrible names.  Tell you that you are going to Hell because you love another man.  It might be people that you’ve known forever or complete strangers.  But you just have to stand up for yourself and surround yourself with a good support system.  Trust me having good people around you makes all the difference in the world.”  Adam explained as he squeezed Tommy’s hand.

“How did your mom take it when you told her?”  Tommy inquired.

“She was amazing.  She had known for a long time or at least suspected.  She just hugged me and told me that she loved me no matter what.”  Adam answered.

“I think that my mom has probably suspected for awhile too.  I just hope that she’ll be as cool as your mom about it.”  Tommy spoke.

“Your mom let you skip out of school early and come out on tour with me.  I think she’s pretty cool.”  Adam responded with a bright smile.

“Yeah…I guess she is pretty cool for a mom.”  Tommy agreed with a smile of his own.

For awhile, Adam and Tommy talked.  Tommy asked him a lot of questions about his coming out and his firsts.  Adam asked him some questions as well.  He discovered that Tommy had shared his first kiss with a friend of a friend when he was fifteen.  He’d never had a boyfriend, but the prior year there had been an older guy that he had fooled around with.  The guy stopped seeing him when Tommy told him that he wasn’t ready to have sex.

“Thank you for all of this.”  Tommy told him.

“I’m here anytime you need to talk.”  Adam replied with a friendly smile.

Tommy smiled back at him.  He leaned in and pressed his lips to Adam’s lips.  Adam allowed the kiss because he was caught off guard and he’d been wondering what it would be like to kiss him.  Tommy moved closer and ran his tongue along Adam’s lips.  Momentarily, Adam forgot himself and opened his mouth.  Tommy’s tongue slipped inside as he brought his hands to Adam’s head and held him closer.

“We shouldn’t be doing this.”  Adam declared breathlessly breaking away from Tommy’s mouth.

“I like you, Adam.  I think you’re so beautiful and talented and caring and…”  Tommy started to say.

“And older than you.  You’re only seventeen.”  Adam finished for him.

“My birthday is in two weeks.  What does that have to do with anything?  I can make my own decisions.”  Tommy returned.

“I know that and I like you too, Tommy.  And if we both really like each other and want to be together, we’ll want it in two weeks too.”  Adam said rationally.

“Adam…”  Tommy tried to protest.

“Tommy, this is really for the best.  You need time to talk to your mom.  Get comfortable with people knowing that you’re gay.”  Adam explained.

“I guess you’re right…But in two weeks, I’m going to kiss you again.”  Tommy declared happily.

“I hope so.”  Adam whispered.

For the next two weeks, Adam and Tommy spent a lot of time together.  They did things in public or with groups.  They didn’t spend any real time alone.  They didn’t want to tempt themselves too much.

On Tommy’s birthday, they had a show.  He had told his mother and several other people including the rest of the band.  So far everyone had been okay with it.  His mom said that she had known for awhile.  It was part of the reason that she had agreed for Tommy to take the job with Adam.  Adam was openly gay and she had hoped that he would inspire her son to finally be who he was.

During the show, they brought out a cake and sang Happy Birthday to Tommy.  He felt good to be surrounded by so many amazing people.  Adam had been right.  It made all the difference in the world to have good people around him.

After the show that night, his mother left.  He no longer needed a guardian being as he was eighteen and an adult.  She could have stayed and he told her that and so did Adam.  However, she knew that it was time for Tommy to be on his own.  Before she left, she gave him her blessing to be with Adam.   He was shocked because he hadn’t told her anything about Adam.  She said that a mother just knew some things and she saw they way they looked at one another when they thought no one was watching.

When his mom was gone, Tommy sat alone in his hotel room.  He felt completely grown up.  He thought about all the things that he could do now that he was an adult and on his own.  However, the only thing he really wanted was to go see Adam.

Tommy knocked on the door and tried to be patient as he waited for Adam to answer.  Suddenly, the door opened up and hand grabbed him and pulled him into the room.  Before he had a chance to process what was happening, Tommy was pushed up against the wall with Adam’s tongue in his mouth.

“I thought I said I was going to kiss you.”  Tommy stated breathlessly when Adam finally released his lips.

“I know.  I’m sorry.  I just couldn’t wait any longer.  For the last two weeks, all I’ve been able to think about is the feeling of your lips.”  Adam told him as he rested his forehead against Tommy’s and circled his arms around his waist.

“I know what you mean.”  Tommy whispered as he closed his eyes.

Adam smiled and leaned in to kiss him again.  This kiss was soft and slow.  Adam began to move his kisses to Tommy’s neck.  Tommy moaned and laced his fingers in Adam’s hair.

“My mom gave us her blessing by the way.  I didn’t tell her anything about us.  She just knew.”  Tommy rattled on as Adam sucked on his neck.

“Do you really want to be talking about your mother right now?”  Adam asked as he moved away from Tommy and looked in his eyes.

“No.”  Tommy declared.

Adam smirked and captured Tommy’s lips.  Their kisses and touches took on a sudden urgency.  They couldn’t get enough of one another.  Before Tommy knew it, Adam had him naked on the bed.  As Adam slowed down and kissed all over his body, Tommy began shaking.  He’d never felt so good.  Adam touched him in ways that he’d never imagined.  He knew that he was in love with Adam and he knew that he was going to have sex with him.  He was scared, but he knew that it was what he wanted…that he was ready.

“I’ve never wanted anyone the way I want you, baby.  You’re so beautiful.”  Adam breathed in Tommy’s ear.

“Will it hurt?”  Tommy asked quietly.  He was afraid his voice might crack.

“Yes…But I’ll be as gentle and as careful as I can.”  Adam answered.

“O…O…Kay…”  Tommy stuttered as Adam took him in his hand and slowly stroked.

“We don’t have to do this tonight.  I’ll wait for you until you’re ready.”  Adam told him as he stopped moving.

“I’m ready.  I trust you.”  Tommy stated.

Adam continued to work his magic on Tommy.  He talked Tommy through everything he was doing.  He expected resistance when he used his fingers to open Tommy.  He was tight, but he spread his legs eagerly and took three of Adam’s fingers with only minor discomfort.

When Adam felt that Tommy was ready, he put a condom and lube on.  He placed himself at Tommy’s entrance, but resisted pushing in.

“Are you ready?”  Adam questioned.

“Yes…I love you…Oh fuck!”  Tommy cursed as Adam entered him.  His whole body tensed.

“I love you too.”  Adam breathed as he stayed perfectly still to allow Tommy to adjust.

After a few moments and some soothing words from Adam, Tommy’s body began to relax.  Adam took his lips and started to move in him.  Tommy moaned and held on tight to Adam’s back.  A few minutes later, Tommy came.  His cum sticky and warm between their bodies.  His climax pushed Adam closer to his own.  A few more thrusts and he called out Tommy’s name as he came inside him.

After they had calmed down, Adam carefully removed himself from Tommy.  They cuddled up together.  Adam pulled the covers over them.

“Stay here tonight?”  Adam asked sleepily.

“Do you really think you’re going to get rid of me after that?”  Tommy inquired with a satisfied smile.

Adam smiled back.  He hoped he never got rid of Tommy.  They kissed again.  After the kiss, they decided to get some sleep before going for round two.  They slept peacefully in each other’s arms.

glam_bingo, adam/tommy, fanfic, adam lambert, tommy ratliff, adommy

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