i like your hair in every style you wear it - the "robin hood" season one picspam, part two

Mar 13, 2008 22:07

Grab an era-inappropriate bodice! It's...

The Robin Hood Season One Picspam, Part Two!

Presented by S(a)x Leather, Australia's number one leather and fetish outfitter!

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guy gisborne's guide to leather, picspam

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Comments 18

teenwitch77 March 13 2008, 12:26:38 UTC
Such is a power of his leather duds, salacious smirk and kinky, kinky games over a blushing lass who's only other option is a boy scout who's named after a bird.


and you kind of forget that time he left his own son in the forest. (Good times.)

Oh man, this wins.

YES to the marriage of convenience route. It would have been gooood. And hot and wrong. I still maintain they should have ended season 2 like that. Instead of STABBING.


piecesofalice March 13 2008, 12:45:55 UTC
It just would have worked SO MUCH BETTER - but from what I've been reading, Lucy Griffiths either a) wanted more fame or b) was kicked off, so I guess it's all Emo!Guy next season for us regardless.

Although there seems to be a lot of people claiming "HALLUCINATION!!!11" despite Lucy leaving. Um...

(I HAVE to buy North & South this weekend)


teenwitch77 March 13 2008, 13:04:23 UTC
Yeah, weird story, that one. And Emo!Robin, too. GOODY.

HA. Or she'll come back from the dead. Personally I like that one. The show's just cracky they could do it. What, I'm not in denial...

(OH YES. The romantic!hero Armitage is amazing. Sadly, he is leatherless)


piecesofalice March 13 2008, 22:30:05 UTC
...I completely forgot about Robin. I am so mean.

Noooo we'll all be in denial! I'm all up for hallucinations, you know, the kind where Guy's so struck with grief he imagines her coming into his bed chamber when he's shirtless and...you get the picture.


maddeinin March 13 2008, 13:38:05 UTC
Guy keeps on keepin' on, because he's of the belief that if you get cockblocked once, keep going until you get cockblocked a hundred times.

BWAH. So so true. Oh, Guy/Marian. Their love would've been so kinky and unequal. And hot. (My somewhat favorite moment from the finale is Marian punching him in the face, though. He still has a boo-boo from THEIR WEDDING RING in s2.)

(Except my REAL favorite moment is where Guy doesn't know the first thing about weddings, and Marian shows him who'd wear the pants in that marriage if it ever happened.)


piecesofalice March 13 2008, 22:33:12 UTC
Ohhhhhhh I saw the boo boo! Talk about injustice - from a ring she ain't wearing AND on his beautiful face. Poor Guy.

I loved the scene where he was so totally clueless about weddings (although as if we didn't get that from the LEATHER SUIT). His little face when she told him to go back inside and wait for her, like she was going to turn and run. Aw. If only he knew.


jesshelga March 13 2008, 15:39:04 UTC
He emos on what can only be described as the set of "I Would Do Anything For Love" by Meatloaf!

Holy. Win. I laughed so, so, so, so, so hard at this. I didn't see it, and I don't know how I missed it.

Hey, man, I think your representation is pretty accurate, all things considered. Guy clearly has some--well, let's politely put it "self-esteem issues" and "problems with dumbness," and Marian, AS YOU POINTED OUT TRUE DAT, is working the manipulate and lie angle for everything it is worth.

Their love would've been dismissing the servants for afternoon sex in the dining hall, bossing-and-sassing-and-getting-her-way-every-way goodness.

Too bad the Beeb hosed us all out of that. (I'm not blaming Lucy! She clearly crushes on Armitage and has skin like a fresh crock of cream! There's no way she's the villainess!)


piecesofalice March 13 2008, 22:36:08 UTC
Dur, I know this is the most accurate representation of their relationship ever. I mean, I got the Violent Femmes theme song, I got the pony play gear (which I actually had to Google to even know such a thing existed and saw somethings a girl should never see) AND I got the bit where Robin doesn't exist.


I'm trying to think positive. I started writing Awesome AU, with lizbee being useful, instead of being mean like she has been through this exercise in watching Merry Dudes of Sherwood, Yo. And with an Awesome AU, how can their pairing me over?



jesshelga March 13 2008, 22:42:42 UTC
Merry Dudes of Sherwood, Yo


Oh, so painful because it's true.

I opened the ponygear link at work. WHOOPS. I immediately had to clear my history.

But none of that matters. Because you and your cleary awesome roomie are writing SPANKING!AU.

(Not since you first announced Silas/Joanie. I'm telling you.)

(I am so, so tempted to search YouTube and see if someone has made a vid to "Oo-de-Lally" from the Disney Robin Hood. Because I think I would PISS MY DRAWERS WITH JOY if they have.)



piecesofalice March 14 2008, 04:28:40 UTC
Did you see the parody someone posted in my last picspam? Where they have a breakdance-off in Sherwood Forest? I LOLed and then LOLed at the Children in Need thingo with Armitage and Lucy. Bless.

Oh! I was going to say "don't open the second link at work!" but I forgot. Sorry. (Not really, that's too funny to say sorry)

Liz has her moments. You can read another view of our Whut Whut! The Middle Ages Show watching hurrr.

(OH JOANIE/SILAS. And OH "OO-DE-LALLY". Must...not...make...Psych vid...to song...or RH...vid...to...KANYE...)


firthgal March 20 2008, 06:51:03 UTC
Such is a power of his leather duds, salacious smirk and kinky, kinky games over a blushing lass who's only other option is a boy scout who's named after a bird.

Bwahahahahahahaha!!!! I loved both of these picspams, the first one illustrated my thoughts exactly, and this one makes me excited to watch the rest of the series! OMG, ALL THE GUY/MARIAN PRETTINESS!!! Yes, I definitely need to get a move on watching more. Oh, Guy. *hugs him to chest*


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