i like your hair in every style you wear it - the "robin hood" season one picspam, part two

Mar 13, 2008 22:07

Grab an era-inappropriate bodice! It's...

The Robin Hood Season One Picspam, Part Two!

Presented by S(a)x Leather, Australia's number one leather and fetish outfitter!

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guy gisborne's guide to leather, picspam

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jesshelga March 13 2008, 15:39:04 UTC
He emos on what can only be described as the set of "I Would Do Anything For Love" by Meatloaf!

Holy. Win. I laughed so, so, so, so, so hard at this. I didn't see it, and I don't know how I missed it.

Hey, man, I think your representation is pretty accurate, all things considered. Guy clearly has some--well, let's politely put it "self-esteem issues" and "problems with dumbness," and Marian, AS YOU POINTED OUT TRUE DAT, is working the manipulate and lie angle for everything it is worth.

Their love would've been dismissing the servants for afternoon sex in the dining hall, bossing-and-sassing-and-getting-her-way-every-way goodness.

Too bad the Beeb hosed us all out of that. (I'm not blaming Lucy! She clearly crushes on Armitage and has skin like a fresh crock of cream! There's no way she's the villainess!)


piecesofalice March 13 2008, 22:36:08 UTC
Dur, I know this is the most accurate representation of their relationship ever. I mean, I got the Violent Femmes theme song, I got the pony play gear (which I actually had to Google to even know such a thing existed and saw somethings a girl should never see) AND I got the bit where Robin doesn't exist.


I'm trying to think positive. I started writing Awesome AU, with lizbee being useful, instead of being mean like she has been through this exercise in watching Merry Dudes of Sherwood, Yo. And with an Awesome AU, how can their pairing me over?



jesshelga March 13 2008, 22:42:42 UTC
Merry Dudes of Sherwood, Yo


Oh, so painful because it's true.

I opened the ponygear link at work. WHOOPS. I immediately had to clear my history.

But none of that matters. Because you and your cleary awesome roomie are writing SPANKING!AU.

(Not since you first announced Silas/Joanie. I'm telling you.)

(I am so, so tempted to search YouTube and see if someone has made a vid to "Oo-de-Lally" from the Disney Robin Hood. Because I think I would PISS MY DRAWERS WITH JOY if they have.)



piecesofalice March 14 2008, 04:28:40 UTC
Did you see the parody someone posted in my last picspam? Where they have a breakdance-off in Sherwood Forest? I LOLed and then LOLed at the Children in Need thingo with Armitage and Lucy. Bless.

Oh! I was going to say "don't open the second link at work!" but I forgot. Sorry. (Not really, that's too funny to say sorry)

Liz has her moments. You can read another view of our Whut Whut! The Middle Ages Show watching hurrr.

(OH JOANIE/SILAS. And OH "OO-DE-LALLY". Must...not...make...Psych vid...to song...or RH...vid...to...KANYE...)


jesshelga March 14 2008, 04:33:49 UTC
No, but I will go directly. Then I will listen to your voice post.

Meanwhile, I posted perhaps the greatest vid any of us will see based on Robin Hood until you make that "Golddigger"/"Laid" by James mashup.


piecesofalice March 14 2008, 04:44:16 UTC
Noooooo you can't suggest things like that!

"Papa Gene's Blues" by the Monkees is my number one potential J/L vid song right now.


jesshelga March 14 2008, 04:49:19 UTC
I just keep thinking how great a Guy sequence would look to the lyric "Line my eyes and call me pretty."

I will have to iTunes that Monkees track at work tomorrow.

I really need to go to bed tonight. A lot. My eyes hurt.

I want to watch 2x11 SO MUCH.


piecesofalice March 14 2008, 04:51:52 UTC
And a Guy-hates-Robin vid to "Teenagers" by My Chemical Romance!

...that actually could work. Huh.

Think of it this way: how many hours do you need to function tomorrow? Does this allow you time to watch 2x11?


jesshelga March 14 2008, 05:00:32 UTC
PEPPER OUCH is how my eyes feel. So I'd better go to bed.

But God, I hope you make "Centerfold" Sheriff vid a reality. He is SO shirtless in 2x10. A lot.


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