Fic: Dreams (2/2)

Jun 30, 2012 00:18

Title: Dreams (2/2)
Author: phoenikxs
Fandom: A Song of Ice and Fire
Pairing: Dany/Jorah
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2694
Summary: What happens in Dany’s tent after the end of Nightmares?
Author's Note: I am sorry I took so long finishing this story. Somehow my muse deserted me, and then I had this plot bunny from the gameofships porn battle that demanded my attention, ( Read more... )

jorah mormont, dany/jorah, dany x jorah, daenerys targaryen, fanfic, game of thrones, dany and jorah, a song of ice and fire

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Comments 1

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phoenikxs June 30 2012, 21:31:56 UTC
Thank you so much for reading. And for saying that I stayed true to the characters. That's the best compliment I could ask for.


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