Fic: Dreams (2/2)

Jun 30, 2012 00:18

Title: Dreams (2/2)
Author: phoenikxs
Fandom: A Song of Ice and Fire
Pairing: Dany/Jorah
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2694
Summary: What happens in Dany’s tent after the end of Nightmares?
Author's Note: I am sorry I took so long finishing this story. Somehow my muse deserted me, and then I had this plot bunny from the gameofships porn battle that demanded my attention, but now the second and final part is here at last. I hope it was worth the wait.
You should all join me in thanking the wonderful mrstater for her gentle, yet insistent encouragement, and her speedy beta. Without her help, the wait would have been a lot longer.

Dreams (1/2)

Dany cannot say how long she sits there, staring at Jorah, trying to comprehend what just transpired. One minute she was laying on her sleeping mat, a very aroused, Jorah kissing and touching her, both of them clearly enjoying one another, and the next instant her knight pulled away from her, thus ending their encounter. And all she did to prompt his odd behavior was to attempt to unlace his breeches. But what astonished her even more was the speech that followed.

Jorah once more confessed his love for her, this time he came right out and said the words, and offered her the miraculous gift of choice, of free will. For the first time in her life she is free to choose for herself, to make her own decisions - especially regarding her heart - now that she is no longer bound to a mad brother or tied to a husband. For the first time in her life she is free. And somehow, Jorah had realized the importance of that sooner than her.

She is still trying to wrap her mind around all that has happened in her tent tonight, when she is startled out of her thoughts by Jorah's voice.

“I will leave you to yourself, khaleesi.”

Dany looks up, startled. “No!” is all she manages to say, and it comes out a deal harsher, more commanding than she intended. But his attempt to leave her, to put physical as much as emotional distance between them, hurts her. Doesn't he understand that she has no desire to be left alone? That her silence following his speech only meant she was taking it all in, not that she rejected it. Rejected him. She sees astonishment and confusion flicker across Jorah's features and tries to explain her outburst.

“I … I do not wish to be alone, Jorah. Won't you stay?”

He looks unsure and more than a bit uncomfortable. “You wish me to stay inside your tent?”

At her nod, he looks around as if seeing the inside of her rudimentary sleeping quarters for the first time. “I could sleep over here by the entrance, if you allowed me to go and get my sleeping mat, khaleesi.”

She almost smiles at his obvious attempt at chivalry. “Why would you want to sleep all the way over there, when you could sleep here on my sleeping mat? With me.”

Her knight is actually starting to blush, as he attempts to stammer out a reply. “Daenerys, I thought you understood.... I don't... I mean, we don't have to...I just....”

Now Daenerys can't help the wide smile forming on her lips. “Do you think I'm propositioning you, good ser?”

“No!” At the look of pure horror and desperation on his face, Dany can't help but release the laugh that's been bubbling up inside her, causing Jorah to relax and the tension that's fallen over the tent with his speech to finally be broken.

“I just wanted to make sure you understood what I was trying to say. That I wasn't rejecting you, my queen.”

“My sweet bear, you need not worry. I understood you perfectly well.” Daenerys smiles fondly and reaches her hand out for him.

Jorah lets out a sigh of relief as he lets himself be pulled to her side once more.

“I thank you with all my heart for this rare and precious gift you've granted me. You've given me your sword, your protection and your heart without asking for anything in return.” Dany confesses, as her hand reaches up to stroke his cheek, while the other hand still clutches his. “I cannot imagine my life without you by my side any longer. I need you and I want you.” At this she blushes a little, but keeps meeting his eyes. “But to act on those urges before I understand my own heart would not be fair to you. I understand that, and I promise you I will honor your request and your choice by giving it the consideration it deserves.”

The smile that forms on Jorah's lips is so radiant, so joyful, Dany can't help but pull him down for a kiss.

“Daenerys,” her bear murmurs against her lips in wonder, “this is more than I ever dared hope for.”

His hands come up to cradle her head as he deepens the kiss, his tongue sweeping into her mouth, dueling hers. She moans into his mouth and starts to feel the familiar tingling of need and desire. Reluctantly, she breaks the kiss.

“If you want me to keep my promise of not propositioning you tonight, we really need to stop kissing. “

At his crestfallen look she gives a light laugh, and can't help but brush her lips over his in a light kiss one last time.

“Don't fret, my bear. I only promised to stay away tonight.” she states, a mischievous smile on her face. “Shall we try to get some well deserved rest?”

With that she lies back down on her sleeping mat, holding out her hand for Jorah. Her knight finally gives in and reluctantly joins her, laying stiffly on his back, trying to put a respectable distance between them. Daenerys ignores this latest attempt at chivalry, and immediately closes the distance between them, cuddling up to him, resting the head on Jorah's shoulder and wrapping her arm around him. Jorah seems startled at first, but it doesn't take him long to relax into Dany's embrace and to engulf her in his arms, bringing her even closer.

With a contented sigh Daenerys closes her eyes.


The sun has not yet risen, but the harbingers of dawn cast the inside of her tent in a soft twilight, when Dany jolts awake. It takes her a minute to get her bearings and to remember why she is curled up with Jorah, one leg thrown over both of his to try and get as close as possible, her right arm hugging his midsection. As she remembers the events of the previous evening, her dream comes back to her as well, for in her dream she relived the evening. She remembers everything so vividly, from Jorah's confession to his kisses, to his touch, from the way his hands felt as they teased her nipples and played with her breasts, to the feelings of desire, lust, want he evoked in her, from the delicious heat and friction of his hard manhood as he was grinding against her secret place right down to the moment she had moved her hands to open his breeches. Only in her dream, Jorah didn't stop her. Instead, he lifted his hips, aiding her in the removal of his breeches and his shirt, and proceeded to remove her clothing as well.

She has to bite her lip to refrain from moaning as she recalls the rest of her dream still so fresh and vivid in her mind it feels as if she is reliving it. The look of admiration, love, wonder and joy as he first laid eyes on her naked body that made her shiver in anticipation. The way his hands felt on her skin as he softly caressed her body, paying careful attention to her breasts, but never moving to the one place she longed for him the most. The feeling of his lips as they followed the path his hands had taken. And the feeling of bliss, relief and pure lust as his lips and tongue finally touched her wetness, his beard deliciously scratching her thighs and his nose touching a place deep within her that made her quiver with desire and need and brought her precariously close to falling over the edge into sweet oblivion.

Just the memory of this brings a rush of wetness to her thighs. She can still feel the tingling sensation, the need for more, to slip over the edge, but in her dream she tried to resist this urge. She called out to her bear, begging him to stop because she wanted to experience this ultimate pleasure with him, craving the feel of him inside her with an unparalleled intensity. He could not resist her plea, settling himself between her thighs, his manhood at her entrance, looking at her to make sure this was really what she wanted. In answer to his silent question, she grabbed his arse and raised her hips, causing the tip of him to slip inside her. That was all the encouragement Jorah needed, and with a growl he buried himself deep within her.

Dany is brought back to the present by the feel of delicious friction between her legs and finds that while she was remembering her dream, she has moved even closer to Jorah, and is now straddling his thigh, one of her legs across his hip. Not only across his hip, but across his straining erection. Her head flies up, thinking him awake, but instead she finds him fast asleep, breathing calmly in and out. Assured that she is still very much the only one awake in her tent, she lies her head back down on her bear's chest, her hand moving to his stomach, gently stroking him through his shirt.

As her mind drifts back to her dream, the feeling of Jorah's rigid manhood underneath her leg brings back memories of how he felt moving within her. How well he fit her, filling her perfectly, completing her.

This thought stops her cold. Jorah completes me.

She says it out loud in her mind, examining it, looking for flaws. She comes up short.

Jorah completes me, she whispers to herself, testing the feel of it. She finds she quite likes it. She also finds, she isn't really surprised by this revelation, as if deep down she's known it all along.

With this new understanding of her own heart comes a rush of relief, and a sense of joy so strong, she has to stop herself from laughing out loud, lest she wake her sleeping bear. Her sleeping bear, who still has a very persistent erection that is poking her leg. The hand that has been idly stroking his stomach starts to wander down to the fastenings of his breeches, carefully undoing them, and reaching inside.

Her small hand easily finds his hard cock, and she pulls his breeches aside, trying to free his manhood. This time she cannot help the moan that escapes her throat at the sight of his cock as it springs free, rising up from his body. She wraps her hand around its base, marveling at the heat of him, languidly moving her hand up and down, learning the feel of him.

Never before has she had the opportunity to simply look at the male form, unguarded and uninterrupted. As much as she came to enjoy her marriage bed with Drogo, it was all about the act itself, leaving no room for exploration or to contemplate each other's bodies, making her treasure this moment even more. Jorah's shirt has ridden up, exposing part of his stomach and the trail of coarse hair leading from his navel down to his manhood, and Dany is suddenly overcome with the urge to show him what she doesn't think she can put into words. How much he means to her, how much she trusts him, with her life as well as her heart. But most of all, she wants to make him feel desired, wanted, and loved, just as he did for her the previous evening.

She starts a slow, gentle pumping motion with her hand on his cock, and is just about to explore the first drops of his seed leaking from the tip of his manhood, when she hears low rumbled moan from the chest underneath her and feels Jorah's hand on her shoulder. She freezes in shock for a moment, her hand stopping its movements but still firmly wrapped around his cock. Slowly she raises her head from Jorah's shoulder and finds herself looking into his open eyes.

“Daenerys, what are you doing?” her knight asks, his voice still hoarse from sleep, desire openly visible in his eyes, despite his question.

How is she supposed to put the realization she had into words? She feels as if just blurting it out would somehow diminish it, rob it of its true meaning. So she tries to convey her feelings wordlessly, tries to put everything, every feeling, into her eyes, silently pleading with him to understand her. She will never know what exactly it is he sees, but as he looks at her, searching her
eyes for an explanation, she can see realization dawning on his beloved features. He gives her a slow, gentle smile, reaches up to stroke her cheek lovingly, and lays his head back down. Surrendering to her.

Dany restarts the motion of her hand on Jorah's cock, never taking her eyes off his face. She wants to see what she is doing to him, wants to see him let go and just feel. His eyes fall closed as she speeds up her hand movement, stroking him faster and harder, and a low groan escapes his lips. When he starts raising his hips to meet her strokes, she looks back down to his cock, her inner muscles clenching at the sight of his hard, thick manhood. A slow smile spreads on her face, as she gets an idea.

In the early days of her marriage, when Doreah was teaching her how to best please her husband, her handmaid showed her about pleasuring with one's mouth. And while Doreah instructed her how to give and receive pleasure in this way, Dany has never before used her mouth to please a man. As she moves down towards her goal, hard and hot in the firm grasp of her hand, trailing kisses along Jorah's exposed stomach, Dany remembers one more thing Doreah said in her lessons. Her handmaid insisted that this was the most intimate form of love making. Dany didn't believed this, thought nothing could be more intimate than being joined, feeling your partner inside you. But now that she looks up at Jorah, her face inches from his manhood, her tongue sneaking out to taste a drop as it leaks from its tip, and sees the look of lust, disbelief, trust and love on his face, she feels a surge of power and of love so strong, Doreah's words make sense to her for the first time.

Jorah gasps as she closes her mouth around him, struggling to keep his eyes open, so he doesn't miss even a second of the most sensual image he has ever seen: Daenerys Targaryen with his cock in her mouth. She moves her mouth up and down his length slowly, learning the feel and shape of him, and sets up a languid rhythm that has him on the edge of finishing all too quickly. He tries to warn her of his predicament, but she ignores him and only responds by increasing the suction of her mouth and swirling her tongue along the underside of his cock. He wants to hold on, wants to prolong this perfect moment, but then she looks up at him with eyes full of love and he is lost. Waves upon waves of pleasure wash over him, and Dany stays with him through it all, not once taking her mouth off him, prolonging his pleasure. Only after he has spilled the last of his seed does she take him out of her mouth, placing a final, loving kiss to his now flaccid member and moving up to his waiting arms.

Jorah tries to find the words to convey his gratitude, his love, and his joy, but comes up empty. So he voices the first thing that comes to his mind instead. “I could get used to waking up like this.” He starts to berate himself for his poor choice of words, when he hears her giggle and sees her smile at him. “Only if you reciprocate in kind, my bear.”

jorah mormont, dany/jorah, dany x jorah, daenerys targaryen, fanfic, game of thrones, dany and jorah, a song of ice and fire

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