Weekend Hike

Jul 03, 2012 17:45

24.6.2012 Spitzingsee - Aiplspitz - Aurach

  • Length: 12.92 km
  • Duration: 5.5 hours
  • Ascent: 900m
  • Descent: 1273m
  • Aiplspitz: 1759m
  • Jägerkamp: 1746m

For this weekend, I'd chosen to summit the Aiplspitz. A beautiful mountain with the option choose an interesting path to the summit that requires some scrambling and climbing. Once again, the weather was beautiful, yet cloudy and I knew there were supposed to be thunderstorms in the late afternoon, so I opted for an early start.



View from Jägerkamp

Clouds are moving in

The red paint marks the "way" to the summit

Lessons Learned:
  • I can't resist a beautiful mountain. Wasn't feeling on top of my game that day and had thought about skipping the final ascent to Aiplspitz, but one look at that mountain and I knew I had to climb it.
  • The times on signposts in the Alps are pretty subjective. As a rule of thumb, I'm always a lot faster than the given time for an ascent. For a descent, the times are about right.
  • Paths marked "dangerous" or "only for experienced alpinists" can be ignored and just mean it's getting fun. Seriously, I've been on tougher, more exposed paths in the Presidentials where there were no warnings at all.
  • I really need to learn to pace myself, listen to my body, and not just go on even though I'm tired. This is still true.
  • Whenever possible, go out to the mountains on Saturday and not Sunday. The train was ridiculously crowded.

trip report, photography, weekend hike, outdoor, hiking, mountains

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