What Even Is This, You Ask? I Don't Even Know Myself...

Apr 17, 2012 23:04

A while ago, mrstater asked for Dany/Jorah shacking up in the Red Waste fic, aka tent!fic, inspired by this screenshot. Since she is usually the sole provider of all things Dany/Jorah, and I'm more often than not nagging her about new fic, I figured I owed her a big one. And since it looked like noone else was going to answer her request, I took the burden upon myself. Mind, I've never in my life written fic before, but if anyone deserves to turn me into a fanfic writer, it's her. Although, how much of a good thing it actually is to have this fic dedicated to you remains to be seen ;)

Title:Nightmares (1/5)
Fandom:A Song of Ice And Fire
Rating:I don't know. I've never done this before, remember? I guess G?
Word Count:416 (It looked like so much more?!)
Author's Note:Yes, aside from my ramblings above, I still have some things I want to mention. First, just to recap, this is my first fic. Ever. In any fandom. Second, this isn't betaed. I wanted it to be a surprise for mrstater, so I couldn't really abuse her services on that front, now could I? And last but certainly not least, I feel like I should mention that English is not my first language. Technically, it's not even my second language, that would be Latin ;)

The first time it happens, Jorah thinks their perilous trek through the Red Waste is coming to an abrupt end. That it is all over. Hearing Dany's terrified screams, knowing he is too late to ward off her attacker, too late to save her, will stay with him for the rest of his life. He's never been so terrified as in this moment, when he is confronted with the possibility of a life without Daenerys Stormborn. But when he finally reaches her tent, panting, he finds her asleep. Although, asleep is the wrong word to describe her fitful turning, struggling, her anxious screams. 'She's trying to fight off an attacker in her sleep', he just has time to think when he hears her voice utter one word, and his world stands still.

“Jorah.” He thinks he must have heard wrong, is convinced of it, when she starts talking in her sleep again.

“Noooo, Jorah! Please, Jorah!!”

His khaleesi, the queen of his heart, is having a nightmare and is begging him to help her. He is in her dreams! This is more than he can wrap his mind around at that moment, and he does the first thing that comes to mind, that feels natural. Kneeling down next to her sleeping form, he carefully touches her shoulder and tries to wake her from her nightmare. When this does not have the desired effect, his touch becomes a bit more self assured, and he whispers her name. This seems to calm her, and she turns towards him. Wanting to erase even the last traces of her nightmare, he softly strokes her hair, and keeps talking to her in hushed tones. At this, she turns to him more fully, trying to get as close to him in her sleep as possible, thereby tipping his precarious balance, causing him to end up sitting on the floor of her tent, her head in his lap. He tries to get up, her using him as a cushion was not his intention, is terribly inappropriate in fact, but as soon as he tries to put a more respectable distance between them, she starts to become restless again. Sighing, he resigns himself to the fate of playing cushion for his khaleesi. A small thing, in the grand scheme of things, and if it keeps her nightmares at bay, he's more than willing to sacrifice his sleep, and the comfort of his sleeping mat, to watch over her and guard her sleep.

Nightmares (2/5)

dany and jorah, jorah mormont, daenerys targaryen, fanfic, a song of ice and fire

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