Fandom: Supernatural
Title: My Brother's Keeper, Part Thirteen(
Part One Here,
Part Two Here,
Part Three Here,
Part Four Here,
Part Five Here,
Part Six Here,
Part Seven Here,
Part Eight Here,
Part Nine Here,
Part Ten Here,
Part Eleven Here,
Part Twelve HereCharacters/Pairing: Sam/Dean
Read more... )
Comments 26
Sam & John are gonna have alot to work out. I loved this chapter great bridge. You are soo spoiling us with these chapters coming up so quick - thank you and thank your muse.
This was a necessary bridge to the next section...and yes, the whole John and Sam dynamic is going to be a very big part of upcoming sections.
I currently have either Sam or Dean in my head non-stop these days. I haven't figured out if that is a good thing or a bad thing...but it certainly leads to some very, very interesting dreams!
Thanks for reading!
anyways, i really really liked it :)
guh, i think i need to friend this journal so i wan't miss updates..
Please feel free to friend this journal. I don't friend back from here, since it's just my writing journal. But when I get the time, I'll likely swing by under this (amara_m...which is my main LJ) username and check your journal out!
Thank you!
You have me completely and utterly hooked on this thing, and somehow I fail to see it as a bad thing. Pity my school holidays are finishing so it involves WAITING even longer for these updates. I'm so impatient.
Poor Sam & John. They're so... connected, but completely disconnected from each other in a way that makes me want to smoosh both them together in a hug. (:
Thanks for reading and commenting.
1) In Chapter 12, Dean's "you think you got it easy" diatribe. I loved him blurting all that out to Sam. His ranting was very warranted and very significant since it's not something he usually does.
2) In Chapter 13, the moment between John and Sam at the end of the chapter. That actually brought a tear to my eye it was beautiful. Sam needed to hear that John has always wanted him. And though it was painful, John needed to hear some of what Sam had to go through in order to understand what Sam had become.
Again, love both chapters. Can't wait for more...
Those are two of my favorite moments as well. John & Sam together is so hurty it takes my breath away...So much alike, so much pain, both really, really needing the other and neither of them able to say so....
I'm glad you liked.
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