A Taste of Daniel, SG-1 General

Jul 21, 2006 13:36

Title: A Taste of Daniel
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Characters: General: Jack/Dnaiel
Prompt: table 2, # 022 Taste
Word Count: 574
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Jack can still taste Daniel
WARNING: homosexual stuff within

This is a part of the series developing here. I seem to be jumping all over chronologically. The right order to read them at this point is: Trust, Staying Alive, Enigma, Stay, Kissing and The Truth of it and Sated Silence

This one is actually parallel to the first bit of "Kissing". The ratings move between PG-13 and NC-17, for sex and violence.

My twelth ficlet for my 100_situations Table

There had been kissing. Warm, wet kissing. It was unexpected. Okay, maybe not completely. Jack had gone over there expecting something. He just hadn’t been sure what would happen.

He could taste him…could taste the heat, the hint of mint, the dark coffee…a taste that could only be Daniel’s mouth…then there was the taste of his skin…salty…still hot from his shower…

It had started with distraction. He hadn’t even noticed it at first. The way Daniel’s mouth moved when he was speaking a new language, feeling out each pronunciation with his tongue and lips. The way his eyes sparkled when he discovered something, and smoldered when he was angry. Just the fact that he was there, among them…returned from beyond…physical flesh instead of glowing orbs of energy.

He stared. He realized now that he did. Not that Daniel ever said anything, if he ever noticed. It was more now, since they’d found him, lost…fallen. That had been the first time Jack had felt the overwhelming urge to taste him…to kiss him until he remembered everything…until he came back to himself…to Jack…

Not that he’d ever belonged to Jack…no, not Daniel. Daniel never belonged to anyone…Daniel could never be owned…

Jack hadn’t wanted the distraction. He’d tried to ignore it. He’d thought he’d succeeded…had succeeded…until…until he’d heard the sickening crack and watched Daniel hurtle down the hill…until he’d fought his way free of the attackers only to find Daniel was gone…until they’d finally found them and Daniel…

He hadn’t slept since, no matter what he’d told Daniel. He sat up, alone, in the dark emptiness of his house and pondered this distraction. Not that he was great with the pondering. He kept getting stuck and just sitting, remembering the terror in his stomach at the sight of Daniel, unmoving on the ground….and the relief when Carter said that he was breathing…and a single thought that kept repeating over and over in his mind. “I can’t lose him again.”

He could hardly breathe at the thought. And that, maybe more than all the rest had frightened him, pushed him to call him in the middle of the night, compelled him to show up on his doorstep in the wee hours of the morning…drove him to kiss him, taste him….and he couldn’t have stopped himself,…not after Daniel had kissed him back…not after soft touches and heavy breathing and that look in his eyes…

Only he had stopped, snapped back to himself by the ringing of a phone. Sam’s voice…Daniel acting as if everything was normal…like it was fine that they had just been kissing…nothing unusual…and Jack remembered himself…shoved his distraction and the taste of Daniel into a box in his head.

Jack watched Daniel get out of his car and head into the facility. His eyes followed him until the door closed behind him, his tongue sliding across his lips to pull out the last vestiges of that taste into him. The MP was knocking on his window. “Is everything okay, Sir?”

Jack nodded despite the “No!” emphatically echoing around in his head. There had been kissing. Warm, wet kissing. There had been a taste of Daniel. Nothing would ever be okay again.

character: daniel, character: jack, gen, fandom: sg1, stargate-sg1:generalseries:2:amara_m

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