
Jan 14, 2010 05:37

 Really need to go to sleep soon, just checking in quickly to say I finally saw The Down Low. Pretty mega-gay, especially the final scene, so that was good... oh, and Eddie was clearly in love with the undercover cop, too. And Foreman, Thirteen and Cuddy were all awesome this episode ( Read more... )

house, television, gay, glee

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Comments 6

karaokegal January 16 2010, 05:22:51 UTC
Eddie was clearly in love with the undercover cop, too. That seemed a lot more obvious and plausible than the House/Wilson this week.


petrichor_fizz January 16 2010, 22:52:45 UTC
Care to elaborate? I didn't think this episode was anything special, particularly considering all the build-up, but I didn't think it was terrible.


karaokegal January 16 2010, 23:19:46 UTC
Well here's my "babble" on the whole thing:

Specifically I think the relationship between the cop and the drug dealer was actually played a lot more emotionally than H/W which was played for laughs, and basically to both acknowledge and deflect the H/W subtext that's been going on since day one.

Since when does Wilson have trouble getting laid? Even the Amber arc play the House/Wilson far more as a real thing than this tripe. Remember how agonized House was when Wilson told Amber about his STD scam? Because that was a geniune betrayal, and would only be one if some level of H/W actually existed.

This was more of a meta and a real episode. EXCEPT for the subplot, which was supposed to be the actual main PoTW story.


petrichor_fizz January 16 2010, 23:32:00 UTC
Hmmm. I agree with you on a few points, but re the couch thing: Wilson hates the couch, and threatens to sing showtunes until House agrees to get rid of it. And then the soundtrack practically screams "look how gay they are!" at us. That was what I meant by the end being mega-gay - I agree that most of the episode came across as an attempt to undermine the slashers, but then I thought that that message was itself undermined by the final scene, which was why it didn't bother me too much. And the logic behind the gay chicken thing was totally stupid, as Wilson pointed out; House's attraction to her was totally unconvincing, but then I think it's fairly easy to read that he's lying about his motives throughout the whole episode, and HL's performance didn't do anything to contradict that (I think HL slashes House/Wilson, it would explain a lot).


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