House-babble on The Down Low

Jan 11, 2010 21:10

OK, that was fun...

Houseparty attended by evila_elf, hllangel, michelleann68 and (for about 1/2 hour) by special guest daasgrrl.

Some shallow stuff first:

Chase's short hair-I like it. I love it. I wanted to jump him so hard, it wasn't funny.

I still don't like Hugh's short hair and I'm iffy on Wilson's latest coif, but I swear to god, I'd do Chase in a bloody heart-beat.

In fact, I'm liking him so much, it's getting contagious...I actually, kind of, sort of...didn't hate Thirteen when they were together in the car. I hated myself for not hating her, but they definitely had a bit of chemistry there.

I also loved my one House/Chase scene and having House cast aspersion's on Chase's masculinity. That was very Ol' Skool House. (And another nice Chase/13 scene.)

Plus-I'm now officially an IDIOT---I didn't recognize Sasha Alexander as Kate from NCIS until I checked IMDB. I've seen every bloody episode of NCIS that she was in multiple times, some as recently as 24 hours ago, and I totally didn't recognize her as a blonde.

The thing about Foreman's salary is now officially the lamest sub-plot EVER!!! Sulky is NOT a good look on Foreman. I'm insulted that they couldn't find a single better reason to show Cuddy's boobs and I called that Foreman was playing them as soon as he mentioned the other job offer to Taub. I actually thought Cuddy was in on it, which would have made her less useless. I did like the PWNing scene, because I want to like Foreman and it's easier when he's not SULKING.

I did get faked out by the title and some emotional music...I was convinced that Eddie was going to turn out to be gay and that maybe the cop was sleeping with him as part of the undercover. I figured the title HAD to have a double meaning beyond the House/Wilson plot.

And now, the moment you've all been waiting for:

The House/Wilson plot.

It's a meta about House/Wilson, about the H/W slash fandom, and the way the writers have been teasing the fanbase since they became aware of it. Yes, everything that House said about him and Wilson IS true, especially "We're in a relationship, but we're really unhappy. Communication has never been easy for us, probably 'cause we're so closeted.." And what Wilson said in the proposal scene is also true, but only if you acknowledge the slash relationship, which this was all set up to cleverly deflect from.

Much as I like Hugh playing cutesy, it wasn't that much fun watching Hugh playing House playing gay stereotypes, except of course he wasn't any more convincing trying to be a letch. At least not with Sasha Alexander. I have believed it on occasion with Lisa E and with Jennifer Morrison. (Still in the credits, by the way.)

HOWEVER::: RSL singing showtunes FTW. That was fucking awesome.

But I will still man my barricades against anyone who tries to claim this was a victory for the schmoopy-fluffy gang. Especially when they ended up on a couch that physically divides them.

They could have been way more convincing that the cock-blocking was because House was really afraid of losing Wilson to another woman. That's the real H/W dynamic and Hugh has played that brilliantly. They chose to play it for laughts, so I didn't feel the usual emotional pull between House and Wilson.

I'll be curious to see exactly where the opinions shake out. I don't think the slashers were being insulted. I'm a slasher in good standing, and I didn't feel insulted, but I think it's basically wink-wink nudge-nudge, but you ain't gonna get what you want either. Which is fine. I'll polish my own tin hat, thank you very much.

In fact, this was actually LESS GAY than Sherlock Holmes.

ETA: What we've lost in Hugh's hair, we've gained in the more frequent appearance of the glasses.

ALSO-Am I the only one who felt that "fluffy" H/W stuff AND the stupid Foreman shit really undercut any possibility of giving a damn that the patient ended up dying? Especially with House joking about Chase smothering the patient? Some weird emotional dissonance with this episode.

house md, house babble

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