The Big Bang - Reaction Post

Jun 26, 2010 19:43

Who_Daily Link: < a href="">The Big Bang - OMG!!! Reaction Post by < lj user=persiflage_1>

THAT deserves a big squee and lots of happy flailing!!

- 1894 years later... WHOA!

- So there's wee!Amelia, praying to Santa again about the Crack - but there's no TARDIS landing in the back garden, no madman falling out of the strange blue box. Eep!

- Oooh look! The aunt really exists!

- Whut? Who says there's no such thing as stars?! OMG! THERE ARE NO STARS!

- Was that the Doctor in an odd hat putting the leaflet through the door?

- Yes! Because there's a note saying "Come along, Pond" on it!

- Fossilised Daleks?! Weird!

- LOL at the post-it note stuck to the Pandorica, saying "Stick around, Pond"...

- And wee!Amelia does just that - stays hidden in the Museum until after closing time. Her aunt REALLY doesn't give a damn about her, does she?

- wee!Amelia touches the Pandorica and it starts to open... Wow!

- Whut?! AMY is in the box? I was expecting the Doctor...

- Amy: Okay, kid, this is where it gest complicated...

- And I was already so engrossed I didn't realise we hadn't had the opening credits yet!

- Aw... Rory's talking to Amy, who's lying dead in his arms... :(

- Whut?! Eleven's wearing a FEZ?! And zipping about in Time with River's Vortex Manipulator...

- History's collapsed and races have been deleted from Time. Yikes!

- So Rory's a Nestene duplicate yet not... Okay!

- Doctor: Your girlfriend isn't more important than the rest of the universe.
Rory: smacks the Doctor She is to me!
And the Doctor's delighted by his reaction...

- Amy realises she's talking to herself and has a little moment of ZOMG Weird! :D

- Doctor: Why do you have to be so - human?
Rory: 'cos right now I'm not.

- So Auton!Rory's gonna guard the Pandorica for the next 2000 years while Amy's inside it. 'kay!

- Is that Nick Briggs doing the museum voice over? YES it is! Woot!

- No one's seen Auton!Rory since he dragged the Pandorica to safety during the Blitz. Eep! Maybe he got blowed up?

- Uh-oh! The Dalek's woken up...

- And then the Doctor pops in! Blimey!

- And here's Auton!Rory - he's a security guard at the National Museum.

- And Rory and Amy run towards each other and much snoggage ensues. Yay!

- wee!Amelia: I'm thirsty, can you get me a drink?
Doctor: It's all mouths today. *grins*

- Wee!Amelia to Amy: How can he do that? Is he magic? (I'll say, kiddo!)

- And there's the Doctor zipping off again...

- And now there's two of him! Blimey!!

- Amy asks if he's dead and the other!Eleven says he is.

- Oh noes! wee!Amelia's disappeared because reality's still collapsing...

- And the Dalek's restoring itself while the Universe collapses. BUGGER!

- The TARDIS burning up is what's been keeping the Earth warm since the Doctor was locked in the Pandorica.

- Rory can hear River's "I'm sorry my love" as she opens the TARDIS doors and finds a brick wall outside - oh! She's stuck in a Time Loop, created by the TARDIS' emergency protocols.

- Doctor: Honey, I'm home.
River: What time do you call this? *sniggers* LOVE YOU RIVER!!

- River once dated a Nestene duplicate who had a swappable head, which kept things interesting. OMG! She really IS Jack in female form!

- The Pandorica contains a memory of the Universe and they're going to use it to reboot the Universe. Whut?!

- Love the way River calls the Doctor "dear"...

- The Dalek thinks River'll show it mercy because she's an associate of the Doctor's? HA! FAT CHANCE MATEY!!

- River: Rule One - the Doctor lies.

- The TARDIS is exploding at every point in the Universe, and the Doctor plans to throw the Pandorica into the explosion in order to restore the Universe. Oh-kay....

- Rory: Are you okay?
Amy: Are you?
Rory: No.
Amy: Then shut up then!

- So chucking the Doctor-in-the-Pandorica into the exploding TARDIS will erase him from history, never to have existed? Yup, don't believe that's gonna really happen, sorry!

- Doctor: Amy Pond, the girl who waited...

- The Doctor says Amy's house is too big, and mentions Aunt Sharon who never seemed to really care, and Amy reveals she doesn't remember how/when she lost her parents. That's weird!

- Doctor: Guess what?
Amy: What?
Doctor: Gotcha. *sad face*

- LOL Only the Doctor would send River a "text" reading Geronimo!

- Yup! THAT was a Big Bang!

- The Doctor's time stream is unravelling... LOOK! There's Future!Doctor reminding Amy to remember what he told her when she was seven, while she's aboard the Byzantium...

- Aw.... wee!Amelia's fallen asleep, lying on her suitcase.

- The Doctor takes her indoors and tucks her in, then chats to her, saying she'll just be a story in his head when she wakes, and that she'll dream about the TARDIS. *whimper*

- The Cracks are closing, but they can't close properly until the Doctor's on the other side. Eep!

- Aw, the Doctor kisses wee!Amelia on the forehead and says Bye, bye Pond.

- The Crack closes and wee!Amelia wakes briefly.

- And when Amy wakes again, it's the morning of her wedding, and her parents are really real.

- There's RIVER at Amy's wedding reception!

- River's left her blank TARDIS diary for Amy - and she starts remembering about the Doctor, says someone really important is missing.

- Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue - all of which is the TARDIS! And there she is!

- Amy clambers over the table to rap on the doors...

- She tells the Doctor he may kiss the bride. And he puts a finger over her lips! LOL

- Rory: I'm not Mr Pond. That's not how it works.
Doctor: Yes it is. - And Rory agrees, just as he did in Venice. LOL

- The Doctor says he only came for the dancing - and boy is it CRAZY dancing! LOL

- Doctor: 2000 years, the boy who waited. Good on you mate.
How lovely that the Doctor likes the companion's fella.

- River: Did you dance? Well, you always dance at weddings.

- The Doctor gives her back her diary, which he says is written backwards so he can't read it. And also gives her the Vortex Manipulator.

- LOL at River saying "Yes" ambiguously when the Doctor's asking her if she's married.

- And then they're off - the Doctor, Amy and Rory, in the TARDIS...

How the HELL is Moffat gonna top that next season? I can hardly wait to find out!

It's TRUE! Moffat >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> RTD * 10000000000000000000

character: amy pond, character: river song, fangirl squee, character: rory williams, doctor who, reaction post, dw: spoilers, dw: moffat is mighty!, character: eleventh doctor

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