Who_Daily Link: < a href="
http://persiflage-1.livejournal.com/381769.html">The Big Finish Meme of Lurve - Day One by < lj user=persiflage_1>
So, Doctor Who got a lot of lovin' in the recent 30 Days of TV Meme I did, and there's even a DW-only version of it kicking around LJ-land, but I thought that it would be more fun (for me and hopefully for others) to do a Big Finish meme to spread the lurve. And because I've created the meme and I know how I love to subvert memes, this isn't a "tell me the only one" you love set of questions - it encourages multiple answers!
So, without further ado:
Day 01 - Your Favourite Main Range Story/ies
Oh, so very many:
Eight and Charley:
Storm Warning; The Chimes of Midnight; Neverland/Zagreus/Scherzo - with assorted extras (in fact, all the main Doctor actors up to Eight in Zagreus itself!)
Eight and Lucie:
The Horror of Glam Rock/The Zygon Who Fell to Earth/Death in Blackpool - Eight and Lucie with Aunty Pat; Wirrn Dawn - with guest stars Daniel (Clyde Langer) Anthony and Colin Salmon)
Seven and Ace and Hex:
The Harvest; The Veiled Leopard (with no Doctor but four companions); The Settling; No Man's Land
Seven and Klein:
Colditz - includes Ace and guest stars David Tennant; A Thousand Tiny Wings; Survival of the Fittest; Architects of History
Six and Evelyn:
The Apocalypse Element - with bonus Romana II; The Spectre of Lanyon Moor - with bonus Brigadier; Jubilee; Medicinal Purposes - with guest star David Tennant
Six and Charley:
The Condemned; The Raincloud Man; Patient Zero; Paper Cuts; Blue Forgotten Planet
Five and Nyssa:
Winter for the Adept - with bonus India Fisher (not playing Charley Pollard); Creatures of Beauty; Circular Time; Eternal Summer
Day 01 - Your Favourite Main Range Story/ies
Day 02 - Your Favourite Spin-off Range/Story/ies
Day 03 - Your Favourite Companion Chronicle(s)
Day 04 - Your Favourite Doctor(s)
Day 05 - Your Favourite Companion(s)
Day 06 - Your Favourite Story Arc(s)
Day 07 - Your Favourite Villain(s)
Day 08 - Your Favourite Alien(s)
Day 09 - Your Favourite Big Finish-Related Fanfic(s)
Day 10 - The Big Finish Scene That Made You Laugh or Cry the Most
Day 11 - The Big Finish Character Who Is Most Like You
Day 12 - Your Favourite Big Finish TARDIS Team
Day 13 - Your Favourite Big Finish Actor(s)
Day 14 - Your Favourite Big Finish Actress(es)
Day 15 - Your Favourite Quote(s)