30 Days with Martha Jones: Taste

Nov 10, 2008 06:25

Who_Daily Link: < a href="http://persiflage-1.livejournal.com/185703.html">30 Days with Martha Jones: Taste by < lj user=persiflage_1> (Characters: Martha Jones, John Smith | Rating: G | Spoilers: 3.08 & 3.09)

Title: 30 Days with Martha Jones: Taste
Author: Persiflage_1
Characters/Pairings: Martha Jones, John Smith
Rating: G
Spoilers: Human Nature/Family of Blood
Summary: 30 Days in the life of Martha Jones
Disclaimer: I occasionally wish that I did own it!
Author Notes: I signed up to do mini_nanowrimo this year, and snagged 30 random prompts from doctorwho_100 which will form the basis of the 30 fics I write. Each fic will feature Martha and at least one other Whoniverse character, and the prompt will be included in the title of the fic.

Index Post

This is a direct sequel to 30 Days with Martha Jones: How?


Martha nodded at the man claiming to be the Doctor. "Go on."

"I used to eat pears as John Smith, even though I had told you in my video list of instructions not to let me eat them because I couldn't stand the taste of them as a Time Lord. You used to take them out of my fruit bowl until I, as John Smith, caught you at it."

* * * * * *

"Jones, could you please explain why you are stealing my pears?"

Martha jumped guiltily; she hadn't heard Mr Smith come into his rooms and now he'd caught her slipping the pears from his fruit bowl into the pocket of her apron.

"You don't like pears, sir," she answered. "I wasn't stealing them, just removing them. I was going to replace them with some bananas."

He gave her an astonished look. "Whatever gave you the idea that I don't like pears?" he asked. "I like the taste of pears. Can't stand bananas however." He gave the bunch of yellow fruit a disdainful look as it lay alongside the fruit bowl.

"Be so good as to replace my pears in the bowl, and to take the bananas away," he instructed her.

"Yes sir," she answered, and pulled the fruit back out of her pocket. Just don't blame me, when you wake up a month from now, with the taste of pears in your mouth. I did try!

"Oh, and I'd be grateful if you'd make my rooms look extra smart today, Jones," Mr Smith said from his seat on the leather sofa. "Joan, that is, Nurse Redfern, is coming over later and I want the place looking clean and tidy when she gets here."

"Yes, sir." You've a cheek! You're the one who makes the place look untidy, randomly piling up all those books and leaving sheaves of paper lying about the place. Typical man! Martha snorted with annoyance, and then winced as Mr Smith lowered his newspaper to look at her over the top.

"Are you quite well, Jones?" he asked.

"Yes sir, sorry sir. I think some dust went up my nose."

"Very well, but do try to maintain a proper sense of decorum, won't you Jones?"

"I'll try sir." She rolled her eyes, unseen. Yes sir, no sir, three bags full sir. God! I can't wait until this is over, I'm going to make the Doctor grovel so much once we're out of here.

She continued dusting and tidying Mr Smith's rooms: making the bed, straightening the books and papers on his desk, and polishing until everything was clean and shining. Finally, Martha was satisfied that she'd done all that she could, and very aware that it would take him less than five minutes to make the place look untidy again.

"If that's all sir, I'll be going," she said, pocketing her duster and picking up the despised bananas.

"Yes, thank you Martha. I'll see you later." He smiled at her and, unable to help herself, she smiled back.

She met Nurse Redfern on her way from Mr Smith's rooms and the older woman flicked a brief glance her way as she passed. Martha had always got the impression that the Matron didn't approve of her being Mr Smith's maid, and initially she'd worried that the Matron would speak out against her: in their early days at Farringham School Martha had found it hard to remember she was supposed to be subservient and her manner had annoyed the older woman. But then she'd overheard John Smith defending her to Joan Redfern, and he'd proved he could be just as stubborn as the Doctor when he chose, so Martha had relaxed again, knowing he wouldn't hear a word said against her. She just hoped that state of affairs would continue: Martha knew that the Matron was pursuing John Smith with a view to them being more than just colleagues, she'd seen the same predatory look in Annalise's eyes often enough to recognise it.

It was just one more thing for her to worry about while she waited out the time until the Family would be dead and they could be on their way again.

* * * * * *

"And one of the first things I complained about was the taste of pears," concluded the stranger, his gaze fixed firmly on Martha as he talked.

"You really are the Doctor then," she said, her tone a little sorrowful.

He crossed the space between them. "I am," he said, "but it's okay, Martha, you'll be seeing a lot more of my tenth incarnation yet. I'm here from your future, and I was just wandering and ended up here in Cardiff, just in time to save you from our friend, Ursus Tractus."

She laughed. "Space Bear?" she asked.

He grinned at her: it wasn't quite the same manic grin that she was used to seeing on his tenth incarnation's face, but there was a lot of affection and warmth in it, as well as amusement. "Can't pull the wool over your eyes, can I?" he asked.

She shook her head. "What did you do with the Space Bear?"

"Took him to the TARDIS; I'll get him back home later - I expect he came through the Rift accidentally." He looked at her. "Do I get a hug, then, Dr Jones, before we get your friends sorted out?"

She smiled. "Of course."

He wrapped his arms around her: he was slightly taller than the Doctor she knew and far more solid, and she smirked at the memory of Donna complaining about getting papercuts when hugging the tenth incarnation. The next moment he lifted her off her feet and swung her around in a circle, making her giggle.

"My Doctor," he said, setting her back down on her feet. "It's always good to see you, Martha Jones." To her complete surprise, he ducked his head and kissed her firmly on the mouth. "Right, let's get Jack and Ianto into the TARDIS med bay, it's nearer than the Hub after all. We'll take Ianto first as he's easier to carry than Jack, and don't tell the Captain I said that."

She giggled again, then helped him to pick up Ianto, before they returned for Jack. She couldn't help wondering what the immortal man would make of this new incarnation of the Doctor; it would be interesting to see his reaction, she decided.

series: 30 days with martha jones, fic: post s4, character: john smith, character: martha jones, mini-nanowrimo

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