30 Days with Martha Jones: How?

Nov 09, 2008 15:06

Who_Daily Link: < a href="http://persiflage-1.livejournal.com/185204.html">30 Days with Martha Jones: How? by < lj user=persiflage_1> (Characters: Martha Jones, Eleventh Doctor | Rating: PG | Spoilers: None)

Title: 30 Days with Martha Jones: How?
Author: Persiflage_1
Characters/Pairings: Martha Jones, Eleventh Doctor
Rating: PG
Spoilers: None
Summary: 30 Days in the life of Martha Jones
Disclaimer: I occasionally wish that I did own it!
Author Notes: I signed up to do mini_nanowrimo this year, and snagged 30 random prompts from doctorwho_100 which will form the basis of the 30 fics I write. Each fic will feature Martha and at least one other Whoniverse character, and the prompt will be included in the title of the fic.

Index Post


Not only did Martha take Ross to see Sarah Jane so that he could meet a Star Poet, but the Doctor joined them as well. The Time Lord had turned up at Martha's flat half an hour before she was due to go and collect Ross, and once he'd got over his surprise at learning that the young man had survived the Sontarans' raid, he promptly invited himself along too on the grounds that he couldn't pass up the opportunity to spend time with three of his favourite people.

Martha had shrugged and taken him along, trying not to giggle at the sight of him folding his long limbs into her small car. They'd all had an enjoyable evening listening to the Star Poet, and Ross had conceded that Martha was right about there being benign aliens out there too.

Three days later, though, Martha found herself face to teeth with a far less benign alien than a Star Poet. She, Jack and Ianto had responded to police reports of an angry bear down in the Mermaid Quay area, only to discover a bear-like alien which was rampaging through one of the local restaurants.

The creature, which was around six and a half feet tall and 'armed' with long pointed teeth and very sharp claws, had injured Ianto during their attempts to capture it, and Martha was kneeling beside the young Welshman, trying desperately to staunch the flow of blood from his wounds. Meanwhile Jack was taunting the creature to try to draw off its attention so that Martha could work in peace. She was quite worried by the dark green gunk that surrounded the ragged holes in Ianto's torso, knowing that she needed to get him back to the Hub where she had various antitoxins to deal with this sort of thing.

She looked up from her work when Jack gave a yell of pain and was just in time to see her friend crash to the floor amidst the broken furniture and smashed crockery, his chest and stomach torn wide open. She bit back a cry of horror, but couldn't help a little whimper of fear escaping when the bear-alien turned its attention towards her.

"Oi! Fur features! Why don't you pick on someone your own species?" yelled a voice behind the creature, startling it and Martha.

The bear-alien turned and she caught sight of an older man, somewhere around the 60 year old mark with short grey hair and glittering blue eyes. He was wearing a black suit with a cream, open-necked shirt, and he looked poised and confident as he faced the creature, his legs spread slightly and his hands on his hips.

"You all right Martha?" he called, surprising her a second time.

"How - ?" she began, but he cut her off.

"Let's save the Q&A for later, shall we?" he suggested, nodding at the bear-alien lumbering towards him. "You finish dressing Ianto's wounds, and I'll deal with Yogi here, then we can talk."

Martha snapped her mouth shut and went back to her task, but she couldn't resist keeping half an eye on this rather too well informed stranger. She saw him slip an object from the pocket of his jacket, but it wasn't until he raised it to his mouth that she realised it was a panflute. He began to play a soothing melody that charmed the ear and seemed to whisper in her brain of somnolence and deep sleep; alarmed, she deliberately bit down hard on her bottom lip to distract herself from the dangerous lullaby, and finished dressing Ianto's wounds.

She glanced up again when she heard the music receding and stared, open-mouthed, as the stranger led the bear-alien away, the creature sleep-walking along like an extra from some fantasy-horror film. The strange pair disappeared out into the street together.

A few moments later, just as she was wishing that Jack would wake up and help her to get Ianto back to the Hub, the stranger reappeared.

"Jack not up and about yet?" he asked as he approached, almost as if it was perfectly normal for someone to be on their feet again after having their intestines torn out and half their chest ripped away. "Want me to give you a hand getting Ianto to the Hub?"

"Stop right there, mister." Martha's voice was harsh with a combination of anger and fear. "How do you know us, and just how did you get that bear-alien to go away?" She stood over her two friends, her hands clenched into fists and a fierce expression on her face.

"Dr Jones, I assure you that you've nothing to fear. Didn't you realise I'm the Doctor?" he asked, a slightly hurt expression on his face.

"But I only saw the Doctor three days ago and he looked nothing like you," she answered, "how could you have regenerated already?" Her expression hardened. "How do I know you're not another Time Lord, pretending to be the Doctor? Or the Master, come back again like a bad penny?"

He smiled and she could see he was amused and also proud. "Martha Jones, UNIT officer through and through," he said. "I can see I'll have prove myself to you." He rubbed the back of his neck, a gesture that Martha was very familiar with, but she didn't let that persuade her.

"Let me take you back to those two months we spent in 1913," he said.

To be continued tomorrow…

* * *
A/N the second - The Eleventh Doctor is based on Bill Nighy.

series: 30 days with martha jones, fic: post s4, character: nighy!eleventh doctor, character: martha jones, mini-nanowrimo

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