JE/NEWS- "Fighting Men"

Sep 24, 2011 13:51

Title: Fighting Men
Universe: JE/NEWS
Theme/Topic: N/A
Rating: PG-13
Character/Pairing/s: PixRyo, TegoxRyo, RyoTegoPi, brief RyoxShige, TegoxShige, PixShige (though mostly Shige, Koyama, and Massu sit on the sidelines giving their support or being put out, take your pick)
Spoilers/Warnings: Crack? LOL
Word Count: 5,470
Summary: Ryo accidentally ( Read more... )

koyama, je, massu, yamapi, news, tegoshi, shige, ryo

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Comments 13

mousapelli September 24 2011, 21:15:02 UTC
hahaha, i was totally looking forward to reading the end of this. Tego so totally has an unkillable jigglypuff, you can't convince me otherwise.

Shige's life is hard ♥


peroxidepest17 September 25 2011, 01:37:18 UTC
Hahaha watch Tego actually uses all those enormous muscly type ones. XD


snow_meow September 25 2011, 10:37:53 UTC

I swear Ryo just likes to create mayhem and had to involve poor Shige in the end.


peroxidepest17 September 25 2011, 18:11:05 UTC
He does enjoy trolling Shige. XD


juin September 26 2011, 04:42:15 UTC
I LOLed so hard at this. XD And yet I was bothered by "Lawson's", which should actually be "Lawson". I am lame. Orz


peroxidepest17 September 26 2011, 04:46:50 UTC
LOL it's okay you're still cool to me. XD


kiimiko October 21 2011, 04:05:13 UTC
hello, I'm Hazy, Been a long time lurker and fan of your writing. I'm so glad You are still writing News Fic ( ... )


peroxidepest17 October 25 2011, 03:37:15 UTC
Oh yay, I'm really flattered you came out of lurking to comment! It was a great thing to come back from my vacation and see!


kiimiko October 27 2011, 11:40:43 UTC
Yay, thats great! ah, I just noticed my comment is full of random typos and grammatical errors, Sorry about that,I was typing kind of frantically.


peroxidepest17 October 27 2011, 18:20:40 UTC
No problem! It happens to me all the time.


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