JE/NEWS- "Fighting Men"

Sep 24, 2011 13:51

Title: Fighting Men
Universe: JE/NEWS
Theme/Topic: N/A
Rating: PG-13
Character/Pairing/s: PixRyo, TegoxRyo, RyoTegoPi, brief RyoxShige, TegoxShige, PixShige (though mostly Shige, Koyama, and Massu sit on the sidelines giving their support or being put out, take your pick)
Spoilers/Warnings: Crack? LOL
Word Count: 5,470
Summary: Ryo accidentally ( Read more... )

koyama, je, massu, yamapi, news, tegoshi, shige, ryo

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kiimiko October 21 2011, 04:05:13 UTC
hello, I'm Hazy, Been a long time lurker and fan of your writing. I'm so glad You are still writing News Fic ( ... )


peroxidepest17 October 25 2011, 03:37:15 UTC
Oh yay, I'm really flattered you came out of lurking to comment! It was a great thing to come back from my vacation and see!


kiimiko October 27 2011, 11:40:43 UTC
Yay, thats great! ah, I just noticed my comment is full of random typos and grammatical errors, Sorry about that,I was typing kind of frantically.


peroxidepest17 October 27 2011, 18:20:40 UTC
No problem! It happens to me all the time.


kiimiko November 9 2011, 11:03:27 UTC
hello again. Its strange, somehow its the first time I came across your non fic LJ: peroxidepest17 just now. You mentioned that you deleted your Ryo and Yamapi folders in one of your latest posts? I dont know, it felt really sad to hear that. Um, May I ask why? how you feel about that news? Is it something like you've lost respect/interest for the two of them and will only follow new 4 member News from now on? Sorry, I dont mean to be pushy or prying if its not something you want to talk about ( ... )


peroxidepest17 November 9 2011, 18:43:42 UTC
I felt mostly betrayed by Ryo but I kind of expected it from Pi (maybe because I never really liked him outside of NEWS?). But now that he won't be in NEWS I definitely won't be following him separately especially since I never have in his solo activities. I also don't particularly care for K8 so I guess I won't be following Ryo in that but I might look in from time to time on his solo stuff. I'm not sure yet.


kiimiko November 9 2011, 21:26:22 UTC
oh, I see. Thank you for letting me know. I know some people are sensitive about it. I was just curious, I've seen lots of comments from people which are K8 fans too, Yamapi fans, Ryo fans and fans that feel betrayed by Yamapi as well. Its interesting to hear about the different ways people have felt and reacted to it. Hope it'll mean more activity for News soon, I'll miss Ryopi and 6nin News though.


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