JE/NewS- "You Can Look, But if you Touch Ryo Will Break Your Hand"

Jul 30, 2007 12:05

Title: You Can Look, But if you Touch Ryo Will Break Your Hand
Universe: JE/NewS
Theme/Topic: N/A
Rating: PG-13
Character/Pairing/s: JE+Tegoshi, light Ryo+Tegoshi
Warnings/Spoilers: Crack? OOC? Stupidity? THESE PEOPLE REALLY EXIST OH GOD.
Word Count: 3,450
Summary: Tegoshi grows up nicely. It causes Ryo all sorts of problems.
Dedication: seca-I know ( Read more... )

je, nikaido, masuda, nagase, yamapi, tegoshi, abc, shige, kawai, kanjani 8, koki, ohkura, jin, koyama, kat-tun, fujigaya, news, kitayama, ryo,

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Comments 72

one_if_by_land July 30 2007, 19:41:10 UTC
Ryo smiles. “But now the best chickens are safe, and I have fur lined boots for the winter.”

A;SLKDJFLSDKF wow. I am doubled over with laughter. T_T I love Tegoshi's harmless self-centeredness, it's what makes him so cute. ♥


peroxidepest17 July 30 2007, 21:24:08 UTC
I do too! And I love how it makes Koyama and Ryo worry for him. XD


zeffy_amethyst July 30 2007, 22:41:18 UTC
Rape is illegal. *snork*

Yes, yes it is Ryo.


peroxidepest17 July 31 2007, 01:41:20 UTC
At least he knows that, I guess? XD


cheloya July 31 2007, 00:16:31 UTC
"But now the best chickens are safe, and I have fur lined boots for the winter."

I AM DYING. XDDDDD Ryo-kun is the best kind of overprotective psycho.


peroxidepest17 July 31 2007, 01:41:42 UTC
Ryo is a total sweetheart. You know, to the people he likes.


cheloya September 19 2007, 11:19:18 UTC
All two of them. :)


peroxidepest17 September 19 2007, 17:11:00 UTC
WELL. THAT IS IMPORTANT. If he treated everyone the same no one would be special to him. XD


seca July 31 2007, 03:36:18 UTC
A part of me weeps now as I feel myself being dragged down deeper and deeper into this fandom. You are twisting my soul Pero, and yet somehow I don't seem to be minding too much. >>;

I don't think I'd ever be able to write any JE fic but I don't think reading will be a issue if I just stick to yours at least. Yes, I think that just might be a good limit before I become too tainted. Of course I'm saying such in light of the fact you've already gotten me to pass boundaries I didn't think I ever would. XD;

And I don't Ryo for being so over protective. Tegoshi is just asking to be pounced on with the cuteness factor he possesses.


peroxidepest17 July 31 2007, 04:51:10 UTC
THERE ARE SO MANY GOOD FICS THAT DON'T EVEN INVOLVE PORN. I'm not joking! LOL and hey, at least I don't make you do the whole KAT-TUN thing too, though parts of it are kind of necessary to understand NewS (because JE is a big incestuous mess). Haha If you read annnimeee's, wintersjuly, and whyjennifer's things I think you will be okay. There are a ton more of course, but you'll find them eventually. JE fandom is also a big incestuous mess, as it turns out. XD

TEGOSHI IS ADORABLE. I LOVE HIM SO. Plus he is GOOD AT EVERYTHING despite having only been in JE for less than a year before they debuted him. XD


seca July 31 2007, 05:26:05 UTC
I'm sure I'll get all into JE eventually, but I'll try to do so slowly or I'm afraid I may overdose on it all and I still need brains for school. Right now I'm trying to make sure I can get the faces and names down for the members of NewS which shall be a while as I'm really bad at that.

Well I am weak so I shall probably check those authors out eventually too.

Tegoshi has quickly become one of my favorites. Though I find myself liking YamaPi quite a bit, but that may be because he's like everywhere. XD


peroxidepest17 July 31 2007, 07:42:37 UTC
Haha Yamapi gets too much attention for me to like him that much. Mostly I love Tego for the cute, Koyama for being everyone's mommy, and Ryo for being the honest dick. XD


aisubekijo July 31 2007, 04:57:43 UTC
bahahahaha. it only rape if ryo can't convince tego that he wants it too? i love this crack.


peroxidepest17 July 31 2007, 05:00:09 UTC
I believe Tego wants it. XD


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