JE/NewS- "You Can Look, But if you Touch Ryo Will Break Your Hand"

Jul 30, 2007 12:05

Title: You Can Look, But if you Touch Ryo Will Break Your Hand
Universe: JE/NewS
Theme/Topic: N/A
Rating: PG-13
Character/Pairing/s: JE+Tegoshi, light Ryo+Tegoshi
Warnings/Spoilers: Crack? OOC? Stupidity? THESE PEOPLE REALLY EXIST OH GOD.
Word Count: 3,450
Summary: Tegoshi grows up nicely. It causes Ryo all sorts of problems.
Dedication: seca-I know you don’t want to read the fic, but I thought I ought to welcome you to the club anyway. BWAHAHA.
A/N: Started a long time ago, finished last night. The parts don’t connect so well, but I did my best to stitch them together a la Dr. Frankenstein. All this monster wants is some love? XD And yes. Sometimes I write fic purely because I get a catchy title stuck in my head before I, you know, actually get any actual IDEAS for the story. Proof that I should work in Hollywood: Y/Y?
Disclaimer: Not mine, though I wish constantly.
Distribution: Just lemme know.

Tegoshi enters JE late and is small and awkward and shy and kind of goofy looking. But they still keep him anyway, because even though he hasn’t been formally trained in the ways of Johnny’s, he already sounds comparably as good as Tsuyoshi and Jin and Massu and all those other people in the jimusho who have been specifically classified as “the good singers.”

And even though a lot of people resent Tegoshi for this at first and want to bully him, they eventually end up not paying the kid much mind at all because he’s earnest and polite and tries so hard that it seems kind of pitiful to take anything out on him directly. They end up ignoring him instead; they can’t fault him for anything personally, after all (even though if you ask, four out of five interviewees would answer that Tegoshi Yuya doesn’t deserve the spot in NewS he’s been given-he hasn’t been here long enough, hasn’t earned his dues, hasn’t put in the time and energy everyone else has).

Ryo remembers being one of the people who had thought like that at first, scoffing at this kid who tries too hard to please everyone and thinking to himself that Tegoshi doesn’t belong here at all, that he should go home and finish school and go to college and become a salary man and raise a family.

But then, after about two years of trying to play catch up with everyone else in NewS, Tegoshi gets cute.

He gets really, really cute.

And he catches up. He catches up really fast and really well and even though people want to resent him for all the solos he gets, when they hear him sing they can’t hold it against him anymore because he’s not just a good singer, he’s the best one in the whole group now.

After that, the people who had resented him when he first entered even start liking him a little bit.

Ryo is also one of those people too. Even more than that actually, because he thinks he really loves Tegoshi for being Tegoshi, since Tegoshi has turned out to be the kind of person who could grow up in this type of place and still smile with the same oblivious innocence he’d had when he first walked through the company doors all those years ago. Ryo is also glad that Tegoshi is starting to get noticed lately as well, because the kid works really hard.

But that kind of happy thinking doesn’t last long, because soon afterwards, Ryo realizes that maybe Tegoshi is getting noticed a little too much. And not in a good way, either.

Jealousy can turn to grudging admiration and admiration can turn to fascination and fascination can turn to desire and before long, people start to notice Tegoshi not just when he’s on stage singing, but when he’s walking down the halls as well. They look him over slowly in those moments and Ryo can see it in their eyes, they’re thinking to themselves: “Tegoshi-kun grew up really well, didn’t he?”

Sometimes they’re so bold that they think other things too- right there in the middle of the corridor- and those kind of perverted thoughts always make Ryo slide between the person and Tegoshi on instinct. He glares at them until they walk away.

And while Ryo thinks that it’s great Tegoshi is getting noticed now, it also means that Tegoshi will probably start getting caught up on all those other parts of the jimusho that he’d missed out on before, since he joined late. The parts that make the smiles a little less genuine and the friendships a little less honest, the things that turn you cynical and wary.

Ryo tries to keep Tegoshi from getting into those things for as long as he can, because he likes Tegoshi just the way he is-young, innocent, cheerful.

At first, it’s not so hard for Ryo to protect Tegoshi from these sorts of things because Tegoshi is still kind of a background member of NewS and doesn’t get as much time in the spotlight as Yamapi or Ryo or even Koyama. But then one day, during dance rehearsals, the choreographer takes Tegoshi aside for some special one-on-one instruction.

Ryo bristles as the pervert licks his lips at an oblivious Tegoshi and puts his hands on the kid’s hips. “Use these more,” sensei says, sleazily.

Tegoshi just blinks and nods eagerly up at him. “Hai!”

And then Tegoshi uses his hips just like sensei says (he has always been obedient like that). He tries his hardest as usual, and the results are beyond magnificent.

Ryo can hear it then, the very moment when all of the other people in the practice room stop moving so they can stare.

“Shit,” Ryo says to himself, and this time he can’t guard Tegoshi from all of the appraising looks that are being thrown his way. He reaches out to punch Ohkura in the arm because Ohkura is the only one within striking distance. “Stop staring,” he says.

“Ah,” Ohkura grunts. He does not stop staring.

Ryo’s head hurts. “Shit.”

He knows that things are only going to be much harder from here on out.


Of course, the first thing Tegoshi does is show off his new and improved swiveling hips to his groupmates.

Luckily enough, Ryo knows that most of the rest of NewS is too dumb and good natured to try and rape Tegoshi (with the possible exception of Yamapi, who is a giant slut), and so when Tegoshi shows them his new moves they all just clap and praise him appropriately. Koyama tells Tegoshi that his new way of dancing makes him look “very mature.”

Like Ryo said: NewS is dumb and good natured and does not understand the difference between “that makes you look very mature” and “ that makes you look like a horny slut”.

But Jin is there too, because Jin and Yamapi are attached at the stupid and Jin is in KAT-TUN. That not only makes Jin dumb, but also makes him fantastically whorish.

Thus, Jin knows what “horny slut” is supposed to look like; it’s what Tegoshi just did just now with his hips.

Ryo’s suspicions are confirmed less than a second later, when he sees Jin arch a brow as he watches Tegoshi’s new style of dancing. Jin even smiles and bites his bottom lip a little, all in that fantastically whorish KAT-TUN way KAT-TUN has patented for use when they are on stage, the six of them eye-fucking the camera or each other or the camera and each other all at once.

After a minute of watching Tegoshi, Jin smirks and says, “Tegoshi sure has learned a lot, ne?”

Jin looks like he’s about to get up off of the couch and give Tegoshi a few extra pointers on how to be a magnificent slut (because he is), but before he can, Ryo snorts at Jin and says, “You look fat lately. Like an ugly balloon.”

Jin stops. Blinks. Panics. “Eh? R-really? I do? Really?!”

He puts his hands on his face in distress and promptly forgets all about Tegoshi in his rush to get to a mirror.

He also doesn’t eat for the next week and a half, but Ryo figures that for the sake of saving cuter people, the sacrifice is appropriate.


When Tegoshi’s cute-face and newfound slutty hips start getting him noticed by the casting the directors of high-budget dramas, Ryo gets really worried. All that time in close proximity to guys like Nagase and Koki could turn dangerous. Ryo knows what those extra-large trailers are for, after all.

So he decides that he will have to visit the set of My Boss My Hero a lot to make sure that Nagase and Koki are keeping their hands to themselves. Ryo is not so worried about the girls trying to touch Tegoshi, because he’s noticed that any self-respecting girl wouldn’t try to snag a boy who is prettier than her and weighs significantly less than she does. That sort of thing makes most girls self-conscious.

“Nishikido-kun, why are you here?” Nagase asks when he sees Ryo skulking around the set during the day one shooting for the first episode.

Ryo eyes him and says, “There are some pretty cute girls on this set.”

Nagase grins. “Ah, is that why? That’s surprisingly slick of you! Get Tegoshi-kun to introduce you later, ne?”

Ryo doesn’t care. He pins the larger man with his eyes. “There are some cute girls on this set, and there is Tegoshi too. And even though Tegoshi is cute he’s still is a boy, so aren’t you better off sexually harassing the girls instead? You don’t get to see girls that cute at work normally, after all.”

Nagase chokes on his own spit. “Uh… what?”

Ryo nods. “Just remember, there are cute girls on this set.”

Then he leaves to go find Koki, because while Koki is less slutty than Jin he is still in KAT-TUN and thus probably has about a million venereal diseases either way.

Ryo is determined to make it so that once this drama wraps, Koki, Nagase, and maybe those cute no-name no-face girls who Tegoshi keeps saying he is too shy to look in the eye will be the only ones who are pregnant and/or have Koki and Jin’s herpes.


One of the more frustrating things out of the long list of frustrating things about Tegoshi’s newfound hips of doom might be the fact that he’s so small and unassuming that even the backup dancers are potential threats.

Ryo sees how close those cocky brats in ABC and Kis-My-Ft2. are getting when they are doing their body rolls behind Tegoshi during the concert rehearsals. He doesn’t like it.

So one afternoon, during a practice break, Ryo takes all of the juniors who are performing with them aside (Kawai especially), and tells them a little story.

It’s about the last time that Ryo had gone to visit his grandparents’ farm. Ryo explains to them that at the time, his grandpa had been complaining about a certain young fox that was coming down from the woods every night to try and kill his prized chickens. “He said it was probably a young male all on its own for the first time. It didn’t know to stay away from the humans yet.”

Kawai blinks. “What does this have to do with…”

Ryo puts a finger across the younger boy’s lips. “And so I had an idea. The next day, grandpa and I slaughtered one of the less impressive chickens. We poisoned the meat and we left it near where the fox was trying to get into the chicken coop during the night. And the fox ate it. And he died.”

The juniors are silent.

Ryo smiles. “But now the best chickens are safe, and I have fur lined boots for the winter.”

Kitayama stares. “So what you’re saying is…”

“A real man isn’t afraid to get his hands a little bit dirty for the sake of something important to him,” Ryo clarifies. And as it is, he hopes that for their own sakes, each and every one of them knows that Nishikido Ryo is a real man.

A moment. Then, slowly, the juniors all nod.


Satisfied that the message has been conveyed loud and clear, Ryo stands and pats Nikaido and Fujigaya on their backs amiably enough to really scare them. “Let’s get back to practice, ne?”

The younger boys don’t quite understand it exactly, but after all this time in the jimusho their instincts are good. They continue to do their body rolls behind Tegoshi for the shows, but now, they do them all at a good three-foot distance. And just to be safe, they keep off of Yamapi and Koyama and Shige and Massu too.

Whether Ryo’s grandparents actually have a farm or not is not important.


KAT-TUN, overly-enthusiastic senpai, and horny juniors aside, Ryo knows when to admit that there are more difficult things than those three that he has to protect Tegoshi from.

One of them being: himself.

Because he is a sexy Osaka man with a perfectly healthy sex drive and no particular interest in cute girls when he’s already seen hotter-than-that just walking down one of the jimusho’s hallways on any Monday-or-Tuesday-or-any afternoon.

Johnny’s is full of beautiful people after all, and when you essentially grow up in the constant presence of all that stunning good-lookingness, it tends to skew your view of the world. You just can’t settle for anything less.

Add that sort of perspective to Ryo’s already naturally good taste and it’s not really surprising that whenever Ryo looks at Tegoshi he feels like he wants to fuck the kid into the ground-Tegoshi is exceptionally pretty even by JE standards.

It is kind of unbearable.

“Argh,” he screams to himself one morning, when he walks into the NewS practice room and sees Tegoshi nestled in Koyama’s lap. Tegoshi is chirruping about Yamapi’s latest drama to the older boy and Koyama is so excited about what might happen in episode eleven that he doesn’t even notice the way that his arms are around Tegoshi’s waist and that their foreheads are almost touching.

Ryo isn’t worried about Koyama’s part in all of this though; what he’s worried about is the fact that Tegoshi looks like a spectacularly hot piece of ass when he is sitting with his knees spread that way.

Ryo groans and hits his head against the doorframe a few times to banish those sorts of thoughts. It is too early for this shit.

Koyama and Tegoshi hear it when he does; Koyama’s eyes widen and he immediately shouts, “Ah! Don’t do that, Ryo-chan! You’ll hurt yourself!”

“Ryo-tan!” is all Tegoshi says, and then he flashes that sweet, oblivious smile. “Ohayo!”

Somehow, that smile only makes the ways his legs are spread over Koyama even worse.

Ryo grunts to himself darkly and spins around. “I’m going to the bathroom,” he says, and then leaves.

Tegoshi blinks after him; was it something he said?

Next time, Tegoshi is on Massu’s back, demanding a piggyback. His legs are wrapped around Massu’s waist this time; he’s laughing and nipping at Massu’s ear for more speed and energy. “Good horsie!”

It is sort of painful to watch.

Eventually Ryo can’t take it anymore. When that moment comes, he clenches his hands into fists and shouts, “Would you two morons cut that stupid shit out already?!”

Tegoshi and Massu both blink at his tone-they stop what they’re doing and stare at him.

“Ryo-tan?” Tegoshi asks, and cocks his head to the side. He is very perplexed.

Massu is too. They share a questioning look before Massu eventually obliges and crouches to let Tegoshi dismount.

“Sorry!” they both tell Ryo. They sound like little kids.

Tegoshi also fidgets cutely when he apologizes; Ryo sees this and whirls around immediately.

He heads to the bathroom.

“What’s his problem lately?” Massu asks, once Ryo is gone.

Koyama shrugs. “Maybe he has indigestion?”

Tegoshi frowns-“I don’t think it’s that,” he says. Then he brightens, because he has a great idea. “I’ll go ask him, ne! It’s always best to talk these things through!”

Before Koyama or Shige or Yamapi can tell him that that might not be as good an idea as he thinks it is, Tegoshi is already bouncing out the door and down the hall after Ryo.

He finds Ryo standing at the sink of the men’s room, splashing cold water on his face. The older boy’s eyes are closed and he is chanting, “rape is illegal” over and over again under his breath.

Tegoshi blinks and watches him for a while-is Ryo thinking of committing a crime?

“Ryo-tan?” he poses after a minute or two, when he starts to get impatient. “Are you sick?”

Ryo jumps just about three feet in the air. “Fuck!” he shouts, when he sees Tegoshi standing right behind him. “Don’t do that you idiot!”

Tegoshi automatically looks sheepish. “Sorry! I wasn’t trying to sneak up on you! I just… i-is something wrong?” He is genuinely concerned; the strange way Ryo’s been acting these past few weeks has been worrying him.

“Yes, something is wrong, can’t you tell just by looking?” Ryo snaps, irritably.

Tegoshi falters. “Oh. Um… are you mad at me?”


Clearly, Ryo is speaking without thinking.

“I’m sorry!” Tegoshi apologizes, for the second time in so many minutes. “I don’t know what I did, but whatever I can do to… fix…it…” he trails off when he notices that Ryo is really, really glaring at him right now.

He swallows.

When he does, Ryo’s glare somehow gets even more intense.

“Aah! I know! Is this um… is this because I keep forgetting to bring back that shirt you lent me last month? I’ll bring it back tomorrow; I just haven’t washed it yet!”

Ryo doesn’t say anything; he’s suddenly too busy counting backwards from ten so he won’t imagine Tegoshi wearing his clothes.

But Tegoshi only takes his silence as more anger. “Th-that’s not it? Um… then… is it because I stole a sip of your peach tea while you were downstairs this morning?”

Ryo counts backwards from one hundred this time-isn’t that an indirect kiss?

But his failure to respond only causes Tegoshi to start panicking even more earnestly now, because while Ryo has been mad at him before, he has never been so mad that he’s been rendered speechless.

In fact, Tegoshi is so distraught over the concept of such a thing that he looks as if he might cry.

Needless to say, that really gets Ryo’s attention.

Because Tegoshi’s face gets all flushed when he cries and he sniffles and whimpers so cutely that he could probably stop North Korean military armament with those sad little noises if only the UN had any brains.

It really is too much for anyone to take, and Ryo is fairly certain that he can’t handle that kind of onslaught at this particular time (especially while he’s in this kind of weakened mental state).

So he takes three long, deep breaths and wills himself to calm the fuck down before things get ugly. “It’s not anything like that,” he manages lamely, after a while.

“I-it’s not?” Tegoshi murmurs, carefully. “Then what is it?”

Three more, long, deep breaths. “Nothing. I’m in a bad mood, is all. I just felt like yelling, and you were here.”

Tegoshi blinks. “E-eh? Really? That’s it?”

Ryo nods.

“O-oh.” Then, tentatively, “What are you in a bad mood over?”

Ryo bites the inside of his cheek. He’d forgotten that brats are often more inquisitive than people want them to be.


He sighs. “Grown up stuff. I’ll explain it to you when you’re older.”

Tegoshi looks skeptical. “I-is that really it?” He still sounds kind of freaked out. “Or are you just saying that so I’ll leave you alone?” The way he asks that last part is laced with infinite sadness- when he hears it even Ryo can’t help but reach out to gently ruffle Tegoshi’s hair.

It seems like even when Ryo’s the one having the problems, it is Tegoshi’s self-centeredness that requires the most care and attention in the end. “That’s really it,” he assures the younger boy. “So stop looking like I kicked you or something, brat. I didn’t.”

Despite the gruff words, the gesture is enough to comfort Tegoshi; he relaxes a little under Ryo’s hand. “Okay. Um… so are you all right now?”

Ryo nods. “Yeah. I’m okay now.”

“Good,” Tegoshi breathes. His fear is immediately forgotten with Ryo’s words, simple as that. He’s always been a pretty simple kid in that way, after all.

“Ne…if Ryo-tan is sad about anything he can tell me, okay?” Tegoshi offers after a moment, quietly. “I’ll do whatever I can to help. Promise!”

Ryo is kind of touched.

But then, Tegoshi promptly ruins the moment by smiling so shyly up at Ryo that Ryo has to physically fight back the urge to reach out and grab the kid by digging his fingernails into his own thigh. Viciously.

“Sure,” he says, tightly. “Great.”


Then Tegoshi grins and turns towards the bathroom door like nothing at all strange or scary had just happened between them at all. “We’re going to be late for stage practice if we stay here too long, Ryo-tan! Let’s hurry ne?” he calls over his shoulder, sweetly.

Ryo watches him go and groans internally to himself.

It is going to be a long, hard wait for Tegoshi’s twentieth birthday.



je, nikaido, masuda, nagase, yamapi, tegoshi, abc, shige, kawai, kanjani 8, koki, ohkura, jin, koyama, kat-tun, fujigaya, news, kitayama, ryo,

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