Title: Lies for love
Pairing: Thirteen/Cameron, Thirteen/Cuddy
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: Pretty much zilch. This is set at the beginning of Season 5 when House has his new team but contains nothing about them specific to episodes.
Disclaimer: I own... nada.
Summary: Thirteen can't remain faithful and risks losing everything that matters to her.
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Comments 3
Although, knowing you and your twisted ways, things will probably take a turn for the worse before they get all better...
Actually, I'd rather that happened, because that would mean this fic would be longer, which would make me super happy. I don't know why, though, because glorifiedcrackaddict!Thirteen shouldn't make me happy.
I'll shut up now. My jet lag is making me blather on.
I am so trying to get it all posted before I go away.
I hope this makes sense. I think it does. I'm going out soon and have already started on the vodka. ;)
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