Day 9 - extra

Dec 09, 2009 14:12

An extra Stephen drabble, because it would look lonely if I posted it all alone.
It's even 10% extra free, as I can't get it under 110 words.

No warnings; read it however you like :)
Inspired by a throwaway line in The Surgeon's Mate which has struck me whenever I've read it.


On names

He handed Stephen the list of units, territorial units whose names were as familiar to Stephen as his own

As familiar to me as my own name, I said, but how much does that mean?
There have been too many names in too many countries; so many identities, so many lies. Hearing myself called Esteve felt almost foreign, like hearing of one long dead.
Perhaps it's only fitting. I was, after all, what is called a nameless child.

Jack has never felt need to doubt his identity, plain Jack Aubrey from a long line of Jack Aubreys, so maybe I should leave certainty to him. If he comes into the room, saying as he so often does, "Why, Stephen, there you are", can I be sure that I am?

fanfiction, author/artist: y, drabble, rating: g, christmas calendar

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