Ha. The movie channels strike again. I ended up watching Quills with a younger Steven Moyer in it, the other night. And since I rarely think of True Blood, I had my one and only epiphany on how I think it will go this season. I reckon, in True Blood style, Bill will stake himself as
B1000 - which will wrench the heart of every fangirl (either up or
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Comments 51
I love Terri and the Chief. But I think my favourite book was "Brother Odd" in the monastery. I flirted for a time with being a nun, and I loved all of the characters in that. Luckily, I would have made a *terrible* nun. :D
I should inform you that presently, JanineMNM is going to be coming to your house to meet your friend and fangirl. :D
I just don`t see how Sookie can have a HEA with Eric if he marries Freyda. And I`m looking forward to seeing how CH will crack this nut :-D
I think she's left the field wide open - it's really easy to think of dozens of ways it could go that Eric is freed from the contract. It's practically a no-brainer to figure that one out - he just says no for example. But we can't expect anything that will make Sookie happy apparently.
The nut I`m looking forward to seeing CH cracking is how to get Eric out of the marriage. I`m guessing that she`ll make it a little more complicated than for him to just say no ;-) Especially since Eric doesn`t seem to be the type to put Sookie`s interests before his own.
Well, I expect CH to as well, but I figure that even the least amount of thinking could get a scenario where Eric says "No" in the fic - even if Freyda starts in with the "Would you could you with a mouse, Would you could you in a house?" a la Green Eggs and Ham. But instead, it's taken as a foregone conclusion, and now is the time for Sookie to choose what sort of crappy HEA she can think of, and how crappy it can get.
I have no clue how the last Sookie book will play out. I can't wait to find out though. I can't see Sookie being like her cousin. She's stronger than that now.
I agree - she's stronger than that. And I think that Hadley wanted so desperately to be loved that she moved from having a baby (and found out that was work, so left him with his Dad) to finding someone who would want her forever. It's a real pity it didn't work out like that. Hadley deserved something more.
I've come across a fair few ebooks that I couldn't purchase. Some are only available to us on audio, and others where you can buy only one title but not the others by the same author.
I figured as much.. And Sookie is living proof of that too.
Funny how ALL of Sookie's (and Eric's) problems would magically go away if she would just apologise, dammit!
I liked Sophie-Anne. She's an against-all-odds woman. I also like the QOK. Whats is wrong with me? :D
Oh yes, if for nothing but the squeeing! I'll miss dicussions like this after DEA. But hey, CH has a new series coming out ;)
I just can't decide if they're better or worse than the fics that do the whole 'what if Sookie never ever met Bill and went to Fangtasia and jumped on Eric's penis instead' scenario. Bleurgh!
And you're right, the readers do miss the subtle comparisons that happen with the other characters who've appeared. They've obviously mistaken CH's work for AB's and decided everything that isn't Eric and Sookie fucking each other is merely sound and fury.
I'm going to stop now, because I'm starting to sound bitter, even to my own ears :)
Oh those are old friends to me. It's like "What if, I did a fic just like the other one thousand fics there are out there?" Eric is a real dreamboat in those - fucking her in his office and then carting her around like a dog in a handbag. :D
I think they need big red arrows drawn for them. Maybe Sookie could think every so often, "Wow, that's exactly what happened to Hadley! It worked out just fine with her. She got a necklace and a nice flat!" And I think you're right - they focus exclusively on the E/S component to the exclusion of everything else.
:D You and me both. I've read more fanfic. I can out-bitter you any day. :D
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