Ha. The movie channels strike again. I ended up watching Quills with a younger Steven Moyer in it, the other night. And since I rarely think of True Blood, I had my one and only epiphany on how I think it will go this season. I reckon, in True Blood style, Bill will stake himself as
B1000 - which will wrench the heart of every fangirl (either up or
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I've come across a fair few ebooks that I couldn't purchase. Some are only available to us on audio, and others where you can buy only one title but not the others by the same author.
I figured as much.. And Sookie is living proof of that too.
Funny how ALL of Sookie's (and Eric's) problems would magically go away if she would just apologise, dammit!
I liked Sophie-Anne. She's an against-all-odds woman. I also like the QOK. Whats is wrong with me? :D
Oh yes, if for nothing but the squeeing! I'll miss dicussions like this after DEA. But hey, CH has a new series coming out ;)
As for the Marquis de Sade, if you read some of his responses to criticism against him, you'd think he was but a paragon virtue. He was eloquent and knew how to turn the tables and how to make a good case.
Yeah. You'd definitely be recognisable. In a good way. :D
He fascinated me as a teenager, and I read all about him and the French revolution. I was also the top student in French, so that made him even more fascinating. He also seemed to skip so much of the turmoil of the time, and just skate through.
I might get by if I wasn't Australian, and fudged what I do. :D
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