I kept getting annoyed at having to find the post that I wanted to find, by scrolling backwards through my own posts. Particularly when I interlink my posts, and I know what I want to refer to. This way I can find this one, and all is solved. Hence linkage.
So I'm going to link here, and since I wanted it, you guys got it.
Firstly, searching my LJ for keywords, which is on my
userinfo page Secondly - very important post -
I recommend going anon to post comments here.
Thirdly - second most important post on commenting here -
Team Sookie forever Fourth - if LJ is timing you out, there is a
read-only mirror here.
Fifth - be aware that while I quote book pages, this could be only an approximation of what's in your books. Some I have are electronic copies, and some are Australian reprints. Some are hardcover, and some paperback. There's no universal place they print books so they're all the same. I give you page numbers with hopes you can find it yourself, and so I can quote and not feel bad about it.
Now to the posts, with a quick blurb for the rest of you:
Holy Flurking Snit! You're Not Dead - Is PMR dead, or just a bitch?
The Real Light of Tolerance - The fandom is just the place to demand tolerance, isn't it?
The Slave Trade - Is Eric a sex slave?
Wish Versus Wish - Wasn't Copley's request of the Devil redundant?
Personal and Political Boundaries - How is Sookie protected from supe predation after DEA?
True to Form - Was Eric out of character in DEA?
Please Exit the Ride and Beware Fangirl Unfairness - Did you love DEA?
Brace for Impact....Squee Level Defcon2 - Ready for DEA?
What Goes Around... - What about misogyny in the fandom?
People Losing Their Damn Minds - What little tidbits do you have for us today?
Her Felipe's Futures - What do you think about the giant spoiler on the net?
PMR reads BDB - How does Dark Lover reflect in sexist stereotypes in fanfic?
Strong Female Characters - First in the Sexism series. What makes a "strong female character"?
Troublesome Telepathic Types - Sookie is the source of trouble, right?
Show and Tell - What do you think of the criticisms you read about CH?
Hadley: The Preferred Sookie - Who does the fandom have as Sookie's role model?
And She Facepalms - What could be the consequences of using the cluviel dor as revealed by the text of If I Had a Hammer?
A Most Shocking Turn - What's your speculation on one of the central mysteries in Dead Ever After?
The Stink Pig - Can you tell me how much you hate Alcide?
No Little Arms Here - How do you think Eric can get out of the contract with Freyda?
Cluviel Dor Set to Live - Sam's evil, right?
Deconstructing a Deal - So how'd Appius Livius Ocella make this deal in the first place?
All or Nothing - Can Eric go to Freyda and then come back?
Get a Job, Hippie - Will Eric ever quit as Sheriff and get a real job?
Next Year - Season Finale in a Foundry - What did you think of Season Five True Blood finale?
AB & Me - Ruiners - Wimmens are evil on True Blood right?
The End is Nigh - What's your first tentative speculation on Dead Ever After spoilers?
Foot Fetishist in Da House - It's ending soon, right?
Really No H8? - What is the conception of LGBT folk in SVM fanfiction?
Needs MOAR Wang - The tension is building in the show, right?
Illusion of Control - Mr. Cataliades has the magic bullet for Sookie's telepathy, right?
Eric's Price of Life is A Couple Hundred Dead Babies - The season will be over soon - we can hope, right?
Test of a Prince - What do you think of Niall telling Eric about the cluviel dor?
Next time, I want SMoyer piggybacking Askars - Why do you think the writers of True Blood are the ones taking illicit substances?
Licence to Kill - Do vampires have rights to murder people whenever the mood takes them?
I Think AB Wants Us to Buy Budweiser - What do you think of the episode Alan Ball wrote personally?
Weeping Willa - Sookie is a big one for crying all the time, throwing tantrums and avoiding things, right?
Even the Title Mentions Vomiting Now? - What do you mean the most enjoyable thing was the song in the closing credits?
Born to Greatness...with a Long Line of Stupids - You mean you're still watching that crap?
The Sooner to Feel the Love - What is going on with Freyda?
The Season of the Slut - You thought Ghost Daddies was bad?
Happy Enough After - Would Sookie be more happy being alone?
So Much Silver - Wow, ranting this early in Season five of True Blood can't be a good thing, right?
A Failing Grade - Does Eric really have a choice on the whole Freyda thing?
Loving the Raw Dark of the Soul - What dark depths are portrayed on the page?
Punishment or Community Service? - How can Sookie get Felipe to rescind any punishments pending in Deadlocked?
They get to you...through your family - What's going on with the Shreveport vamps to circumvent Freyda and Felipe?
Fealty and Feelings Divided - What's going on with Eric in Deadlocked?
The Logic Stick - What are some of the silliest pet theories about Deadlocked?
Not a Sly Dog - What's the dealio with Sam in Deadlocked?
Actual Equal Treatment - Eric and Sookie equally fucked up in Deadlocked, right?
How to tell you have a HEA - Have Eric and Sookie improved their relationship in Deadlocked?
Let the Squeeing Begin - What's your initial impression of Deadlocked?
The Favour - Why is it a good thing for Eric that Sookie didn't turn vampire?
Side Story Spice Snippets - What can side stories about Dahlia and Sean tell us about the main canon?
With a little creative jiggling - What's one way Sookie could stymie Eric's marriage to Freyda that no one's thought of before?
Picking Sides - What do you think is going on with Niall in the first chapter of Deadlocked?
Sookie and Sam look like HEA - What do you think about the spoilers you've heard for Deadlocked?
Deep Impact - How do I write a character people will care about?
Smarter Sookie - How do I write a smarter Sookie?
Bill Compton must die! - Why don't you think Bill and Sookie will get back together?
Lie to Me - Why doesn't Sookie ask more questions and get definitive answers from Eric?
Telepathic Growing Pains - What do you think will happen to Hunter?
What's a Stevedore? - Do you think SVM will end just like Gone with the Wind?
This Week in Fanfic...Damns Not Given - What do you do when you see a rape-as-romance?
Political Animals and Dark Horses - Those shifters are shifty, amirite?
Timing is Everything - What do you think is the timeline for the events in Club Dead?
More Deader in my Hair! Ack! - Fuck, PMR, take a Deadlocked speculation and stick to it, will you?
Change Not Growth - How do you think Sookie will realise change in Deadlocked thanks to the excerpt?
Ack! There's a Deader in my Hair! - What is your wildest speculation thanks to the excerpt of Deadlocked?
The Leading Lady - What's going on with Sam and Jannalynn?
Message in a Mustapha Bottle - What do you think Pam meant in the excerpt of Deadlocked?
Cohabitation Commiserations - Do you think Eric and Sookie will live together?
Fa-Heir-ys Apparent - What do you think about Dermot and the excerpt of Deadlocked?
Fairies Up First - Have you read the excerpt of Deadlocked?
Life and Death - What do you think about Niall and the fairy agenda in general?
Sooner or Later - So now you've had time to think, what do you think Freyda's end game is?
Comfort Food - What about when I'm in the mood for something different?
Lost in Translation - Should I use Google translate for my fic?
Heart of a Tiger - What is the best quality of Quinn's that Eric steals in fanfic?
Shades of Grey - Why is polarisation a problem when discussing things?
This Fucking Sucks - What do you say when True Blood double jumps that shark and tries to marry it?
The Hard Bite - What do you think of the most controversial scene in Dead Reckoning?
So it finally jumped the shark - What do you think of True Blood by Season 4, episode 11?
Don't Fear the Reaper - Will Sookie and Eric be together forever?
Growing Up Gran - How did Adele bring Sookie up in a way that was essential?
Rape-as-Romance - What do you think of the phenomenon of romances forged with rape and abuse?
Vamps Before Vlad - What was it like for vampires before Vlad Dracul's death?
A World of the Mary Sue Erics - What about writing original characters?
Life In The Coffin - How did vampires interact with humans in Pre-Revelation times?
Pride, Rejection and Emotional Cowardice - What do you think of Eric's emotional bravery?
Wrongs Made Right - How do you think the cluviel dor will be used?
Intelligence Gatherers - Who do you think are the spies for Victor and against Victor?
King Bill - What do you think of Season 4, 4 episodes in?
Them Crazy Shippers - Should I follow advice in reviews unequivocably?
Peas in a Pod - Why do you think Eric is HEA guy?
The First Vampire ever loved - What's your opinion on Bill?
Mainstreaming Mainly Mocked - Does Eric drink TrueBlood?
Gender Bias in True Blood - Why will you always be a bookie?
Being Sheriff of Area Five - What does Eric's job entail exactly?
Sookie vs. Sookie - Is there a difference between True Blood Sookie and Sookie from the books?
The Measure of Maturity - What is the standard of maturity for Sookie to achieve?
Sookie's learnings. Let me show you them - How have Sookie's relationship smarts changed over time?
Imagination vs. Show - Why doesn't True Blood resemble the books as much as book fans would like?
Progressive, yes? - Why do series get darker?
Sookie the Shut in and her Clayton's Security - Locking Sookie up in her house is safe, right?
Telepath for Hire - Will Sookie ever get her finger out and work as a professional telepath?
Eulogy of a Fairy Godmother - Why did CH kill off Claudine?
Felipe's Leap - What is going to happen to Eric since he killed Victor in Dead Reckoning?
Betrayer or Blabbermouth? - What do you think of what Amelia did in Dead Reckoning?
Claude Stripped Down - What do you think Claude's ulterior motive for staying with Sookie in Dead Reckoning is?
Bond, James...I mean Broken Bond - What do you think about the bond being broken in Dead Reckoning?
The Seven Signs of Sookie Hate - How does Sookie hate happen?
Sookie the Supe - When will Sookie realise she's a supernatural creature?
Turning Points - Are Eric and Sookie going to break up post Dead Reckoning?
Angels and Demons - What do you make of Mr. Cataliades post Dead Reckoning?
Fae Time Shenanigans - When exactly do you think Niall and Eric were spying on Sookie?
The Queen's Consort and his Wife - How is Sookie and Eric's relationship going in Dead Reckoning, and what does Freyda want?
Fanfic Futures - Place your bets - What's your initial thoughts on Dead Reckoning, and what stupid plots will exist in fanfic?
Vampire Supermen Party - What are the sociological underpinnings for vampire superiority in fanfic?
Like Hotel California....but with beatings - Could Sookie ever get away from the supernatural world?
Plenty Gracious - Is Sookie gracious for all the help she's received from vampires?
Rules and Living in Fear - Which rules should Sookie follow to be safe?
I spy Espionage - Is it easy to sniff out a spy?
Rape Rarely Referenced - Is Bill's rape of Sookie dealt with in the text?
Undead Suckie - What would happen if Sookie was made vampire?
Change in the Wind - Will Eric ever be King?
The Travelling Sookie Show - Does Sookie run?
It's.....Pamalicious - What is the relationship like between Eric and Pam, and how does Sookie factor in?
How to Get Reviews - Really PMR, you thought poking a sharp stick at the review issue was a good idea?
Telepathic Bitches - How is internal conflict necessary to stories, and how should it be treated?
The Waitress' Supe Best Friend - Will Sookie and Sam ever end up together?
The Talk - When is Eric and Sookie's talk coming?
PMR gets a peen? - Does not wanting to be a vampire make Sookie a vamp hater?
Knot Tying 101 - Will Sookie ever get married in a Church?
Offerings Often Obstructed - Does Sookie refuse gifts?
Virgins Valued Via Vampirism - Is virgin blood the best?
Fair Use and Fairly Using - Should writers wholeheartedly crap on the original author?
Pets, Vampire Etiquette and Royalty - What was the Queen's plan and what do vampires expect in human companions?
Happy Valentines....the bond is not romantic - Why would CH be okay with getting rid of the bond?
Suitor Wars, Fangirls and Fear - Why is Eric written soooo crappily?
The Legend of Sookie: Poor writing in fanfic - Why is Sookie written soooo crappily?
Talkative...like a rock - What is Eric hiding at the end of DITF?
The Making of Eric: Appius v. Godric - Why shouldn't I avoid Eric's history of abuse?
The Genesis of the Lie of Vampire Superiority - How do vampires cope with killing?
On Writing Sympathetic Humans - How can Eric and all the other vampires really be scary?
On Writing Vampires - How can I write vampires people want to read?
Not Writer Paradise - Reader Heaven - How does the positive review culture fail writers?
Glamour-less, not glamorous - Telepathy is a gift, isn't it?
The Real Lucky One - What would happen if Eric broke up with Sookie?
Chasing the HEA dragon - How will the books ending play out?
So you'd like to see Sookie raped for years on end? - How is rape dealt with in the SVM universe?
Problematic Pretentious Paternalistic Protectors - Would Book Eric have acted like True Blood Eric?
Billution and Billsorbency - What do you mean you read Bill fic?
She has a God shaped hole....in her vagina - Is Sookie a jealous person?
Come on vampire writers, gimme something with bite - You mean you don't like easy storylines?
Mr. PMR is an etymological punk - Does Stockholm Syndrome work for love affairs?
The bizarre nature of reviewing - What do you think about reviewing?
How to get a megaton of reviews and coincidentally bore me to death - How do I write completely crappy fanfic to save myself time?
If you've come here... - Are you leaving Fanfic.net?
Themes - What are Mr. Minty's initial thoughts on the books?
Other Miscellaneous Posts - I probably won't link these, but screw going through that list again:
The case of the death of my fish - What do you mean your husband killed your fish?
Twitter Tribulation Tale - Why did you unfollow me on Twitter?
The Horrors of SVM Fanfic - What Monsters are there in Fanfic?
Alan Ball robbed us - Which is the hottest vampire?
Wow. Just wow. - What's the toughest community?
12 Days of Christmas PMR style - What random shit do you think at Christmas?
Saint Eric - Why did you run that contest?
Saint Eric is gone - What happened with that contest anyway?
Victoly! Don't call me a fangbanger! - What name do you hate being called in this fandom?
Tis the Season - What should I cover before the first chapter?