Sorry it's taken a while for me to get onto this, but it also took me a while to do the banners.
Now, if you haven't already noticed, the winner of the Saint Eric competition has published under his real username. That's right, my darling Mr. Minty wrote the winning entry, with no help whatsoever from me. Here it is -
The Fluids of Time.
Let me reiterate, the contest really was anonymous. My poor judges had no clue that it's my husband's story, so this will also be a revelation to them. Thyra was surprised when Suki published, and now I'm sure they didn't suspect Mr. Minty. Certainly, I don't think anyone has had a hint from me in recent days who the contest winner was, so I did my job well.
Here are the banners for the winners:
Banner for The Fluids of Time Banner for Nobody's Fool My husband is sure that he's going to hell now that he's actually seen the banner - ah, Catholic guilt. But I should point out that I allowed Mr. Minty to pick his own eighty year old. I was informed that of all the eighty year olds in the world, Betty White was presented by Mr. Minty as the one who looked "most up for it" (actual quote). Lol. So that's what he got - Betty White as elderly Sookie. According to Google, Mr. Minty isn't the only person who thinks Betty White is still up for it. She seems to be first one everyone's list of eighty year olds who are still sexual, at least to guys. :D
I never review ESN - ever. I don't write it - ever. I will never ever write it. I have an older sister who swings, and from the age of thirteen, I had waaaaay too much sharing from her. Way too much. She also tended to co-opt me into her sex life, so I am so over any exhibitionism, it's not funny. I know that the trend nowadays is to think that this sort of stuff is something to talk about, and something to share, but I can tell you that it really isn't. It's part of the reason I don't believe that others have the right to talk about whatever they wish to talk about, and have no one complain. I have seen the very definition of an open dialogue - wherein nothing was hidden from me, and I was not allowed to complain that I didn't want to hear it, see it, bear witness, be involved. I have come to quite like the fact that there is a barrier of privacy between my sex life and others, and other's sex life and me. It's purposely constructed, and not coming down any time soon.
So, the one and only review of ESN will be on my husband's story, because he is the only person I would ever discuss ESN with. Tis a red letter day. :D