Fic: Endgame (6/11)
Series: Special Projects
Summary: The end.
Author: pen37
Beta: Strangevisitor7 and Clarksmuse
Fandoms: Smallville/Supernatural
Characters: Chloe, Sam, Dean, everyone else.
Pairing:Chloe/Dean Sam/Sarah
Rating: pg
This is a part of the Special Projects series. You can find the rest of the series
Ch. 1,
Ch. 2,
Ch. 3,
Ch. 4,
Ch. 5,
Ch. 6,
Ch. 7,
Ch. 8,
Ch. 9,
Ch. 10,
Ch. 11& Epilogue Luthorcorp Aeronautics Development stood along a forlorn strip of land just an hour outside the beltway in Maryland. Under Lex's direction, the special projects team parked their unmarked van a mile up an access road and walked back to the complex.
“Look at that fence!” Isaac released a low whistle as he stared at the outermost perimeter fence through a pair of night-vision goggles.
Sam squinted into the darkness, and then nodded in agreement. “This is going to be harder to break into than your average auction house.”
“One of the perks of protecting government secrets,” Lex said.
“Oh, please,” Chloe rolled her eyes. “Those guards are still Luthorcorp Guards.”
“What's that supposed to mean?” Lex narrowed his eyes at her.
She smirked in response. “It means you outsource to a temp agency - so your security isn't even the same quality as an off-duty cop. How many times did your own security wind up being complete nut-jobs that later had to be locked up?”
“Except now - they're probably possessed.” Dean interrupted the brewing argument. He glared at Chloe first, then Lex. His expression demanded that they put aside their differences and behave.
“Well, then that makes things easy,” Mac said. “Let's just heal them to death, and walk in.”
“Except for the part where there are people in them,” Chloe said.
“Casualties of war, Sully.” Mac waved a dismissive hand. “One or two guards versus a demon army are acceptable losses.”
“Don't call me that!” Chloe snapped. “You lost the right to call me that when you decided that Dean and I were acceptable losses, too.”
“Look!” Lex cut in. “There's an easy solution. I'll lure them off. Once we're out of range, then I can double back, get the drop on them and do an exorcism.”
“You?” Mac scoffed.
“Yes, me,” Lex said. “I know what to do. Our encounter in the Badlands gave me a push in the right direction. And once I was free of Lilith's influence, I had significant motivation to figure things out.”
Sam and Dean looked at Chloe skeptically.
“Can we trust him?” Sam asked.
“Not any further than Mac,” Chloe shook her head. “But he does take care of his employees. So I think we can count on him to get the job done.”
“You're not serious?” Mac said incredulously.
“You,” Dean pointed at Mac. “Shut it!” Then he turned a hard stare at Lex. Finally, he nodded slowly. “Catch up when you can.”
“I will,” Lex said curtly. Then he slipped off into the underbrush.
The group crept within sight of the guard shack, then waited as the guard scanned over the section of woods that they hid in. Chloe chewed on her lip. In the darkness, she reached for Dean's hand. They laced fingers and he squeezed them once, gently.
Suddenly, somewhere in the night off to the left, they heard Lex call out. The guard in the shack looked up. Chloe caught the echo of black eyes, then it blinked and charged off into the darkness after him.
“Let's go.” Dean motioned for her to follow. Chloe let him lead her into the guard shack, leaving the others to wait in the brush. Once they were safely inside the small building, Dean picked up a two way radio and signaled the inner perimeter guards.
“This is station . . . 31,” he glanced at the identifying label on the back of the radio. “We've got an intruder. Request backup.”
“Copy that.” Whoever was on the other end of the radio signaled back.
Dean set the two-way down, and then pulled Chloe into a spot behind the door where they could watch unobserved. Soon, three more guards charged by the shack. One stopped, and looked through the door, past them, to scan the room. He then followed after his buddies.
Chloe watched them go, then looked up at Dean and quirked an eyebrow. “Think Lex'll be okay?”
“Who cares?” Dean shrugged. Then he shouldered his green duffel and waved Sam, Mac and Isaac over. “Time to move.”
The five of them slipped through the second security checkpoint unchallenged, then found an unguarded side door.
“It's like being back in high school again,” Chloe muttered as she quickly bypassed the lock.
Once in the door, they followed a set of stairs that emerged on a catwalk overlooking a large, open warehouse. Down on the floor level, the place was packed tightly with row after row of hospital beds. Each bed contained a body covered by a sheet.
“That's it?” Isaac asked.
“What did you expect?” Chloe shrugged.
“A birthing chamber? Giant vats of fluid?”
“No need,” Sam said. “They're brain dead, but fully functioning on life support.”
“Kind of a downer,” Isaac said.
Chloe was about to reply when her own head set signaled her.
“Chloe?” Her dad's voice crackled over the ear piece.
“Yeah?” she answered back.
“Get ready - They're coming!”
Chloe looked up as the lights overhead began to flicker. In her ear, the radio crackled with static.
“Get ready guys!” she called out.