Fic: Bad Company (7/7)

Apr 23, 2008 08:31

Fic: Bad Company (7/7)
Series: Special Projects
Summary: Dean and Chloe get in serious trouble.  Will Sam realize it in time to save them? 
Author: pen37
Beta: Strangevisitor7
Fandoms: Smallville/Supernatural
Characters: Chloe, Sam, Dean, Sarah 
Pairing:Chloe/Dean  Sam/Sarah
Rating: pg-13
This is a part of the Special Projects series. You can find the rest of the series here.

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7

Dean rolled with the high priest away from Chloe. Judging by the way she'd messed up the other two demons, she could hold her own for a little while he dealt with this. They tumbled down the side of the platform in a tangle of ceremonial robes.

The eldest Winchester twisted, rolled and came up on top of the pile. He swung at the priest with his fists, but he bony man blocked the move. The two of them locked arms in a test of might and will. As Dean pushed against the demon, he looked down into black eyes that were filled with hate.

In response, he poured his own hate into the struggle against a creature who had tried to take everything from him: His life, his family and his wife.

A wicked smile seemed to play across the bony creature's face as his strength seemed to gain. Dean realized with dismay that his own power wasn't a match. He cursed himself for relying too much on his newfound abilities to get him through.

Suddenly, the demon seemed to falter. A look of alarm crossed its face. Its eyes took on a milky hue around the edges. The like a virus, the white filmy tint seemed to spread inward. The demon fell back in convulsions, and lifted its head as a scream seemed to rip it's way out of the creature from it's belly.

As Dean watched with fascinated horror, it began to foam at the mouth. Then just as suddenly, the convulsions stopped, and the creature was still.

Dean didn't have to feel for a pulse to know that the demon was dead. He could see it in the host's sightless eyes and the slack jaw. Whatever had happened had taken the creature out, and it had taken the host with it.

He heard similar screams echo around the room and figured that something was killing all of the demons. He wasn't sure what, though.

He glanced up to see if Chloe was okay - and froze as the sight of Mac bent over her while she writhed with similar convulsions that made his blood run cold. Her body seemed to glow green from every vein as her powers were obviously trying to fight off whatever was happening. A fury built in him at the sight, and his lips pulled back in a snarl of anger. He surged to his feet and took off in a desperate sprint back the way he'd come.

Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Vandal Savage step out of hiding and run for Chloe and Mac. No doubt intent on claiming Chloe's body once she died, so that he could study it the way he'd planned to from the beginning. Dean's fury doubled at the thought. He was going to kill them both. With his bare hands if he had to.

Suddenly, a flash of blue ripped through the roof, and took out Savage in a lightning strike. Dean spared the barest glances - just enough to see a tall blonde in a blue suit with a familiar S symbol on the chest as she pinned Savage to the wall. Supergirl.

Thank God for Cousin Clark. He pushed the thought from his mind as he continued his sprint to Chloe. Just before he reached her, Mac released his hold and backed away, palms upward in a sign of surrender.

Like a puppet whose strings had been cut, Chloe dropped to the ground. Although Dean wanted to kill Mac, the tiny blonde who lay so still was his priority. He knelt next to her, and gathered her to him.

Over the crown of her head, he glared murderously at Mac. “What did you do?”

“She's fine,” the detective said.

“I should kill you.”

“She's just tired,” Mac protested. “I pushed her powers hard.”

“For your sake - you'd better hope so.”

Dean glanced around the room. The sudden appearance of a famous super hero, combined with the death of most of the demonic cultists seemed to have a demoralizing effect on the blood mages. Most of them had scattered: run away in terror. Dean figured at this point they'd be easy to round up. If Supergirl was here, then the League couldn't be far behind. Let them do the mop-up.

Dean turned back to where Supergirl had subdued Savage. The tall blonde spared a look over her shoulder at them.

“I've got to say,” she remarked. Watchtower knows how to find trouble.”

Although Dean suddenly felt too tired to think straight, there were a couple things that he had to know.

“How did you know to come looking for us?”

Supergirl regarded him with sympathetic eyes. “The Green Arrow asked someone to check up on you two.” She looked like she wanted to say more, but then seemed to think better of it. Instead, she twisted a piece of iron pipe away from the wall, and bent it around Savage's wrists to form a makeshift set of handcuffs.

Dean could guess what she'd wanted to say. Probably stuff about Chloe being family and Cousin Clark being away. It seemed like he'd married into a weirder family than the one he'd come from. Not that he minded, in situations like this.

He turned his worried eyes back to Chloe.

“He's right, you know. She's fine.”

Dean looked up at Supergirl with surprise. “How did you --”

“Super hearing, and x-ray vision,” She said. “When I heard you guys talking, I checked her out.”

Dean rolled his eyes, and privately wondered if being a know-it-all was a super power. If so, then maybe that explained why Sammy was such a freak: he was secretly part alien. God knows he met the height requirement.

“So what now?” He asked her.

“Now, this is officially JLA Jurisdiction.” Her face hardened. “The Green Arrow will be here soon. I suggest you get some rest. Because this is far from over.”

Dean nodded, and pulled Chloe more tightly to him. Rest sounded like the best idea he'd heard in a while.

special projects, sam/sarah, smallville, supernatural, chloe/dean

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