Ficlet: The Group of Beloved Female Characters Who Got Screwed in the End

May 26, 2010 21:26

When I solicited drabble and five things prompts the other day, runawaynun asked for "a group session for kickass female characters abused by canon." It's a cracky kind of request, and this is a cracky, bitchy, and entirely self-indulgent response ( Read more... )

misc. fic, fic

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pellucid May 27 2010, 01:54:56 UTC
I've got less of one with the way she was characterized than I do with the others, mostly because she wasn't turned into a stereotype or killed offscreen, but I found her erratic characterization endlessly frustrating. One minute she's up, the next she's down, then she's crazy, then she's kicking ass (though she didn't even get to do as much of that as the series went on), etc. It was as though they couldn't figure out what her character was supposed to be, and that's not a problem that has beset male Star Trek captains. Maybe the problems weren't necessarily related to gender in the same way that they were with the other characters, but she was still a character I loved a lot who became increasingly less awesome due to funky characterization. And I don't know who that woman with the crazy, betraying-all-her-principles plan was in the finale, but it wasn't my Kathryn Janeway.

Sadly, I lack a Janeway icon. :( But Sisko is not happy about Janeway's characterization, either.


beatrice_otter June 15 2010, 03:17:53 UTC

She's a den mother! No, she's not, she's Rambo! No, she's not, she's isolated and lonely and needs a holographic man to make her happy! Aaargh!


gabolange May 27 2010, 01:37:33 UTC
Love this. Of course. Especially the line about Admiral Crackpot. :)


pellucid May 27 2010, 01:55:53 UTC
:D I'm not surprised that you like this, but I'm so very glad you do! *twirls you*


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pellucid May 27 2010, 02:00:22 UTC
Yay!!! I should have cited your Patty Hewes vid as inspiration!

I almost feel like I have constructed memories of us all metaphorically sitting around together and doing this during that episode.

It does rather feel like we did that, doesn't it! Though I'm still holding out for an in-the-flesh bitch session at some point. Possibly, though, by the time any of us ever manage to make that happen, we'll have gotten over it enough.

Perhaps not, though, because I couldn't even bring myself to re-read my post, much less the comments to it.


beatrice_otter June 15 2010, 03:20:01 UTC
Well, with the character who dies offscreen, to be fair that was because the actor, having been reduced from regular character to recurring character, refused to come back when asked and they had to explain it in-universe.


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pellucid May 27 2010, 14:08:57 UTC
I have not, though I hear good things--and then also things about how the character and the show in general got screwed/went seriously off-track, and this makes me hesitant to get invested. What do you think: is Alias worth it, all things considered?


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beccatoria May 27 2010, 08:58:45 UTC

I don't know whether to laugh or get really drunk, cry and stab things. I don't know Elizabeth Weir aside from the fact she was a main character on SGA but the sheer THOUGHT that they killed her offscreen makes me furious.

And, damn you, that dialogue still has the capacity to make me unaccountably rageful - apparently it doesn't fade with time.

But this fic was hilarious, and depressing. Depressilarious?


pellucid May 27 2010, 14:19:22 UTC
Hee!!!! Mightn't your husband object to our marriage? :P ( ... )


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